Viewing My Service Requests List

You can view the list of Service Request (SRs) logged for you.

To view the list of Service Requests:

  1. On the USER DASHBOARD page (Dashboard menu), click OPEN REQUESTS under SERVICE REQUEST. Alternatively, select Request > User > My Service Requests.
  2. On the MY SERVICE REQUESTS page, you can view the list of SRs logged for you (Tile view or Tabular view). You can view basic details about SRs, such as SR ID, SR logging date and time, status of the SR, the Workgroup, Approval status, Category, Catalog Item for which SR is logged and so on.

    Figure: MY SERVICE REQUESTS (Tile view)

    Figure: MY SERVICE REQUEST (Tabular  view)

     Service Request Detail Page

    Click any SR ID hyperlink in the tabular view to display the details of the corresponding Service Request. 

    Figure: Service Request Details page from My Service Request

    The tabular view of the APPROVAL DETAILS section on this page displays E-signatures of the Approvers, if the tenant level configuration for the same is enabled and the Approver has uploaded E-Signature in his/her User profile. To know more about the configuration of E-Signatures, see the For Approvers section on Configuring SR Management.

    Figure: APPROVAL DETAILS Section : SR details from My Service Request page

    Note: E-Signatures are also available in the Approval Details of any Service Request detail page. For more information, see Catalog Detail.



    Click the Print icon in the Actions panel to print the displayed SR Details page. 


    Click the EXPORT TO PDF icon in the Actions panel to export the selected components from the SR Details page to a PDF.  

    Figure: EXPORT TO PDF pop-up

    The components such as Requestor Details, Service Request Details, WO Details, etc. are displayed in the EXPORT TO PDF based on the configuration in PDF Content Designer. For more details, see PDF Content Designer Configuration.

    The components that are not configured on the PDF Content Designer page will not be available in the EXPORT TO PDF pop-up.

    Check the components in the EXPORT TO PDF pop-up to include them in the SR Details PDF to be exported. Unchecking any box in the pop-up would exclude the corresponding component from the PDF to be exported. 

    Click Export to export the PDF.  

    Figure: Exported PDF

    The components displayed in the pop-up are based on a Tenant level configuration. To know more about configuration, see PDF Content Designer Configuration. 


The fields on My Service Requests page are configurable. You can select the fields you want to display on this page using CONFIGURE COLUMNS icon on the ACTIONS panel of the page.

Extending Service Request Period

You can also extend the Service Request period if required. This option is available to you if the Administrators have configured the Enable Service Validity option (see: SummitAI Platform Online Help).

To extend a Service Request period:
  1. On the MY SERVICE REQUESTS page, click  the Extend icon icon  to extend the Service Request period.

    Extend Service Period link
    Figure: Extend Service Period link

  2. An action confirmation message is displayed. Click OK.

    Action Confirmation-Extend Service Period
    Figure: Action Confirmation-Extend Service Period

    Extension of Service Request For page
    Figure: Extension of Service Request For page

  3. Select the required date in the To Date field till which you want to extend the Service. Click SUBMIT.

Extend Service Request

  1. Navigate to Request > User > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List. The Service Request List page is displayed.
    On the Service Request List page, a new configure column, Extended SR is added. Also, the Extended SR is added as filter.

    Figure: Service Request List page

In the above example, SR7406 is the Original SR ID and SR7407 is the Extended SR and SR7407 will be shown below the configured Extended SR column.

You view the original SR ID in the extended SR. A sample screenshot is shown below:

You can view extended SR and original SR under the RELATIONSHIP tab.

In this example, SR7572 is the original SR Id and SR7573 is the extended SR Id.

Open the original SR Id (SR7572) and the extended SR Id (SR7573) is shown under Relationship tab.

Figure: RELATIONSHIP tab - Original Request

Open the Extended SR Id (SR7573), and SR7572 (Original SR Id) is shown under the Relationship tab.

Figure: RELATIONSHIP tab- Extended SR

Returning an Asset or End of Service

You can now initiate the return of an asset or End of Service before the service validity expiry date if required. It can be done in the following two ways:

It allows the end user to initiate the return of an asset before the service validity expiry date which is further helpful in better utilization of the assets.


Consider an end user John is assigned to laptop asset through Service Validity Request SR7574. The service validity expiry date is 30th June 2022, but John wants to return the laptop on 30th May 2022 which is before expiry date. John can initiate the asset return request with the help of Asset return icon on My Service Request list page or by clicking on the ASSET RETURN/SERVICE CLOSURE hyperlink provided in Service Expiry notification e-mail.

Returning an Asset or End of Service (via Web)

You can initiate the return of the asset or End of Service (via web) before the service validity expiry date, if required, with the help of Asset Return icon provided on My Service Requests list page. 

To return an asset or End of Service via web, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Request > User > My Service Requests . The My Service Requests list page is displayed with the list of SRs logged as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure: My Service Requests List page

  2. On the Service Request List page, click  the  icon to initiate the return of an asset or End of Service (a service validity SR). The following pop-up page is displayed.

    Figure: End Service Validity Reminders Pop-up Page (Confirmation) 

  3. Click Yes if you want to continue with the asset return else click Cancel to cancel the return request. Once you click Yes, the following pop-up page is displayed. 

