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What are Custom Scheduler Jobs?
The Custom Scheduler jobs are defined to perform a specific task at a scheduled date and time. These jobs are executed at the backend of the SummitAI application without any human intervention. These jobs need to be configured using the Custom Scheduler and enabled or disabled based on the organization’s requirements. For example, a job can be scheduled for sending e-mail notifications for violation of Incident Response SLA.
The jobs can be enabled/disabled, or configured using the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler).
Scheduled Job Limitation
When trying to execute jobs such as “Push Report Job, User import Job, etc." the jobs fail occasionally. This is because of permission issue associated with the user executing the job. This limitation is applicable for all modules.
When the jobs fail to execute using the SummitScheduler job using the Local System account an alternative workaround is to run the SummitScheduler job using the “service account”. Upon running the SummitScheduler job using the “service account” the failed jobs will be executed successfully.
To run the SummitScheduler using the service account, perform the following steps:
- Press Windows key + R.
Run window is displayed.
Figure: Run - In the run window enter services.msc and press OK.
- Select SummitScheduler then right click and select Properties.
Figure: Services Select Log On tab and then select This Account.
Figure: Service PropertiesClick Browse and select service account then provide password.
- Click OK and re-start SummitScheduler job.
List of Custom Scheduler Jobs
Following is the list of Custom Scheduler Jobs available in the SummitAI application, which can be enabled/disabled or configured as per the specific requirements of the organization.
Job Name | Job Group Name | Parameter | Runs At | Recommended Run Frequency | Job Description |
Incident Management | |||||
IM Reminder | Incident Management | -m TICKETREMINDER | SummitAI Server | Every 15 Mins | This job sends Reminder e-mails for Incidents. |
IM Auto Escalation - Resolution | Incident Management | -m AUTOESCALATION | SummitAI Server | Every 10 Mins (Modify as per SLA) | This job sends Escalation e-mails for Incident Response/Resolution/Pending Status based on the defined time period. |
IM Auto Close Incident | Incident Management | -m AUTOCLOSETICKETS | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job auto-closes resolved Incidents after the defined time period. |
Recurring Incident | Incident Management | -m RECURRINGTICKETGENERATION | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job generates recurrent Incidents. |
IM SLA Workgroup Alert | Incident Management | -m SLAWORKGROUPALERT | SummitAI Server | Every 10 Mins (Modify as per SLA) | This job sends Response and Resolution notifications when 50% /75% /100% of SLA Time is elapsed. |
IM Calculate SLA Elapse Time | Incident Management | -m CAL_SLA_ELAPSETIME | SummitAI Server | Every 10 Mins (Modify as per SLA) | This job calculates the SLA elapsed time for Incidents. |
IM Auto Escalation - Un Assigned | Incident Management | -m IM_ESCALATION_UNASSIGNEDSTATUS | SummitAI Server | Every 5 Mins | This job sends notification e-mails for violation of Incident Response Time. |
IM Auto Escalation - Pending | Incident Management | -m IM_ESCALATION_PENDINGSTATUS | SummitAI Server | Every 30 Mins (Modify as per SLA) | This job sends notification e-mails for violation of Pending Incidents. |
IM Reminder - Pending Incident mail to Caller | Incident Management | -m IM_PENDING_ALERT_FOR_USER_ACTION | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends reminder e-mails to End Users for Pending Incidents. |
IM Auto Feedback Notification | Incident Management | -m IM_AUTOFEEDBACKTICKET | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job sends e-mail notifications to End user for feedback on resolved/closed Incidents. |
Major Incident Notification | Incident Management | -m IM_MAJORINCIDENT_SENDNOTIFICATION | SummitAI Server | Every 5 Mins | This job sends e-mail notifications when a Major Incident is logged. |
IM Feedback Reminder | Incident Management | -m IM_FEEDBACK_REMINDER | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job schedules e-mail reminders for End Users to provide feedback for resolved Incidents. |
ETR Escalation Notification | Incident Management | -m IM_ESCALATION_ETR | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends Notification e-mails for ETR Escalations. |
SMS To Incident | Incident Management | -m PARSER_SMS_TO_TICKET | SummitAI Server | Every 3 Mins | This job parses incoming SMS text and logs an Incident. |
IM Auto Escalation - Response Awaited | Incident Management | -m IM_ESCALATION_SENDMAIL_SENT_DATETIME | SummitAI Server | Every 30 Mins | This job escalates Incidents based on e-mail sent time using the Send Email Option on the Incident details page. |
Auto Resolve Pending Ticket for IM | Incident Management | -m IM_AUTORESOLVE_PENDINGTICKETS | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job auto-resolves Pending Incidents based on the configured parameters. |
Gamification:Schedule Action Item | Incident Management | -m GAMIFICATION_PROCESSITEMS | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job processes the scheduled Gamification Action Items. |
EMail Parsing | Incident Management | -m PARSER_MAIL_TO_TICKET | SummitAI Server | Every 3 Mins | This job parses e-mails for logging and updating Incidents. |
Service Request | |||||
Auto Close SR | Service Request | -m AUTOCLOSE_SRTICKETS | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job auto-closes resolved Service Requests based on the configured Auto Closure Days. |
SR Calculate SLA Elapse Time | Service Request | -m CAL_SLA_ELAPSETIME_SR | SummitAI Server | Every 10 Mins (Modify as per SLA) | This job calculates the SLA elapsed time for SRs. |
SR Auto Escalation - Resolution | Service Request | -m SR_AUTOESCALATION | SummitAI Server | Every 10 Mins (Modify as per SLA) | This job auto-escalates Service Requests based on Resolution Time SLA. |
SR SLA Workgroup Alert | Service Request | -m SR_SLAWORKGROUPALERT | SummitAI Server | Every 10 Mins (Modify as per SLA) | This job sends e-mail notifications to the Workgroups Owners for SLA violation of Service Requests. |
SR Reminder | Service Request | -m SR_TICKETREMINDER | SummitAI Server | Every 15 Mins | This job sends reminders for Service Requests, which have scheduled reminders. |
SCM Auto Escalation | Service Request | -m SC_AUTOESCALATION | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job auto-escalates Service Catalog Approvals. |
SR Auto Approval | Service Request | -m AUTOAPPROVESR | SummitAI Server | Every 30 Mins | This job auto-approves Service Requests based on the configured criteria. |
SR Auto Escalation - Pending | Service Request | -m SR_ESCALATION_PENDINGSTATUS | SummitAI Server | Every 30 Mins | This job sends notification e-mails for auto-escalation of Pending SRs. |
SR Auto Escalation - Un Assigned | Service Request | -m SR_ESCALATION_UNASSIGNEDSTATUS | SummitAI Server | Every 5 Mins | This job sends notification e-mails for violation of SR Response Time. |
SR Extend for Service Validity | Service Request | -m SR_PERIOD_EXTEND | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends notification e-mails for extending the Service Validity date. |
SR Decommission for Service Validity | Service Request | -m SR_DECOMMISSION | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends notification e-mails when an SR is nearing the Decommission Date. This is based on Service Validity. |
SR Auto Cancel | Service Request | -m SR_AUTO_CANCEL | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job auto-cancels SRs based on the predefined date. |
SR Reminder - To Approver | Service Request | -m SUMMIT_REMINDERMAILFORAPPROVER | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends reminder e-mails to SR Approvers. |
