Adding Knowledge Records
Enterprise IT
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
You can add new Knowledge Records (KRs) to the Knowledge Base that are useful to the other Analysts and the End Users. After a KR is approved and published, the End Users or other Analysts can see the KR, which pops up as a suggestion to them if they come across similar issues. You can also create KRs using the resolved Incidents (see: Viewing and Updating Incident Details of Incident Management).
To add new KRs:
Select Knowledge > User > New Knowledge Record.
On the NEW KNOWLEDGE RECORD page, select the Tenant and Workgroup for which you want to create the KR. Type in the details for the other required fields under the GENERAL, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, and ACCESS tab. Under the RELATIONSHIP tab, you can link the related Incidents, KRs, Problem Records (PRs), Service Requests (SRs), and so on. For more information about the fields under these tabs on the NEW KNOWLEDGE RECORD page, see Field Description.
Figure: NEW KNOWLEDGE RECORD pageClick SUBMIT. A new KR is created. You can also click Save Draft if the KR is not complete and you want to continue to work on the KR later. You can view the list of KRs in Draft status by clicking SHOW LIST on the ACTIONS panel.
The KR needs to be approved and published so that it is available to the End Users or Analysts.
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the NEW KNOWLEDGE RECORD page:
Field | Description |
Tenant | Lists the Tenant/Customer name. Select an option from the list. Note: Based on the organization's requirements, the Administrator configures the name of this field. |
Workgroup | Lists the Workgroups under the selected Tenant. Select a Workgroup for the KR. |
Life Cycle Status | Displays the Life Cycle Status values configured for a KR's life cycle. This value is displayed based on the KR life cycle stage. When the KR page is opened for creating a KR, you can see Life Cycle Status as None. The Life Cycle Status value is a read-only field. The value displayed in this field is based on the Status value. |
Status | The Status is displayed based on the KR's progressive stage. When the KR page is opened for creating a KR, you can see the Status value as New. After the KR is created, you can see the Status value as Submitted. After the Workgroup Owner authorizes the KR, the Status is changed to Authorized. The Workgroup Owner can select the Status option as Not-Authorized to reject a KR. The Status displays the following options after the approval of KR by the configured Approver. For more information about configuring KR Approvers, see Configuring Knowledge Record Approvers.
You can provide the general information about the KR under the GENERAL tab
Figure: GENERAL Tab
The following table describes the fields under the GENERAL tab:
Field | Description |
Classification | Select a Classification to which you want to associate the KR. You can also click the Search icon to search for a Classification. |
Category | Select a Category to which you want to associate the KR. You can also click the Search icon to search for a Category. |
Owner | Type in the name of the Owner. The Owner can update the details of the KR added. |
Expiry Date | Specify the expiry date for the KR that you are adding. Click the Calendar icon to select an appropriate expiry date for the KR. After the specified expiry date, the KR is not available to the End Users and Analysts. |
Attachments | Specify the reference file path to add additional reference materials. You can also click Browse to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material for the KR. Note: You can delete the Attachment only when the Life Cycle Status of the KB is Maintenance. |
Reason for KR | Specify the reason for creating the KR. Note: You can edit this field only when the Life Cycle Status of the KB is Maintenance. |
Question | Specify a problem statement or query. When you are typing information in this text box, a validation takes place to ensure that no duplicate KRs are created in the Knowledge Base. |
Video Iframe URL | Type in the video Iframe URL. Follow the listed down steps to copy the URL from iframe tag:
Refer Screenshot |
| Click this icon to preview the multimedia content in new pop-up. See Screenshot
Answer | Specify the solution details or resolution steps for the problem. You can use the various formatting options, such as font type, font color, font family, alignment, etc. |
Keywords | Specify one or more comma separated keywords related to the KR. These keywords are used internally by the application to display the KR while the End User or Analyst is raising an Incident. If for an incident, the End User type in a problem statement in the Description text box and if that text is matching to a specific KR’s keywords, the respective KRs are displayed on the LOG NEW INCIDENT page. |
Image | Upload an image for the KR. |
Image Label | Specify a name for the uploaded image for the KR. |
Add KR To Service Catalog | Select this check box to add the KR to the Service Catalogs. If selected, all the Service Catalogs are listed in the tree view. Select the check box corresponding to the Service Catalog for which you want to add the KR. While logging Service Requests under this Service Catalog, the users will find this KR (see: Logging Service Requests and Logging Service Requests for Users of Service Request Management. |
Self-Help Article | Select this check box to configure a Knowledge Record as Self-Help Article. This helps CINDE (see: SummitAI for ITSM Online Help) while fetching the Knowledge Records based on End Users' queries and displays the Self-Help articles on top of the list. This helps the End Users to resolve their queries by themselves. By default, the Self-Help Article check box is selected. |
Public Article | If selected, the Knowledge Record can be shared with the users who do not have access to the SummitAI application. Note: The Public Articles open up in a new tab on your browser instead of a pop-up page within the Application |
Version Number | Displays the version number of the knowledge record. |
Active | Indicates the status of the KR.
You can provide the attribute responses and additional questions related to KR under the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION tab.
You can link related Incidents, Problem Records (PRs), User Assets, CIs, Events, and so on, to the KR using the Link list under the RELATIONSHIP tab. You can also remove the relationships using the De-link button.
Figure: ACCESS Tab
Field | Description |
Important Record | Select this check box to mark the record as an important Knowledge Record. For example: The record can be marked important because of the information that it carries. |
Restricted to Analysts | Select the check box when you want the KR to be displayed only to the Analysts. |
Customers | To control the access of KRs based on the Customers, you can associate a KR to a specific set of Customers. |
Locations | To control the access of KRs based on the Location, you can associate a KR to a specific set of Locations. |
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the NEW KNOWLEDGE RECORD page.
Click SHOW LIST to display the KNOWLEDGE RECORD LIST page showing all the available KRs (see:Viewing List of Knowledge Records).