This feature enhances the functionality of Auto Rejected Approval Emails by providing additional details on the Rejected Reason. It incorporates the AutoApproval or Reject Duration, as defined in the configuration, into the additional remarks section of both Auto Approved or Rejected E-mails.
Displays Auto Approval/Reject Duration along with additional Approval remarks in the Approval E-mail based on the configuration at the Workflow level.
User receives information about the Duration of inactivity leading to the automatic rejection.
Configure E-mail notification for Auto Rejected SRs
This section details the steps in configuring E-mail notifications for Auto Rejected SRs.
Configure Reject under Auto Approval in Workflow Configuration for the Catalog.
Set Job Options as SR Auto Approval (Auto Approval) in Custom Schedulers to run the Job.
To configure Auto Rejected Catalog, perform the following steps:
Select Catalog > User > Create Service Catalog.
On the FORM BUILDER page, select Module and add the various attributes for the Service Catalog. For details about creating Service Catalog , click Creating Service Catalog.
Click OK to create a WORKFLOW for the Service Catalog. Figure: WORKFLOW
Select the check box Auto Approval to Approve or Reject the Service Request created using the Catalog. For automatically rejecting the Service Request if the configured time exceeds, select the Rejectoption, and enter the time in the Approve/Reject Duration field. Figure: Auto Approval
Check E-mail Notifications for End User to enable End User Notifications to the Approvers for the SRs.
Click SUBMIT to save the Workflow for Service Catalog.
If you are a Service Catalog Approver, you need to approve and publish the Service Catalogs so that they are available to all the users for logging Service Requests (SRs).
The Workflow cannot be created or modified if the Service Catalog is in Published state.
Enable Custom Schedulers Job
This section lists the steps involved in enabling Custom Scheduler Job for specific task.
On the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler), enable or disable a job defined to perform a specific task.
Select the Monitoring Source as Summit Server, Job Options as Auto Approve or Reject Job, Name as SR Auto Approval. Figure: Custom scheduler
Raise SR for configured Catalog
To raise SR for configured Catalog, perform the following steps:
Navigate to Request > User > New Service Request.
On New Service Request page, select the configured SR Catalog. Figure: New Service Request
Enter the mandatory fields under Requesttab, click Next and Submit. Figure: Request tab
The SR is successfully generated and gets Auto Rejected as per configured duration.
Figure: Service Request
On the Custom SchedulersLIST page, click REFRESH JOBS icon to refresh and display the updated Custom SchedulersLIST. Figure: LIST page
Navigate to Request > Service Request List. On the list, you can view the SRs in the pending state. Figure: Service Request List
Navigate to CHANGE HISTORY to view the SERVICE REQUEST HISTORY and check Emails Notification for Approver.
The SR is successfully generated and gets Auto Rejected as per configured duration. The E-mail notification screenshot appears as shown below. Figure: E-mail notification