SR Reminder - Recertification mail to Manager | Service Request | -m SUMMIT_RCM_REMINDERMAIL | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job sends Recertification reminder e-mails to the Managers. |
SR Reminder - Pending Service Request mail to Caller | Service Request | -m SR_PENDING_ALERT_FOR_USER_ACTION | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends reminder e-mails to End Users for Pending Service Requests. |
SR Auto Escalation - Pending For Approval | Service Request | -m SR_ESCALATE_UNAPPROVEDREQUESTS | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends Escalation e-mails for pending SR approvals based on the defined time period. |
SR Auto Feedback Notification | Service Request | -m SR_AUTOFEEDBACKTICKET | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job sends e-mail notifications to End user for feedback on resolved/closed Service Requests. |
SR Feedback Reminder | Service Request | -m SR_FEEDBACK_REMINDER | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job schedules e-mail reminders for End Users to provide feedback for resolved Service Requests. |
SR Auto Work Order Creation | Service Request | -m SR_AWOBY_CREATIONDATE | SummitAI Server | Every 5 Mins | This job creates auto Work Orders linked to Service Requests. |
Recurring Service Request | Service Request | -m RECURRINGSERVICEREQUEST | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job generates recurring Service Requests. |
Auto Resolve Pending Ticket for SR | Service Request | -m SR_AUTORESOLVE_PENDINGTICKETS | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job auto-resolves the Pending Service Requests based on the configured parameters. |
SR Reminder - To All Current Approver | Service Request | -m SUMMIT_ALLSRAPPROVERREMINDERMAIL | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends Reminder e-mails to the Service Request Approvers. |
Gamification:Schedule Action Item | Service Request | -m GAMIFICATION_PROCESSITEMS | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job processes the scheduled Gamification Action Items. |
EMail Parsing | Service Request | -m PARSER_MAIL_TO_TICKET | SummitAI Server | Every 3 Mins | This job parses e-mails for logging and updating Service Requests. |
Change Management | |||||
CR Start Date Notification | Change Management | -m CMAUTOESCPLANNEDSTDTPRENOTIFY | SummitAI Server | Every 5 Mins | This job sends notification e-mails for Change Record Start Date. |
CR Auto Escalation | Change Management | -m AUTOESCALATION_CM | SummitAI Server | Every 5 Mins | This job sends notification e-mails for violation of Planned CR Dates. |
Recurring Change Record | Change Management | -m RECURRINGCHANGERECORD | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job generates recurrent Change Records. |
CR Reminder Mails | Change Management | -m CR_ALERT_MAIL | SummitAI Server | Every 10 Mins | This job schedules e-mail reminders for Change Records. |
CR Notification Mails | Change Management | -m CR_NOTIFICATION | SummitAI Server | Every 15 Mins | This job schedules notification e-mails Change Records. |
Auto Approve or Reject Change Request | Change Management | -m CM_AUTO_APPROVE_REJECT | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job auto-approves or rejects the Change Requests. |
Problem Management | |||||
PM Deadline Notification | Problem Management | -m PMDEADLINEDATEPRENOTIFICATION | SummitAI Server | Every 5 Mins | This job sends notifications e-mails for Problem Record Deadline. |
PM Auto Escalation | Problem Management | -m PM_AUTOESCALATION | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Hour | This job sends notification e-mails for violation of Problem Records. |
PM Auto Creation | Problem Management | -m PM_AUTOCREATEPM | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job auto-creates Problem Records. |
Knowledge Management | |||||
KM Expiry Alert | Knowledge Management | -m KMARTICLEEXPIRYALERT | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job schedules reminder e-mails for expiry of Knowledge Records. |
CMDB | |||||
CI Variance Notification | CMDB | -m CMDB_CIVARIANCENOTIFICATION | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job sends e-mail notifications for any Hardware/ Software Variance identified through Discovery. |
CI Variance AutoUpdate | CMDB | -m CMDB_AUTOUPDATE_HWSW | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job auto-updates the Hardware/ Software Variance (if any) attributes in the CMDB. |
CMDB Auto Escalation | CMDB | -m AUTOESCALATIONCMDB | SummitAI Server | Every 1 Day | This job auto- escalates CIs based on the configured elapse time. |
Job Name | Job Group Name | Parameter | Runs At | Recommended Run Frequency | Job Description |
CPU and Memory Monitoring | SERVER | '-m CPUNMEM' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors CPU and Memory Utilization of the Servers from the SummitAI Proxy Server. |
Hard Disk Monitoring | SERVER | '-m HDD' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Hard disk Utilization of the Servers from the SummitAI Proxy Server. |
Hardware Health | SERVER | '-m SERVERHEALTH' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Server’s hardware health from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Get URLs | SERVER | '-m LOAD_URLS' | Proxy Server | Every 1400 Mins | This job loads the URLs for monitoring from the SummitAI Proxy Server. |
URL Monitoring | SERVER | '-m URL' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors URLs status from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Populate Services | SERVER | '-m GETSRVICES' | Proxy Server | Every 60 Mins | This job loads the Services for monitoring from the SummitAI Proxy Server. |
Monitors Event Logs | SERVER | '-m EVENTLOG' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Windows event logs from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Monitors Ports | SERVER | '-m SERVER_PORT' | Proxy Server | Every 2 Mins | This job monitors ports from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Service Monitoring | SERVER | '-m SERVICE' | Proxy Server | Every 2 Mins | This job monitors services from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Network Device Backup | Network | '-m NWDEVICESCONFIGBACKUP' | Proxy Server | Every 1440 Mins | This job gets the backup configuration of Network Devices from the SummitAI Proxy Server. |
Agent Heartbeat | SERVER | '-m AGENT_AVAILABILITY' | Proxy Server | Every 2 Mins | This job monitors agents heartbeat from SummitAI Proxy Server |
VM Ware | SERVER | '-m VMWARE' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors VMWare from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange Queue | EXCHANGE | -m EXCHANGE_QUEUE' | Proxy Server | Every 10 Mins | This job monitors Exchange Queue related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange Connection | EXCHANGE | '-m EXCHANGE_CONNECTION' | Proxy Server | Every 10 Mins | This job monitors Exchange Connection related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange Mailbox | EXCHANGE | '-m EXCHANGE_MAILBOX' | Proxy Server | Every 10 Mins | This job monitors Exchange Mailbox related parameters |
Save Server Agent Data | SERVER | '-m SAVESERVERAGENT' | Proxy Server | Every 2 Mins | The Agent’s Heartbeat data is stored in Proxy Server. This job picks the Heartbeat data from the Proxy Server and passes it to the Central System for processing. |
Swap and Buffer Memory | SERVER | '-m SWAPNBUFFER' | Proxy Server | Every 10 Mins | This job monitors Swap and buffer memory for Linus based operating system from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Save Server Agent Misc | SERVER | '-m SAVESERVERAGENTMISC' | Proxy Server | Every 2 Mins | The Agent’s Heartbeat data is stored in Proxy Server. This job picks the Heartbeat data from the Proxy Server and passes it to the Central System for processing. |
