Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues CINDE Tahoe SP2

On this page: Customer Fixed Issues | Known Issues 

Customer Fixed Issues

This release does not include any fixed issue.

Known Issues 

This section describes the known issues detected by the SummitAI Dev and QA team in this release.

Issue NumberIssue DescriptionScenarioWorkaround
92340Custom Attributes of type Auto Fill control are not supported at Incident flow.

CINDE logs an incident with Incident template having an autofill control.

User gets redirected to SummitAI application to raise an incident for the template.


For Slack channel, Custom Attributes in E-mail formats, fail to get recognized when IM rule templates are in use. It displays the following message:

“The Email ID you have entered is incorrect. Please enter the Email ID again.”


  1. Log into the Slack initiate CINDE, Type in the utterance as per IM rule configuration.
  2. CINDE responds with templates. Choose the desired template with mapping towards custom attributes under General.
  3. CINDE prompts to enter the E-mail field. Enter the preferred e-mail ID.