Maker-checker Dashboard

The Maker-checker Dashboard Report provides an Analyst the Category and Store-wise summary of the assets pending for Checker Approval. This report provides details related to assets that need attention from checker perspective and are pending for approval. 

 Additional Information

Using Maker-Checker option of Asset Management module, the Administrators can control all the changes made to asset details in the Asset Inventory. The Asset details are updated by the Analyst who is termed as the Maker. These changes need to be validated and approved by an Administrator who is termed as the Checker. 

The changes by analysts include adding assets to inventory, updating assets' details, moving assets, allocating assets, deallocating assets, and deactivating assets that have met their end-of-lives. If required, all these changes can undergo Checker approval process. 

Maker-Checker Dashboard gives a quick view of the assets that are pending for approval from the Checker, that are approved and also those that are referred back to the Maker for further updates.

Admin or Analyst can access the report based on access privileges assigned through roles.

For more information about Asset Management reports, see Viewing Reports.

Steps to access Maker Checker Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Asset Management > Maker-Checker Dashboard.
  2. Click Filters on the Action panel to specify the filter criteria for generating the report.
    The FILTERS pop-up appears.

    Figure: FILTERS pop-up

  3. Enter or select the values for Filter fields as described in the following table. 

    TenantSelect the Tenant from the list available. This is a mandatory field. For more details, view Tenant.

    Select the Store Location. Click to search for a specific location. For more details, view Location.


    Select the status of the asset from the options available.

    • Pending for Approval - Select this option to display assets that are pending for approval from Checkers.
    • Approved - Select this option to display assets that are approved by Checkers.
    • Referred Back - Select this option to display assets that are referred back to Makers by Checkers.
  4. Click SUBMIT.

    The Maker-Checker Dashboard is displayed. You get a tabular view of the Category and store-wise summary of the assets in the selected location. 

    Figure: Maker-Checker Dashboard