App Log Monitoring | SERVER | '-m APPLOGS' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Application logs from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Printer Monitoring | PRINTER | '-m PRINTER' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Printers from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Load All Devices | ITOM-COMMON | '-m LOADALLDEVICES' | Proxy Server | Every 1440 Mins | This job is used to get all the Devices and Servers from the Central System to Proxy to monitor. |
Monitor All Devices | ITOM-COMMON | '-m STATUSALL' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors status of network devices and servers from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Network Device and Link utilization | NETWORK | '-m NWUTILIZATION' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Network device and link utilization parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Hyper-V | SERVER | '-m HYPERV' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Hyper-V related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
IP SLA | NETWORK | '-m NWIPSLA' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Network IP SLA related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange Mailbox Additional | EXCHANGE | '-m EXCHANGE_MAILBOX_ADDITIONAL' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Exchange Mailbox related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange MBS Mail Count | EXCHANGE | '-m EXCHANGE_MBS_MAILCOUNT' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Exchange Mail count from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange CAS Additional | EXCHANGE | '-m EXCHANGE_CAS_ADDITIONAL' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Exchange CAS Role related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange HTS Additional | EXCHANGE | '-m EXCHANGE_HTS_ADDITIONAL' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Exchange HTS role related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Exchange ETS Parameters | EXCHANGE | '-m EXCHANGE_ETS_PARAMETERS' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors Exchange ETS related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AVM 30 Min Summary | ITOM-COMMON | '-m AVM_SUMMARY' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job summarizes all polling interval wise data. |
CPU Performance Counters | SERVER | '-m PERF_CPU' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors performance counters of CPU from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Hard Disk Performance Counters | SERVER | '-m PERF_DISK' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors performance counters of DISK from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Memory Performance Counters | SERVER | '-m PERF_MEMORY' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors performance counters of Memory from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Network Performance Counters | SERVER | '-m PERF_NETWORK' | Proxy Server | Every 30 Mins | This job monitors performance counters of Network from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Oracle Monitoring High | ORACLE | '-m ORACLE_HIGH' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors high critical oracle parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Oracle Monitoring Medium | ORACLE | '-m ORACLE_MEDIUM' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Medium critical oracle parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Oracle Monitoring Low | ORACLE | '-m ORACLE_LOW' | Proxy Server | Every 60 Mins | This job monitors low critical oracle parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Send Availability Mails For Summit | ITOM-COMMON | '-m SUMMIT_AVM_SENDMAIL' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job sends ITOM related to e-mails to users. |
SQL Server Monitoring High | SQL SERVER | '-m SQLSERVER_HIGH' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors high critical MS SQL Server parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
SQL Server Monitoring Medium | SQL SERVER | '-m SQLSERVER_MEDIUM' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors medium critical MS SQL Server parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
SQL Server Monitoring Low | SQL SERVER | '-m SQLSERVER_LOW' | Proxy Server | Every 60 Mins | This job monitors low critical MS SQL Server parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD System Security Performance Counters High | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_SECURE_HIGH' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (System Security) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD System Security Performance Counters Medium | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_SECURE_MEDIUM' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (System Security) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD System Security Performance Counters Low | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_SECURE_LOW' | Proxy Server | Every 60 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (System Security) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD Directory Services Performance Counters High | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_SERVICES_HIGH' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (Directory Services) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD Directory Services Performance Counters Medium | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_SERVICES_MEDIUM' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (Directory Services) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD Directory Services Performance Counters Low | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_SERVICES_LOW' | Proxy Server | Every 60 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (Directory Services) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD Process Performance Counters High | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_PROC_HIGH' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (Process) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD Process Performance Counters Medium | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_PROC_MEDIUM' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (Process) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
AD Process Performance Counters Low | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m PERF_AD_PROC_LOW' | Proxy Server | Every 60 Mins | This job monitors Active Directory (Process) related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Active Directory Monitoring High | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m ACTIVEDIRECTORY_HIGH' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors high critical Active Directory related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Active Directory Monitoring Medium | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m ACTIVEDIRECTORY_MEDIUM' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors medium critical Active Directory related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Active Directory Monitoring Low | ACTIVE DIRECTORY | '-m ACTIVEDIRECTORY_LOW' | Proxy Server | Every 60 Mins | This job monitors low critical Active Directory related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Network Interface Status | NETWORK | '-m NWINTERFACESTATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors Network Interface status from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Network Interface Utilization | NETWORK | '-m NWINTERFACEUTILS' | Proxy Server | Every 5 Mins | This job monitors Network Interface Utilization from SummitAI Proxy Server |
Monitoring Failure Report | ITOM-COMMON | '-m SUMMIT_AVM_MONITORERRORS' | Proxy Server | Every 2 Mins | This job sends monitoring failure report to users. |