    Figure: End Service Validity Reminders Pop-up Page (Acknowledged)

    An incident is created for the respective SR and the analyst will contact the end user to retrieve the asset. Also, it will stop the service validity reminders notifications for the associated SR. You can not extend the service validity, once the return of a Service Validity SR is confirmed. The Extend icon icon for the associated SR will be removed and icon Grey color will be changed to Amber color . Once the status of the created incident is changed to Resolved or Closed, Asset Return icon will be changed from Amber to Green .

    The following table describes the color description of the Asset Return icon:

    Asset Icon ColorDescription

    Grey color indicates the asset return request is yet to be initiated.

    Amber color indicates the asset return request is initiated and in-progress.

    Green color indicates the asset return request is completed.


    In the following example, the asset return request is to be initiated for SR8098.

    Once the asset return request is initiated for SR8098, the Extend Validity icon Extend icon will be removed and Asset Return icon color will be changed to from Grey to Amber . A corresponding incident is created for SR8098.

    Once the corresponding created incident status for SR ID SR8098 is changed to Resolved or Closed, after the approval, Asset Return icon will be changed from Amber to Green

Returning an Asset or End of Service (via Email)

You can initiate the return of the asset or End of Service (via Email) before the service validity expiry date, if required, with the help of ASSET RETURN/SERVICE CLOSURE hyperlink provided in the Service Expiry Notification e-mail. 

To return an asset or End of Service (via Email), perform the following steps:

  1. The End User receives reminder e-mails about the Service Expiry at regular intervals as shown in the following screenshot: 

    Figure: Service Validity Reminder Email


    SR Extend for Service Validity (job) should be running for the caller or end-user to get the above email notifications.

  2. Click on the ASSET RETURN/SERVICE CLOSURE URL in Service Validity Reminder email. The following page is displayed with a pop-up as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure: End Service Validity Reminders Pop-up Page (Confirmation) 

  3. Click Yes if you want to continue with the return else click Cancel to cancel the return request. Once you click Yes, an incident is created, and the analyst will contact the end user to retrieve the asset. Also, it will stop the service validity reminders notifications for the associated SR.


  • You can not extend the service validity, once the return of a Service Validity SR is confirmed. The Extend icon icon for the associated SR will also be removed.


The Service Request List page is enhanced with the option to view the Approval Time of the Service Request. Also, the Actual Log time column is modified to display the time when the Service Request was submitted.  

These two columns are introduced in: 

  • Service Request Module 
  • SR List Page 
  • SR Configure Column 
  • SR List Page Filters 
  • Actual Log Time in SR Tile View 
  • Export to Excel 
  • Audit Flow – Final Approval Time 

Figure: Final Approval Time added in Service Request List page 

Final Approval Time Date and Time 
  • Displays the final approval date and time of the SR. 
  • The Final Approval Time is displayed only for the SRs for which approvals are configured. 
  • Final Approval Time column is blank for the SRs where no approvals are configured. 

Conditions for the display of Final Approval Time: 

If the Service Request has 3 Approvals configured, then: 

  • If no approvals have taken place, then the Final Approval Time column will be blank 
  • Even if the first or second level of approval was done, then the Final Approval Time column will be blank. 
  • Only if the third approval is also completed the approval time should be populated in this column. 
  • Display “N.A or –” in the Final Approval Time column where the approval time is not required.  


Final Approval time is displayed blank for the Service Requests for which no approvals are configured. 

 Final Approval Time in Advanced Filters

The new column Final Approval Time is available in the advanced filter section as a parameter in SR list page. When Final Approval Time is selected the behavior of Operators and Values will be like the functioning of Log Time when it is selected. The results will be based on what operator and values is selected for the Approval Time field. 

To view this: 

  1. Navigate to Request > User > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List 
  2. Click Filters on right corner. 
  3. In Filter drop-down, scroll down to section Date. Final Approval Time is added in this drop-down list.

  4. Click Configure Columns to view the Final Approval Time added as a static option in Selected Columns and is greyed out. This option cannot be dragged and dropped or rearranged. 

  5. Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to view the Final Approval Time added as a column in excel. 

Modifications in Log Time
Earlier for the SRs with approvals configured the Approval time was displayed as Log time. This is rectified. The Log time displays the actual creation time of all SRs.

Log Time Date and Time The actual creation time of the SR. 

Figure: Log Time is modified to display the actual creation time of SR 

To view Log Time on the Tile View in Service Request List: 

 1.Navigate to Request > User > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List 

2. Click the right to view Tile View of Service Request List. The date and time displayed in Tile view is the actual Log time of the SR.



  1. This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the MY SERVICE REQUESTS page.


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the SRs. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Specify the filter criteria and click SUBMIT.

Figure: FILTERS pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:




Select the Tenant from the list.


Select the status of the SRs from the list.

Service Request ID

Specify the SR ID range in the From and To fields.

Log Time

Specify the SR log time date range in the From and To fields.

Final Approval Time Specify the SR approval date range. 

Click CONFIGURE COLUMNS to customize the columns on the page, see Personalizing Pages.


Click NEW SERVICE REQUEST to create a new Service Request. For more information,see Logging Service Requests.