Retrieve SR Details and Change History
Retrieve SR Details and Change History
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
You can retrieve the SR details and change history of an SR using the following API Request.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
SR_GetSRDetailsAndChangeHistory | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "SR_GetSRDetailsAndChangeHistory", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "AuthType": "APIKey", "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "ProxyID": 0, "ReturnType": "json", "OrgID": 1, "TokenID": "" }, "SrTicket_No": 2844, "RequestType": "RemoteCall" } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
SrTicket_No | INTEGER | Unique identification number of the Service Request. | FALSE |
RequestType | STRING | Type of Request. By default, the value is RemoteCall. | FALSE |
Sample Response
{ "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "F793015FD2B9D94C81D25B34E45CB9793D72B1144DE9FEDC92C45BE51FF197533739174B2CAA68D46B1ACA6D87316C6 BDA99A3C4FBD6D4FDB32FB03CD9F7B80DE92744CEE2CB739694E9512621229DB11FF7852DC63FFEF59812EB636188948A3ADCF698E F6BC36A20F5D566827AA2377318CBC3B7BBAAE106B44F7D8CADAD449E15A70AEF456996489A6778CC160D60FBA3A975E836B2F5B1 44D717D195D69A6698C81F", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "SRDetails": { "TicketDetails": [ { "Org_Id": 1, "Ticket_ID": 2777, "Ticket_No": "SR2844", "Reg_Time": "2020-09-02 18:58:29", "Status": "New", "Medium": "Web", "LoggedBy": 428138, "LoggedBy_EmailID": "john@xyz.com", "ClassificationID": null, "Classification": "", "CatalogID": 1860, "Category": "", "CategoryID": 77, "Subject": "New Service Request raised for -General Request\\Outlook Installation and Configuration", "Pending_Code": null, "PendingReason": null, "Severity": 5, "TicketNumber": "2844", "Severity_Name": "p2", "Severity_Display": "Priority 2", "PriorityName": "Priority 2", "Criticality": null, "Criticality_Name": null, "Impact": null, "SLA": 4, "SLA_Name": "TestSLA", "Assigned_Workgroup": 8, "WG_Name": "IT", "Assigned_Engineer": null, "Assigned_Engineer_Name": null, "Assigned_Engineer_Email": null, "Assigned_Engineer_EmpID": null, "Response_Deadline": "2020-09-02 19:19:00", "Response_Time": null, "Response_SLA_Met": null, "Response_SLA_Reason": null, "Resolution_Deadline": "2020-09-02 19:39:00", "Resolution_Time": null, "Resolution_SLA_Met": null, "Resolution_SLA_Reason": null, "Closure_Code": null, "ClCode_Name": null, "Repeat_Ticket": false, "Reopen_Ticket": false, "attachments": false, "Information": "Testing for the API functionality", "Solution": null, "Userlog": null, "Internallog": null, "Caller": 397110, "Caller_Name": "John", "Caller_EmailID": "john@xyz.com", "Sup_Function": "Info", "Sup_Function_Name": "Information Technology", "KB": null, "ParentTicketID": null, "Updated_Time1": "2020-09-02 18:58:28", "Updated_Time": "2020-09-02 18:58:28", "Schedule_Date": null, "Target_Completion_Date": null, "Resolution_SLAOfSeverity": 40, "UserID": 397110, "ManualEscalationDate": null, "ManualEscalationLevelID": null, "ManualEscalationRemarks": null, "Impact_Name": null, "NotificationMethod": null, "ServiceRequestTypeName": "Service Catalog", "ServiceRequestTypeId": 0, "ServiceCategoryName": "General Request", "CategoryCatalogName": "General