Monitor IIS Information | IIS | '-m IIS_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Application Pool Information | IIS | '-m IIS_APPPOOL' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS Application Pool related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Site Information | IIS | '-m IIS_SITE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS Site related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Worker Process Information | IIS | '-m IIS_WORKER_PROCESS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS Worker Process related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS CAL Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_CAL' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS CAL related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS CGI Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_CGI' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS CGI related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Critical Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_CRITICAL' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS Critical related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Error Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_ERROR' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS Error related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS File Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_FILE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS File related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS IO Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_IO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS IO related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS ISAPI Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_ISAPI' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS ISAPI related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Requests Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_REQUEST' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS Requests related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Requests Additional Information | IIS | '-m IIS_PER_WEBSERVICE_REQUEST_ADDITIONAL' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IIS Requests Additional related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Asp.Net Information | ASP.NET | '-m ASP_NET' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Asp.Net related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Asp.Net Application Cache Information | ASP.NET | '-m ASP_NET_APPLICATION_CACHE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Asp.Net Application Cache related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Asp.Net Application Critical Information | ASP.NET | '-m ASP_NET_APPLICATION_CRITICAL' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Asp.Net Application Critical related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Asp.Net Application Error Information | ASP.NET | '-m ASP_NET_APPLICATION_ERRORS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Asp.Net Application Error related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Asp.Net Application Request Information | ASP.NET | '-m ASP_NET_APPLICATION_REQUEST' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Asp.Net Application Request related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Asp.Net Application Session Transaction Information | ASP.NET | '-m ASP_NET_APPLICATION_SESSIONNTRANS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Asp.Net Application Session Transaction related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Host Default Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_DEFAULTHOST_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Host Default Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Disk Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_LOGICALDISK_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Disk Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Memory Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_MEMORY_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Memory Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Network Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_NETWORKINTERFACE_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Network Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Process Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_PROCESS_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Process Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure CPU Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_PROCESSOR_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure CPU Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure System Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_SYSTEM_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure System Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure TCP Performance Counters | AZURE | '-m AZURE_TCP_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure TCP Performance Counters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Virtual Machine Status | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_STATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors Azure Virtual Machine Status from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IIS Status | IIS | '-m IIS_STATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors IIS Status from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS EC2 Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_EC2_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS EC2 Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS EBS Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_EBS_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS EBS Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS S3 Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_S3_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS S3 Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS Maria Database Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_MARIADB_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS Maria Database Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS MySQL Database Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_MYSQLDB_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS MySQL Database Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS Oracle Database Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_ORACLEDB_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS Oracle Database Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS PostgreSQL Database Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_POSTGRESQLDB_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS PostgreSQL Database Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS SQL Server Database Metrics | AWS | '-m AWS_SQLSERVERDB_COUNTERS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors AWS SQL Server Database Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor AWS Instance Status | AWS | '-m AWS_INSTANCE_STATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors AWS Instance Status from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Non-Winel CPU Metrics | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_NONWINTELCPU' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Non-Winel CPU Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Non-Winel Disk Metrics | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_NONWINTELDISK' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Non-Winel Disk Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Non-Winel Memory Metrics | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_NONWINTELMEMORY' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Non-Winel Memory Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure SQL Server Status | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_SQLSTATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors Azure SQL Server Status from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure SQL DB Metrics | AZURE | '-m AZURE_SQLDBPERF' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure SQL DB Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Application Status | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_APPLNSTATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors Azure Application Status from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure Application Metrics | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_APPLNPERF' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Azure Application Metrics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Azure SQL Database Status | AZURE | '-m AZURE_VM_SQLDBSTATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors Azure SQL Database Status from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
