Procured License Report

The Procured Licenses Report displays the count of procured licenses for a selected Tenant.Ā For information about reports, see Viewing Reports.

Ā Additional Information

This report provides you the clear understanding of the procured licenses regardless of vendors. It leads to the streamlined experience in allocating the softwares as Procured License count tells how many licenses you own. It will also help you to avoid any sort of non-compliance issues or any other common pitfalls.

Steps to Access Report
To view theĀ Procured License report, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate toĀ ReportsĀ >Ā Asset ManagementĀ > Procured License Report.
    ClickĀ Filters.
    TheĀ FiltersĀ pop-up page is displayed.

    Figure: FILTERS Pop-up Page

  2. Enter or select the values for Filter fields as described in the Field Description table.

    Field Description



    TenantSelect the required tenant from the drop-down list. For more information, seeĀ Configuring Tenant.
    LocationSpecify the location from the Location tree hierarchy. For more information, seeĀ Configuring Location.
    PublisherSpecify the name of the publisher.
  3. Click Submit.
    The Procured LicenseĀ report is displayed. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Procured License Report

    Field Description



    License NameDisplays the software license name.
    Procured Licenses

    Displays the count of the procured licenses. Click on the count hyperlink get the detailed information of the procured licenses. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Ā Screenshot

    It displays the details such as Asset ID, Asset Code, Store Location, and Asset Store.Ā 


You can perform following actions from theĀ ACTIONSĀ panel of theĀ License Key InventoryĀ report page.



Prints the displayed report records.

Exports the displayed recordsĀ on the page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Exports the complete list of report records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.