Asset Inventory
sivani.sahu (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
What is Asset Inventory?
The SummitAI Asset Management solution helps you to set up a clutter-free Inventory for managing IT and Non-IT Assets. The SummitAI Asset Inventory comprises four Asset Types, such as Fixed Assets, Consumable, Accessories, and Software (see: Asset Types). These Assets are aligned to Locations, under which Stores and Floors are configured. This helps in tracking the Assets across multiple Locations. You can select a particular Asset Type on the ASSET INVENTORY page and perform various actions on these Assets.
Asset Locations
Asset Location is a placeholder that can be used to create hierarchical Locations list. You can create Regions at the root node followed by Countries > States > Cities > Campuses in a hierarchical way.
Store is a place where newly procured or deallocated Assets are stocked. Every campus needs to have at least one Asset Store. When Assets are imported, aligning them to a Store is mandatory. The In-Store Assets are available for allocation.
Floor is a place where end users work or where the Assets are put to use. Every campus can have multiple Floors configured based on the Floor plan. Associating an Asset to a Floor is mandatory during the Asset Allocation process.
To set up Asset Inventory:
- Appropriate locations, Stores, and Floors should be created. For more information on how to create Locations, Stores, and Floors, see Configuring Location, Store, and Floor.
- Asset Categories for each Asset Type should be created. For more information on creating Asset Categories, see Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder.
- Set up Key Field Mappings (see: Configuring Key Field Mapping).
- Add Assets. Assets can be added in the following ways:
- Manually: Adding Assets from the ASSET INVENTORY page (see: Adding Fixed Assets, Adding Consumable Assets, Adding Accessories, and Adding Software Assets).
- Asset Discovery: Assets can be scanned using IP-based host discovery from a SummitAI Proxy and data can be imported into the SummitAI system (see: Viewing New Discovery).
- Importing Assets: Importing Asserts from a Microsoft Excel sheet (see: Importing Assets).
- SCCM / Lansweeper Sync: Assets can be imported through third party procurement, ERP, SCCM, and LANSweeper applications (see: Asset Integration).
- Exporting from SummitAI E-procurement module (see: SummitAI Procurement Help)
- Configure Asset Masters
- Other Configurations
To select an Asset Type from Asset Inventory:
- Select Asset > User > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory.
- On the ASSET INVENTORY page, under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section, click the appropriate Asset type (see: Asset Types) on which you want to perform an action.