IBM Storwize Information | STORAGE | '-m IBM_STORWIZE_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM Storwize related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
IBM Storewize Statistics | STORAGE | '-m IBM_STORWIZE_STATISTICS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM Storewize Statistics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Broker Service | CITRIX | -m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_BROKERSERVICE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Broker Service-related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop AD Identity Service | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_ADIDENTITYSERVICE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop AD Identity Service-related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Configuration Logging | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_CONFIGURATIONLOGGING' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Configuration Logging related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Configuration Service | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_CONFIGURATIONSERVICE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Configuration Service-related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Delegate Admin | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_DELEGATEADMIN' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Delegate Admin related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Environment Test | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_ENVTEST' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Environment Test related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Host Service | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_HOSTSERVICE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Host Service-related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Machine Creation Service | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_MACHINECREATIONSERVICE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Machine Creation Service-related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Monitor | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_MONITOR' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Monitors related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Storefront | CITRIX | '-m CITRIX_XENAPPNDESKTOP_STOREFRONT' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Storefront related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Tomcat Parameters | TOMCAT | '-m TOMCAT_SERVERINFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Tomcat Parameters |
Monitor Tomcat Status | TOMCAT | '-m TOMCAT_STATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors Tomcat Status |
Monitor MySQL Server Information | MYSQL | '-m MYSQL_SERVPARAM' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors MySQL Server related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor MySQL BinLog Information | MYSQL | '-m MYSQL_BINLOGPARAMS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors MySQL BinLog related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor MySQL Table Locks Information | MYSQL | '-m MYSQL_JOINTABLELOCKS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors MySQL Table Locks related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor MySQL Read Writes Information | MYSQL | '-m MYSQL_READWRITES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors MySQL Read Writes related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor MySQL Connections Information | MYSQL | '-m MYSQL_ABORTEDCONNECTIONS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors MySQL Connections related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor MySQL Table Files Information | MYSQL | '-m MYSQL_TABLEFILES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors MySQL Table Files related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor MySQL Threads Information | MYSQL | '-m MYSQL_THREADSINFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors MySQL Threads related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Information | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_INFO' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Agents and Connections | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_AGENTCONNECTIONS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Agents and Connections related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Buffer Pools | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_BUFFERHIT' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Buffer Pools related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Cache Performance | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_CACHEPERFORMANCE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Cache Performance related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Applications | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_CONNECTEDAPPLICATIONS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Applications related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Log Utilization | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_LOGUTILIZATION' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Log Utilization related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Queries and Locks | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_LONGRUNNINGQUERIES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Queries and Locks related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Read/Write Operations | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_READWRITEPERFORMANCE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Read/Write Operations related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Status | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_STATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Status related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Tablescans | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_TABLESCANS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Tablescans related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Tablespaces | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_TABLESPACE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Tablespaces related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor IBM DB2 Transaction Statistics | IBM DB2 | '-m IBMDB2_TRANSACTIONSTATISTICS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors IBM DB2 Transaction Statistics related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Network Latency Information | NETWORK | '-m NETWORK_LATENCY' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Network Latency related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Non Wintel CPU Parameters | SERVER | '-m NONWINTEL_CPU' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Non Wintel CPU Parameters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Non Wintel Memory Parameters | SERVER | '-m NONWINTEL_MEMORY' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Non Wintel Memory Parameters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Non Wintel Services | SERVER | '-m NONWINTEL_SERVICES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Non Wintel Services related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Non Wintel Process Parameters | SERVER | '-m NONWINTEL_PROCESS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Non Wintel Process Parameters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Non Wintel HDD Parameters | SERVER | '-m NONWINTEL_HDD' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Non Wintel HDD Parameters related parameters from SummitAI Proxy Servers |
