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A CAB member who is configured as an Approver by the Administrator has the privilege to Approve, Reject or Refer Back a Change Record (CR). By default, a CAB member who is not having approval privilege can object to a CR. If any user has delegated the approval role to you, you can also approve that user's CRs (see: Delegating Role in SummitAI Platform Module).

To Approve or Reject Change Records:

  1. Select Change > User > Approve Change Records.
  2. On the APPROVE CHANGE RECORDS page, a list of CRs awaiting your approval is displayed under LIST table.

    APPROVE CHANGE RECORDS page (Tile view)
    Figure: APPROVE CHANGE RECORDS page (Tile view)

     APPROVE CHANGE RECORDS page (Tabular view)
    Figure: APPROVE CHANGE RECORDS page (Tabular view)

  3. Click the CR No. of the Change Record you want to approve or reject. On the CHANGE RECORD ID page, click APPROVAL icon on the ACTIONS panel.


  4. On the APPROVAL pop-up page, select the approval status from the list as Yes, No or  On-Hold. Specify your remarks and click SUBMIT. The fields on this page are read only, if you are not the CAB member for the selected CR. 

    Figure: APPROVAL pop-up page: APPROVE CR: CAB APPROVAL

Display of messages based on User Personas and Privileges 

If a logged in user is an Authorizer but does not have analyst license and when Authorizer tries to approve/Authorize the CR, the    following message was displayed. 

  “You do not have workgroup access and cannot make any changes to this Change Record” 

But was still able to Authorize the CR. This message is changed to 

“You can only Authorize/Approve this CR, however you need to be an Analyst to make any changes” 

This Scenario based message display is introduced to showcase relevant messages to user personas. When different user  personas  with different privileges login and try to approve or authorize a Change Record, different messages are showcased as below. 

ScenarioPersonaError Message displayedAccess to workgroup
1Any other Analyst with no access to workgroup. You do not have workgroup access and cannot make any changes to this Change Record No


You can only Authorize/Approve this CR, however you need to be an Analyst to make any changes NA
3Analyst (who is also an approver in any of the levels). No Message to be displayed (As he can approve also and update also) Yes

The following scenarios are explained based on the logged in user persona and message that is displayed.  

Example: Consider a Change Record with ID - 774 

Scenario 1: Manish, an Analyst with no access to Workgroup logs in. The message -You do not have workgroup access and cannot make any changes to this Change Record is displayed. 

The following figure highlights the logged in user (Analyst with no access to Workgroup) and the message that is displayed.

Figure: Analyst with no access to Workgroups 

Scenario 2: Sahana Ranganatha, an Approver/Authorizer logs in and tries to approve or authorize the Change Record, then the message - You can only Authorize/Approve this CR, however you need to be an Analyst to make any changes. 

The following figure highlights the logged in user (Approver/Authorizer) and the message that is displayed. 

Figure: Approver or Authorizer with no Analyst license 

Scenario 3: Yakshith, an Approver at any level and has access to Workgroup logs in and tries to approve or authorize the Change Record, then No message is displayed. 


Figure: Approver with access to workgroups 


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CHANGE RECORD ID page. For information, see ACTIONS on the Viewing List of Change Records CRs.

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