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What is Language Translation?

The Language Translation feature helps in translating the application pages to a foreign language.

The SummitAI application was offering Language Translation options where it was using Google or Microsoft translations. Denali release onward, Google or Microsoft translation options are no more available. Instead, a more flexible Weglot Language Translation feature is available where the organizations can choose the Language Translator they want to use and integrate it with the SummitAI application.

Weglot – Language Translation Services

  1. SummitAI leverages on Weglot (3rd party vendor) for language translation services
  2. We no longer extend support on Google – Language APIs – Discontinuing because of the quality of translation & also no Chinese Support
  3. There are 2 packs available for Weglot -
    1. Standard  (15 language packs / 5 million words / 5 million monthly page views)
    2. Enterprise (25 language packs / 10 million words / 10 million monthly page views)

Pack may not get exhausted because SummitAI standard words (as part of web app) doesn’t exceed 60K – 70K words

  1. Weglot has a catalog of 108 languages
    1. You choose the languages that you need!
    2. In case the required language is not available, then the same can be requested by dropping an email to Weglot support.
  2. In case you are not happy on the quality of the language translation, there’s an interface in the Weglot to define the accurate translation for each of the words. The way it works is as follows:
    1. Load the page in SummitAI > Whenever the page loads, each of the word present in that page will be available in the Weglot interface for translation. After this, the Administrator can enter the equivalent translation for each of the words
  3. Is language translation billable? Yes, Billable and Non Negotiable
  4. Do all words get translated? Yes, if the equivalent translation is available, the standard attributes / custom attributes / dropdown values / success messages / validation messages / menus – All get translated. EXCEPT Text box and Text Area.
    1. However, Symptom & description in the Incident / Request still get translated because they are rich text editors.


For more information on Terms of Use, see Language Translation Terms of Service section below.

 Language Translation Terms of Service

Types of Data gets Translated

SummitAI translates all the content rendered on the Web Page with the exception like but not limited to:

  • Asterisk (*)
  • Close symbols (X)
  • Client-Side Code snippets (Ex: Java Scripts)

Service Availability

Weglot has a 99.5% service level within the meaning of API availability. All the critical service failures are addressed in 24 hours. SummitAI teams will work with WEGLOT Support team to resume the services with all the best possible efforts in terms of reported Translation failures based on the criticality.

Data Security for Translated Content

The translations happen over encrypted API channels and purely dynamic in nature based on the content loaded on the SummitAI Web Applications. There is no local/temporary data storage/caching points to access/modify/continue to facilitate the translation services during the any service interruptions.

SummitAI has the Master agreement signed up with WEGLOT to provide the translation services for SummitAI applications subscribed with this service. The data security policies are clearly highlighted and transparent in both Master Agreement and WEGLOT Website.

Here are some of the Articles which specifically explains WEGLOT's Data Security in content translation process.

Article 1

Weglot agrees to take all appropriate measures to protect the security and confidentiality of the Translated Content that has been stored and indexed, while preventing access to this Translated Content from all unauthorized third parties.

Article 2

In any case, any liability that can be attributed to Weglot as part of this agreement is solely and expressly limited to real and direct damages suffered by the Users and cannot exceed the total amount paid by the User during the year prior to these damages

For more detailed information please visit:

Data Breaches

In case of a Data Breach occurring on WEGLOT’s own processing means and involving Entrusted Personal Data, WEGLOT shall (i) promptly notify the Client (SummitAI) and provide it with appropriate information regarding that Data Breach, and (ii) shall take and/or propose to Client (SummitAI) appropriate measures in order to identify the origin, the nature, the scope and the consequences of the Data Breach, to remedy the Data Breach and to limit or neutralize the consequences of the Data Breach.

Data Confidentiality

*Client refers to SummitAI

WEGLOT shall take appropriate measures to limit access to Entrusted Personal Data to the sole persons among its employees and Processors who need to access it to perform their missions in the context of the execution of the Agreement (“Authorized Recipients”).

WEGLOT shall ensure that all and any Authorized Recipients are bound by appropriate confidentiality obligations regarding Entrusted Personal Data, either through Non-Disclosure Agreements or through enforceable statutory, legal or regulatory confidentiality obligations imposed on the Authorized Recipients.

In case WEGLOT is ordered by any jurisdiction, authority, administration, or other public agent (“Authority”) to provide access to Entrusted Personal Data, WEGLOT shall take appropriate measures to secure confidentiality of Entrusted Personal Data, such as the following:

  • WEGLOT shall notify the Client of the order (if and to the extent such notification is not explicitly prohibited by the order itself or by applicable law or regulation) and comply with Client’s documented instructions regarding that order.
  • Or, at its own discretion, WEGLOT shall use reasonable means either to
    • Redirect the Authority to the Client,
    • Oppose the prohibition to notify Client of the order, or
    • Oppose validity or lawfulness or the order.