Monitor Non Wintel Network Parameters | SERVER | '-m NONWINTEL_NETWORKS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Non Wintel Network Parameters |
Monitor Non Wintel Virtual CPU Parameters | SERVER | '-m NONWINTEL_VCPU' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Non Wintel Virtual CPU Parameters |
SNMP TRAPS | ITOM-COMMON | '-m TRAPS' | Proxy Server | Every 2 Mins | This job is used to receive the SNMP Traps. |
WLC Monitoring | NETWORK | '-m WLCMONITORING' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors WLC and Access Points |
Monitor Oracle RAC Disk Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_DISK' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC Disk Parameters |
Monitor Oracle RAC BlockingSessions Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_BLOCKINGSESSIONS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC BlockingSessions Parameters |
Monitor Oracle RAC DB DETAILS Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_DBDETAILS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC DB DETAILS Parameters |
Monitor Oracle RAC DB Files Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_DBFILES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC DB Files Parameters |
Monitor Oracle RAC GlobalCache Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_GLOBALCACHE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC GlobalCache Parameters |
Monitor Oracle RAC Instance Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_INSTANCE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC Instance Parameters |
Monitor Oracle RAC LongQueries Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_LONGQUERIES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC LongQueries Parameters. |
Monitor Oracle RAC ResourceLimit Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_RESOURCELIMIT' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC ResourceLimit Parameters. |
Monitor Oracle RAC SystemStatistics Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_SYSTEMSTATISTICS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC System Statistics Parameters. |
Monitor Oracle RAC Table Space Parameters | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_TABLESPACE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC Table Space Parameters. |
Monitor Oracle RAC Disk Group Wise Size | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_DISKGROUPSIZE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC Disk Group-wise Size. |
Monitor Oracle RAC Disk Wise Status | ORACLE RAC | '-m ORACLE_RAC_DISKSTATESTATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors Oracle RAC Disk-wise Status. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Buffer | POSTGRESQL | -m POSTGRESQL_BUFFER' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Buffer related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Connections | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_CONNECTIONS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Connections related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Locks | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_LOCKS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Locks related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Disk Usage | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_DISKUSAGE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Disk Usage related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Indexes | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_INDEXES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Indexes related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Queries | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_QUERIES' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Queries related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Transactions | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_TRANSACTIONS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Transactions related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Table Level Scans | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_TABLELEVELSCAN' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Table Level Scans related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Database Objects | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_DATABASEOBJECTS' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Database Objects related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Expensive Query | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_EXPENCIVEQUERY' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Expensive Query related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Long Running Query | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_LONGRUNNINGQUERY' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Long Running Query related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Table Rows | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_TABLEROW' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Table Rows related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Table Space | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_TABLESPACE' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Table Space related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Sessions | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_SESSION' | Proxy Server | Every 15 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Sessions related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Monitor PostgreSQL Connection Status | POSTGRESQL | '-m POSTGRESQL_CONNECTIONSTATUS' | Proxy Server | Every 1 Mins | This job monitors PostgreSQL Connection Status related parameters from the SummitAI Proxy Servers. |
Job Name | Job Group Name | Parameter | Runs At | Recommended Run Frequency | Job Description |
Reminder to Accept Asset | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_ALLOCATEDASSTACCEPT | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mails alerts to the End Users to accept the Assets allocated to them. |
Application Control Blocked Alert | ASSET SOFTWARE ALERT | -m AM_APPCONTROL_ALERT | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mail alerts to the Administrator if the End User tries to run a Blocked Software. |
Asset Depreciation Calculation By Company Act | OTHERS | -m AM_ASSETDEPCALCULATION | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job calculates the Asset Depreciation. |
Allocated Asset Auto Acceptance | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_AUTOACCEPTASSET | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | If the user does not accept an Allocated Asset manually, the Asset is auto-accepted after the configured number of days elapse using this job. |
Auto delete of Maker Transactions | OTHERS | -m AM_AUTODELETE_MC_TRANSACTION | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job deletes all pending transactions requested by the Maker on the specified date (by end of the day). |
Software Baseline by Profile | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_AUTOSWBASELINE | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job baselines the software based on the Profile applied to a system. |
Contract Management Alert | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_CONTRACT_MGMT | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job sends e-mail alerts to the Administrator regarding the contract expiry date of Fixed Assets. |
