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SummitAI Service Management Help

titleIncident Management

Incident Management


Audit Flow

Audit Log

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Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)

First Call Resolution (FCR)

Incident Vs. Problem

Incident Status

Major Incidents

Monitoring SLA

Parent and Child Incidents

Parent and Child Relationship

Remote Desktop

Response Time Vs. Resolution Time

SLA, OLA, and UC

Templates and Rules

Work Orders

titleEnd Users

End Users

End User Dashboard

Logging Incidents

Viewing My Incidents List

Viewing/Updating My Incidents

Chatting with Analysts


Logging Incident for an Asset


Analyst Dashboard

Logging Incidents for Users

Viewing and Updating My Workgroup Incidents

Viewing and Updating Incident Details

Sending E-mails

Remote Desktop Sharing

Feedback Moderation

Managing My Incidents

Work Orders

Creating Work Orders

Viewing and Updating Work Orders



Configuring Incident Management Module

Configuring Custom Fields for Incident Management

Configuring Category Incident Management

Configuring Closure Codes

Configuring Classification

Configuring Priority

Configuring Impact

Configuring Urgency

Configuring SLA Matrix

Configuring SLA Matrix By CI

Configuring Resolution Codes

Configuring ETR E-mail Notifications

Configuring Incident E-mail Notifications

Configuring Auto Work Orders

Configuring SLA Service Windows

Configuring Workgroup SLA Window

Configuring Pending Reasons

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Configuring Major Incidents

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Configuring Log Incident Page

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Configuring End User Incident Details Page

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What is a Major Incident?

An Incident is called a Major Incident when it is a High Priority Incident, which is critical and has high impact. It should be resolved on priority and further recurrences should be avoided.

Major Incident Management

An Incident can be identified as a Major Incident in two ways. Whenever a Major Incident is logged, a Problem Record (PR) is created to perform a Root Cause Analysis PM, identify the cause, find a permanent solution, and avoid similar Major Incidents in future. The PRs are created for Major Incidents based on the configuration.

  • The Major Incident check box (with a yellow highlight color) is available on the INCIDENT ID page if the Incident meets the conditions configured by the Administrator (see: Configuring Major Incidents). The PR is either created when the Major Incident is resolved or based on the number of Child Incidents that are linked to the Major Incident. For information about managing PRs, see Problem Management.
  • The Major Incident check box is available on the INCIDENT ID page on every Incident details page if configured (see: Configuring Incident Management Module). The Analyst can provide a Cause and Preventive Measure for the Major Incident and also choose to create a PR after the Incident is resolved.
  • The Analyst can also initiate a conference call using the MAJOR INCIDENT pop-up page.

To initiate a conference call:

    1. Type in the e-mail addresses of the recipients in the Recipient E-mail IDs field. The auto generated e-mails to the recipients contain the link to join the Conference Call.
    2. Click NOTIFY RECIPIENTS. It triggers the auto generated e-mails.
    3. Click START CONFERENCE to create the conference bridge.

      • CLOSE CONFERENCE – Click CLOSE CONFERENCE to close the conference bridge.
      • Click the copy icon next to the conference bridge type name to copy the Bridge Name, Bridge Number, and Room Number to a clipboard.
      • You can view the list of connected call details on the right pane below the ACTIVE column and the list of disconnected calls below the HISTORY column.
      • These options to join a conference call is displayed if conference call is configured on the Tenant Configuration page.

MAJOR INCIDENT pop-up page
Figure: MAJOR INCIDENT pop-up page

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