In any case, should the disclosure of Entrusted Personal Data to the Authority involve the transferring Entrusted Personal Data to a Third Country, WEGLOT shall promptly inform the Client.

Using the Language icon available on the Quick Actions Bar of the SummitAI application, the users can continue to use the Language Translation option. For more information, see Describing the User Interface.


The Online Translation Services need to be enabled on the SummitAI application instance. Please connect with the SummitAI Support Team.

Languages can be selected in the following ways for a user:

  • The language can be selected by the user on the Quick Action Bar.
  • The language can be selected by the Administrator on the LANGUAGE MAPPING page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Language Mapping).
  • The language is selected by the Administrator on the DOMAIN page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Domain).
  • If no Language is selected in the above mentioned menus, by default, English language is selected.


The organizations need to specify the Language Translator they want to use and integrate it with the SummitAI application.


To use the Language Translation feature, the Administrators need to perform the following backend configurations before making any configuration on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page:

  • Update the Domain Name in the Content Security. 
  • To update the Domain Name, a CR is required. The service provider is the Domain Name, which needs to be mentioned in the CR while raising the CR.
To update content security:

Update Content Security in web.config file of the SummitAI application with the Domain Name. For example, if integrating Weglot, the configuration should be as follows: 

<add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="script-src 'self' * blob:; " /> 

After the Domain Name is updated in the web.config file and CR is resolved, the Administrators can enable language translation on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page.

Application Settings Configuration

On the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings), select the Enable Online Translation check box. On selecting this check box, the Online Translation Integration Script text boxes are enabled, where the Header Script and Body Script details need to be provided. For more information, see Configuring Application Settings

Application Settings page


Domain Page Configurations

On the DOMAIN page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Domain), select the Domain for which the Language Translation option should be available and select the Display LANGUAGE Icon check box. For more information, see Configuring Domain.

Figure: DOMAIN page

Language Mapping Configurations

On the LANGUAGE MAPPING page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Language Mapping), select the Domain and Location. Select the Display LANGUAGE Icon check box to display the LANGUAGE icon of the Quick Action Bar of the Application for the selected Domain and Location users. For more information, see Mapping Language Translation.


How these Configurations Work?

For Language Translation feature to be available to the users, the Administrator should do the configurations on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page.

DOMAIN and LANGUAGE MAPPING Page Configurations

Scenario 1: Domain 1 users should have language translation option but not for the Domain 2 users.

  1. At the Application level, the configurations are made on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page.
  2. On the DOMAIN page, select Domain 1 in the Domain field. Select the Display LANGUAGE Icon check box. 
  3. On the DOMAIN page, select Domain 2 in the Domain field. Do not select the Display LANGUAGE Icon check box. 

Scenario 2: Domain 1 users should have language translation option but not for the Domain 2 users. Under Domain 1, two Locations are defined, Washington and Texas. Washington users should have Language Translation option, while, Texas users should not get Language Translation option.

  1. Perform the Steps 1-3 same as Scenario 1.
  2. On the LANGUAGE MAPPING page, select Domain as Domain 1.  Select Location as Washington. Select the Display LANGUAGE Icon check box. The Display LANGUAGE Icon should be deselected for Location as Texas.

Known Issues

  • The Tooltip Message Status and Category are not translating in any language other than English (Reports > Asset Management > Dashboard). This issue may also be found on few other pages of the Application (#71032)
  • The Window Title and Browser Alerts are not translating in any language other than English (Incident > Incident list > Incident ID). This issue may also be found on few other pages of the Application (#71104).
  • HTML tags, such as <ignore> <html> <script> are not translating in any language other than English (Asset > Import >Import Asset > Mapping), (Admin > Digital Signature Configuration > HTML link). This issue may be also found on few other pages of the Application (#71111, #71117).

     See Screenshot

     Ignore Tag in English

    Figure: Ignore Tag in English

    Figure: Ignore Tag Error in Other Language 

    HTML Link Not Translated

    Figure: HTML Link Not Translated

  • The pages under Cloud Management sections (Operations > Cloud Management > Resources) are not translating in any language other than English. This issue may also be found on few other pages of the Application (#71147).

     See Screenshot

    Cloud Management Section not Translated
    Figure: Cloud Management Section not Translated

  • If any other language is selected on the MASTER TYPE page (Project > Master Management > Master Type), when the Master Type is selected, the page refreshes, and the page is translated back to English. This issue may also be found on few other pages of the Application (#71149).
  • While performing search (Client-side search) on a translated page, the users cannot search using any language other than English.
  • Alignment issues are found on selecting any language other than English.
  • The translated words spellings are getting jumbled up on few pages on selecting any language other than English.
  • While exporting records to Microsoft Excel on a translated page, the records get exported in English language only.

  • No labels