Exclude Software Patch Updates | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_EXCLUDE_SOFTWARE_PATCH_UPDATES | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | If this job is running, the software variances in the Installed Software will not be shown on the SOFTWARE VARIANCE page for the hotfixes and security changes done from the backend. |
IBM DB2 License Information Discovery | ASSET DISCOVERY | -m AM_IBM_LIC_DISC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job gets the IBM DB2 license information. |
Download Data From Normalized Server | Asset Normalization | -m AM_NORM_DISC_DOWNLOAD | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job enables to download data after the normalization from the cloud server to the customer DB to generate the normalized reports. |
Disc. Data Upload for Normalization | Asset Normalization | -m AM_NORM_DISC_UPLOAD | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job enables to upload data from the server to the cloud for normalization. |
Oracle License Information Discovery | ASSET DISCOVERY | -m AM_ORACLE_LIC_DISC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job gets the Oracle DR license information. |
Asset Reconciliation Initiation and Reminder | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_RECONCILIATION | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job sends e-mail alerts to the End Users for Asset Reconciliation Acceptance. Initiates the reconciliation schedule and sends notifications to users. Sends the reminder e-mails to users and escalation to the manager for reconciliation. |
Asset Reconciliation Manager Reminder | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_RECONCILIATION_MGR | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job sends e-mail alerts to the Manager for Asset Reconciliation Acceptance. Sends the reminder to the manager for acceptance. |
Software Installation Alert | ASSET SOFTWARE ALERT | -m AM_SW_INSTALLATION | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends alerts to the Administrator when software are installed on the End Users' systems. |
Software Uninstallation Alert | ASSET SOFTWARE ALERT | -m AM_SW_UNINSTALLATION | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mail notifications to the Administrator (configured on E-MAIL NOTIFICATION page) when software is uninstalled from the End Users' systems. |
Temporary Allocated Asset Alert - End User | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_TEMP_ALLOCATION_END_USER | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mail alerts to the End Users about the Return Date of the temporarily allocated Assets. |
Asset HW and SW Variance Summarization | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_VARIANCE_SUMMARIZATION | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job summarizes the Asset Hardware and Software Variance. |
Asset Software Compliance Alert | ASSET SOFTWARE ALERT | -m AMSOFTWAREUTILIZATION | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job tracks the license utilization. If the number of available licenses is less than the number of utilized licenses, this job sends alerts to the Administrator. |
Returnable Allocated Asset Alert - Admin | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AMTHRESHOLD | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mail alerts to the Asset Manager for the Returnable Assets that are about to expire. Based on the number of days configured, the Asset Manager gets the alerts in advance. |
Asset Custom Date Alert | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AMTHRESHOLD_CUSTOM | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mail alerts to the Administrator regarding the Warranty Expiry Date of Fixed Assets. |
Save Asset Online Data | ASSET AGENT | -m ASSET_ONLINE_DATA_UPLOAD | Proxy Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job processes the stored asset online data from proxy server into summit DB. |
Change Asset Agent Proxy Server | ASSET AGENT | -m ASSET_ROAMING_PROXY_URL | Proxy Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job downloads the VLAN and proxy mapping configuration details from SummitAI Server and stores it at proxy server. When Summit Asset agents are contacted to proxy based on the client IP address, a new proxy URL is sent to agent. The communication further happens from agent with new proxy server URL. |
Asset Variance Alert | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m INSTALL_HWSW | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends E-mail Notifications to the Asset Administrator (configured on ASSET ALERT CONFIGURATION page), if variance in the hardware or software attributes are found. The content of e-mail notification varies based on the selection done in the Software Variance Alert Type field on the TENANT page for Asset Management. |
Lansweeper Hardware Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m LANS_HW_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the Lansweeper DB and SUMMIT DB for Hardware information. |
Lansweeper Hardware Data Sync. | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m LANS_HW_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the Lansweeper DB and SUMMIT DB for Hardware information. |
Lansweeper Software Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m LANS_SW_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the Lansweeper DB and SUMMIT DB for Software information. |
Lansweeper Software Data Sync. | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m LANS_SW_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the Lansweeper DB and SUMMIT DB for Software information. |
Movement Returnable Asset | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m MOVEMENT_RETURN | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | Asset movement with returnable type asset alerts |
Download Approved Patch Files | PATCH MANAGEMENT | -m MSPATCH_DOWNLOAD_APPROVED_PATCHLIST | Proxy Server | Once in every 6 Hours | This job downloads the approved Patches from the vendor to SUMMIT Proxy for deployment every 1 hour. |
Download Offline Patch CAB File | PATCH MANAGEMENT | -m MSPATCH_DOWNLOAD_WSUSCAB_OFFLINE | Proxy Server | Once in a month (at 12 AM on every second Wednesday) | This job downloads the Patch Schema from the Microsoft website to Customer Proxy on every second Wednesday of a month. |
SCCM Device Manager Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_DM_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Device Manager information. |
SCCM Device Manager Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_DM_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Device Manager information. |
SCCM Device Manager Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_DM_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Device Manager information. |
SCCM Device Manager Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_DM_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Device Manager information. |
SCCM Exe Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_EXE_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for EXE list information. |
SCCM Exe Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_EXE_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for EXE list information. |
SCCM Exe Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_EXE_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for EXE list information. |
SCCM Exe Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_EXE_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for EXE list information. |
SCCM Hardware Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_HW_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Hardware information. |
SCCM Hardware Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_HW_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Hardware information. |
SCCM Hardware Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_HW_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Hardware information. |