Request\\Outlook Installation and Configuration", "IsApproved": true, "ActualRegTime": "2020-09-02 18:58:29", "SR_Status": "Approved", "CancellationRemarks": null, "StrCatalogID": null, "ServiceCategoryId": 77, "Response_PriorityName": null, "Response_DeadlineMinutes": null, "ResolveSRUsingLastWO": false, "ClosureCategory": null, "EnableClosureCategory": null, "ResolutionCode": null, "ResolutionCodeName": null, "ClosureRemarks": null, "TicketClosingMode": "Auto", "Domain_ID": 1, "LoggedOn": "2020-09-02 18:58:24", "CC_Email": null, "CC_UserID": null, "Sub-Workgroup Name": null, "Ticket_ID_Encrypted": "C1TPTI1GTo%2ftdcEv0Kwq3w%3d%3d" } ], "CatalogAttributes": [ { "SR_CtAttribute_ID": 482, "SR_Catalog_ID": 1860, "CatalogName": "", "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Comments", "DefaultValue": "", "SR_CtAttribute_DataType": 20, "DataType": "Varchar", "SR_CtAttribute_MaxLength": 50, "SR_CtAttribute_IsMadatory": false, "SR_CtAttribute_ParentID": 0, "newRefID": -1, "SR_CtAttribute_DispalyMode": 15, "SR_CtAttribute_IsLineItem": false, "DisplayName": "TextBox", "SR_CtAttribute_SortOrder": 1, "SR_CtAttribute_IsUnique": false, "SR_CtAttribute_Active": true, "SR_CtAttribute_CreatedBy": 397211, "SR_CtAttribute_Description": "Comments", "SR_CtAttribute_UpdatedBy": 397211, "SR_CtAttribute_CreatedDate": "/Date(1596023749497)/", "SR_CtAttribute_UpdatedDate": "/Date(1596024029747)/", "SR_CtAttribute_IsDisplay": false, "ParentNameText": null, "SR_AttributeValue_UpdatedByValue": 96, "SR_AttributeValue_UpdatedBy": "EndUser", "SR_AttributeValue": "none", "SR_AttributeFormula": null, "RefAttributeID": -1, "IsAddedtoPackage": false, "Group_ID": 1856, "Group_Name": "Default Group", "Group_SortOrder": 1, "IsMultivalued": "False", "PageSize": 0, "IsEditable": false, "GroupApprovalLevel": 0, "CustomGroupID": 0, "UID": 1842, "SR_ShowTotal": false, "SR_GroupByAttributeID": null, "GroupByAttributeName": null, "SR_CtAttribute_DispalyModeText": "TextBox", "StrCatalogId": null, "GroupColumns": 1, "AttributeSize": "col-md-12", "FBControlType": "text", "Tooltip": null, "Watermark": null, "Minlength": 1, "PriceUnits": null, "Number_AcceptOnlyInteger": false, "Number_RangeFrom": 0, "Number_RangeTo": 0, "Maxlength": 50, "EndUserView": false, "AttributeText": "none", "SR_CtAttribute_RBIncludeOtherOption": false, "SR_CtAttribute_RB_Columns": 0, "MultiValuedButtonText": null, "IsDefaultVisible": true, "IsCalculated": false, "User_Search_IncludeInActive": false, "DefaultID": 0, "IsApproverGroup": false, "RequiredRows": 0, "AllControlsAreHiddenInGroup": false, "IsTextAlignRight": false, "Include_Time_Stamp": false, "Saved_Include_Time_Stamp": false, "SR_CtAttribute_DynamicTable": "" } ], "ChangeHistory": [ { "uid": 39985, "column_name": "Resolution Deadline", "change_date": "2020-09-02 18:58:38", "change_by": 428138, "change_byName": "John", "old_Value": null, "new_Value": "2020-09-02 19:39:00", "AttributeType": "" }, { "uid": 39984, "column_name": "Response Deadline", "change_date": "2020-09-02 18:58:38", "change_by": 428138, "change_byName": "John", "old_Value": null, "new_Value": "2020-09-02 19:19:00", "AttributeType": "" } ], "CatalogMultiValuedAttributes": [] } }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.
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