Incident Management

Audit Flow

Audit Log

Auto Complete Assistance

Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)

First Call Resolution (FCR)

Incident Vs. Problem

Incident Status

Major Incidents

Monitoring SLA

Parent and Child Incidents

Parent and Child Relationship

Remote Desktop

Response Time Vs. Resolution Time

SLA, OLA, and UC

Templates and Rules

Work Orders

End Users

End User Dashboard

Logging Incidents

Viewing My Incidents List

Viewing/Updating My Incidents

Chatting with Analysts


Logging Incident for an Asset


Analyst Dashboard

Logging Incidents for Users

Viewing and Updating My Workgroup Incidents

Viewing and Updating Incident Details

Sending E-mails

Remote Desktop Sharing

Feedback Moderation

Managing My Incidents

Work Orders

Creating Work Orders

Viewing and Updating Work Orders


Configuring Incident Management Module

Configuring Custom Fields for Incident Management

Configuring Category Incident Management

Configuring Closure Codes

Configuring Classification

Configuring Priority

Configuring Impact

Configuring Urgency

Configuring SLA Matrix

Configuring SLA Matrix By CI

Configuring Resolution Codes

Configuring ETR E-mail Notifications

Configuring Incident E-mail Notifications

Configuring Auto Work Orders

Configuring SLA Service Windows

Configuring Workgroup SLA Window

Configuring Pending Reasons

Configuring Priority Matrix

Configuring User Types

Configuring Checklist

Configuring Major Incidents

Configuring Cost

Configuring Rules

Configuring Information Ticker

Configuring SMS Notification

Configuring Voice Call Notifications

Configuring Log Incident Page

Mapping Standard Operational Procedures

Configuring Feedback

Configuring End User Incident Details Page

Configuring Incident Evaluator

TFS-SUMMIT Integration

Configuring TFS Project

Configuring Work Item Fields

Mapping Field Values

Configuring Mapping Profile

Configuring TFS Profile Mapping

Viewing Reports


Sep 1, 2022

Symphony SummitAI is informing you that Alps Release family has reached End-Of-Support state starting from Sep 1, 2022. This change is in accordance with the SummitAI Products End-of-Life (EOL) Policy.  

An alternate option is to upgrade to the latest SummitAI Tahoe SP3 Release that will provide you rich feature-set.

What is an Incident?

An Incident is an unplanned interruption to an IT Service or a reduction in the quality of an IT service.

What is Incident Management?

Incident Management is a process to restore normal service operations and minimize the adverse impact of the interruption on business operations, thus, ensuring that the best possible service quality and availability are maintained.

Incident Management Process Flow

The following process flow diagram depicts the Incident Management process:

Figure: Incident Management Overview

Incident Life Cycle

The following diagram depicts the various stages of an Incident (see: Incident Status):

Incident Management Life Cycle
Figure: Incident Management Life Cycle


An Incident can be logged by an End User or Analyst. An Incident can also be auto-created from the SummitAI Operations Management module if there is a monitoring failure. 

End User

The End Users can use the following options to log a new Incident:

  • SummitAI Application (Incident Management module): The End Users can log an Incident from the NEW INCIDENT page using the SummitAI application. For more information, see Logging Incidents_IM.
  • E-mail: If the Mail to Incident option is enabled by the Administrator, an Incident is automatically logged when the End User sends an e-mail with the issue to the Support team (team handling your organization's IT issues) from a configured e-mail id. The e-mail is attached to the Incident automatically.
  •  IVR: When the End User sends a voice mail, an Incident is logged for the End User. The web services are used to integrate voice/IVR to receive voice-based issues and log Incidents. The appropriate option should be enabled by the Administrator for IVR (see: Configuring Application Settings).

The Analyst can log a new Incident for an End User:

Auto Creation from IT Operations Management

An Incident is automatically logged when an Event occurs as a result of any abnormality observed during Monitoring. The Incident is auto- created if enabled on the EVENT ACTION TEMPLATE  page. The Incident is logged based on the template designed on the INCIDENT TEMPLATE page of the SummitAI IT Operations Management module (see: SummitAI IT Operations Management Help)


The Incident is assigned based on the following factors:

  • Category and Classification
  • Impact,Urgency and Priority
  • Service Window

Troubleshooting Information

The Analyst can refer the following sources to resolve the Incident:

  • Knowledge Record
  • Know Errors
  • Problem Management
  • Similar Incidents
  • Change Record
  • Configuration Items

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