SCCM Hardware Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_HW_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Hardware information. |
SCCM Software Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_SW_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 Hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Software information. |
SCCM Software Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_SW_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Software information. |
SCCM Software Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_SW_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in every 4 hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Software information. |
SCCM Software Data Sync. | ASSET INTEGRATION | -m SCCM_SW_SYNC | Proxy Server | Once in every 4 hours | This job synchronizes the SCCM DB and SUMMIT DB for Software information. |
Asset Software Blacklist Alert | ASSET SOFTWARE ALERT | -m SOFTWAREBLACKLIST | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mail alerts to the Administrator if the End Users install any Blacklisted Software on their system. |
Load ServiceNow Schema | SERVICENOW INTEGRATION | -m SNOW_LOAD_SCHEMA | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | This job loads the ServiceNow master types, schema corresponding to master types, and Asset classes. It also loads Model Category data from ServiceNow to SUMMIT. |
Load ServiceNow Master Data | SERVICENOW INTEGRATION | -m SNOW_LOAD_MASTERDATA | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | It loads the master data from the ServiceNow and deactivates the master data that are deleted in the ServiceNow. |
Post Asset Data to ServiceNow | SERVICENOW INTEGRATION | -m SNOW_POST_ASSETDATA | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | It transfers the Asset data from SUMMIT and ServiceNow. |
Disc. Data Upload for Normalization | ASSET NORMALIZATION | AM_NORM_DISC_UPLOAD | SummitAI Server | Once in every 3 hours | This job enables to upload data from the server to the cloud for normalization. |
Download Data from Normalized Server | ASSET NORMALIZATION | AM_NORM_DISC_DOWNLOAD | SummitAI Server | Once in every 3 hours | This job downloads the normalized data from the cloud server after the normalization. Once the data is normalized it will download from cloud server and dump in customer DB for generating normalized report. |
Update Profile Deployment with Recent Assets | ASSET MANAGEMENT | AM_SYNC_PROFILE_DEPLOY_ASSETS | SummitAI Server | Once in every 1 hour | This job updates the details related to any change in the assets mapped to profile in jobs related to the software deployment profile. |
Populate License Data from Normalization | ASSET MANAGEMENT | POPULATE_LICENSEDATA_FROMNORMALIZATION | SummitAI Server | Once in every week | This job populates the values for the Publisher, License Name, Software Version, and Service Pack on SOFTWARE LICENSE CONFIGURATION page. |
Sync Catalog Information | ASSET MANAGEMENT | AM_NORM_CATALOG_DOWNLOAD | SummitAI Server | Once in every week | This job populates the software normalized data related to license mapping from the cloud to the local. |
Software License Utilization Threshold | ASSET SOFTWARE ALERT | -m AM_SOFTWARE_UTILIZATION_EXCEEDS | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job sends e-mail alerts to the users when the threshold limit of the software utilization exceeds. |
Asset - CMDB Data Sync | ASSET MANAGEMENT | -m AM_CMDB_SYNC | SummitAI Server | Once in 30 minutes | If this job is running, the data synchronization happens between the Asset Inventory and CMDB. |
CMDB_AUTOUPDATE_HWSW | CMDB | -m CMDB_AUTOUPDATE_HWSW | SummitAI Server | Once in everyday | This job automatically updates the variance in the CMDB. |
To Configure a Job:
- Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler.
- On the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel. Fill in the required details. For more information about the fields on the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page, see Field Description.
- Click SUBMIT. A new job for the selected Job Options is configured.
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page:
Fields | Description |
Monitoring Source | Select the monitoring source type.
Run at Proxy | If Monitoring Source is selected as Proxy Server, this field is displayed. Lists the Proxy Server names that are configured in the Proxy Agent tool. Select a Proxy Server from which you want to execute the monitoring operations. |
Job Name | Type in a job name. |
Job Options | Select a job type from the list. Note: Based on the selected monitoring source type, a set of job options are displayed in this field. |
Schedule Type | Select a schedule type from the list.
User ID | Type in the configured Summit Server or Proxy Server User ID using which you want to execute the job. If the User ID is not specified, the job is executed with the system default User ID. |
Password | Type in the password of the specified user. |
Stop the job if it runs more than | If this option is selected, the selected job comes to a halt after the scheduled time elapses. Even if the job is not completely executed, the job stops. Type in the duration after which the job execution should come to a halt. |
Occurs |
Daily Frequency | Select a value from the list.
Start Date | Type in the start date for running the job. You can also use the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date. |
End Date | If you select End Date, specify the date when the job should stop executing. |
No End Date | If you select No End Date, the job continues to execute. |
Time Zone | Select a Time Zone from the list. |
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page.
Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the jobs. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop up page is displayed. Specify the filter criteria and click SEARCH.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page
The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:
Fields | Description |
Monitoring Source | Select a monitoring source from the list as Summit Server or Proxy Server. Based on the option selected the other fields are displayed on the FILTERS pop-up page. |
Run at Proxy | Select a Proxy Server from the list. |
Job Options | Select a job option from the list. |
Job Name | Select a job name from the list. |
Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the jobs configured in the SUMMIT application.
Figure: CUSTOM SCHEDULER page: List of jobs for Custom Scheduler
To edit a job details, click the Job Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
When the jobs are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to add a new job.
Click HISTORY to view job details, such as Job Name, Job Status, Job Initiator, Message, Duration, and so on. On clicking the HISTORY icon, the JOB HISTORY pop up page is displayed. Specify the filter criteria and click SEARCH button to view job details. The following table describes the fields on the JOB HISTORY page:
Figure: JOB HISTORY page
The following table describes the fields on the JOB HISTORY pop-up page:
Fields | Description |
Job Name | Select the job name from the list. |
From Name | Specify the date range for search criteria. You can also click the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date. |
To Date | Specify the date range for search criteria. You can also click the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date. |
Job Name | Displays the job name. |
Job Status | Displays the status of the job. |
Last Run Date | Displays the last date and time on which the job was executed. |
Job Initiator | Displays the Job Initiator name. |
Message | Displays the message of a job. |
Duration | Displays the duration taken to execute the scheduled job. |
REFRESH JOBS: Click the REFRESH JOBS icon to refresh and display the updated Customer Scheduler list.
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