Importing Discovery Data_CMDB

Importing Discovery Data_CMDB

You can create multiple CIs by importing the values from Discovery data.

To create multiple CIs from Discovery Data:

  1. Click CMDB > User > Import Discovery Data. The IMPORT DISCOVERY DATA page is displayed.

    Import Discovery Data page
    Figure: Import Discovery Data page

  2. Select the Tenant, Classification, and System Type in the respective drop-down lists. If a System Type is configured for a Tenant and Classification on the Configuring CMDB Discovery Mapping page, the configured System Type is  selected by default.
  3. Click SUBMIT. You are navigated to the Discovery Data tab where you can view the discovery data available for the selected Tenant, Classification, and System Type.


4. Select the check box in the Discard column if you do not want to create a CI for the selected entry.

5. Click NEXT. You are navigated to the Preview tab. Specify the mandatory information for each entry in the corresponding fields and click UPLOAD to create CIs for all the available entries.

6. Select the check box in the Discard column if you do not have sufficient information on the entry to create a CI. The CI is not created for the entry.


If a CI is already created for an entry displayed in the Preview tab, the check box in the Discard column is disabled and a CI cannot be created for that entry.


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