User Delegation for Asset Management

User Delegation for Asset Management


User delegation refers to the ability to assign or transfer certain responsibilities or permissions from one user to another. This feature is particularly useful in situations where a user is temporarily unavailable, such as being on vacation or out of the office, and their tasks or permissions need to be handled by someone else. 
This feature enables the user delegation of Asset Management module for My Asset List page. 

You can delegate your role and responsibility to another user for a specified time period (in your absence or any other scenario where you are unable to perform the selected actions).  

For more information about User Delegation, refer to Delegating Role. 


To configure the user delegation option for My Asset List page, perform the following steps: 

  1. Log in to SUMMIT Application. On the application landing page, on the Quick Action bar, click the Delegate icon. 

    Figure: Delegate icon

  2. On the User Delegation pop-up, enter the Username, From and To Date. Select Asset Management – My Asset List page check box as shown below. 

    Figure: User Delegation pop-up

  3. Provide other required information and click Submit.

For more information on field values of User Delegation, refer to Delegating Role.