List of Advanced Reports 1

List of Advanced Reports

Incident Management

SLA Reports

By Workgroup

Response SLA Compliance by Workgroup

The Response SLA Compliance by Workgroup Report displays the Workgroup-wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup

The Resolution SLA Compliance by Workgroup Report displays the workgroup wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

SLA Time by Workgroup

The SLA Time by Workgroup Report displays the workgroup wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).

By Location
Response SLA Compliance By Location

The Response SLA Compliance by Location Report displays the location wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By LocationThe Resolution SLA Compliance By Location Report displays the location wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage).
SLA Time by LocationThe SLA Time by Location Report displays the Location wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).
By Category
Response SLA Compliance By Category

The Response SLA Compliance by Category Report displays the category wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By CategoryThe Resolution SLA Compliance By Category Report displays the category wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage).
SLA Time by CategoryThe SLA Time by Category Report displays the Category wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).
By Classification
Response SLA Compliance By Classification

The Response SLA Compliance by Classification Report displays the classification wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By ClassificationThe Resolution SLA Compliance By Classification Report displays the classification wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage).
SLA Time by ClassificationThe SLA Time by Classification Report displays the Classification wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).
By Priority
SLA Time by PriorityThe SLA Time by Priority Report displays the Priority wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).
By Analyst
Response SLA Compliance By Analyst

The Response SLA Compliance by Analyst Report displays the Analyst wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By AnalystThe Resolution SLA Compliance By Analyst Report displays the analyst wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage).
SLA Time by AnalystThe SLA Time by Analyst Report displays the analyst wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).
By User Type
Response SLA Compliance By User Type

The Response SLA Compliance by User Type Report displays the user type wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By User TypeThe Resolution SLA Compliance By User Type Report displays the user type wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage).
SLA Time By User TypeThe SLA Time by User Type Report displays the User Type wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).
By Customer
Response SLA Compliance By Customer

The Response SLA Compliance by Customer Report displays the customer wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By Customer

The Resolution SLA Compliance By Customer Report displays the customer wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage).

SLA Time by Customer

The SLA Time by Customer Report displays the Customer wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).

By Vendor
Response SLA Compliance By Vendor

The Response SLA Compliance by Vendor Report displays the vendor wise Response SLA Met and Missed information (in percentage).

Resolution SLA Compliance By VendorThe Resolution SLA Compliance By Vendor Report displays the vendor wise Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage).
SLA Time by Vendor

The SLA Time by Vendor Report displays the Vendor wise Average Response SLA Time, Average Resolution SLA Time, Average Resolution Clock Time and, Average Response Clock Time (in Min).

Aging Reports
By Workgroup
Incident Aging By Workgroup (Open Incidents)

The Incident Aging By Workgroup Report displays the workgroup wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.

Incident Aging By Workgroup (Resolved Incidents)The Incident Aging By Workgroup (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the workgroup wise No of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.
By Location
Incident Aging By Location (Open Incidents)

The Incident Aging By Location Report displays the location wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.

Incident Aging By Location (Resolved Incidents)The Incident Aging By Location (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the location wise No of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.
By Category
Incident Aging By Category (Open Incidents)The Incident Aging By Category Report displays the category wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.
Incident Aging By Category (Resolved Incidents)The Incident Aging By Category (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the category wise No of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.
By Classification

Incident Aging By Classification (Open Incidents)

The Incident Aging By Classification Report displays the classification wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.
Incident Aging By Classification (Resolved Incidents)The Incident Aging By Classification (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the classification wise No of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.
By Priority
Incident Aging By Priority (Open Incidents)

The Incident Aging By Priority Report displays the priority wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.

Incident Aging By Priority (Resolved Incidents)

The Incident Aging By Priority (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the priority wise No of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.

By Analyst
Incident Aging By Analyst (Open Incidents)The Incident Aging By Analyst Report displays the analyst wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.
Incident Aging By Analyst (Resolved Incidents)The Incident Aging By Analyst (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the analyst wise count of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.
By User Type
Incident Aging by User Type (Open Incidents)

The Incident Aging By User Type Report displays the user type wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.

Incident Aging by User Type (Resolved Incidents)The Incident Aging by User Type (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the user type wise count of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.
By Customer
Incident Aging By Customer (Open Incidents)

The Incident Aging By Customer Report displays the customer wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.

Incident Aging By Customer (Resolved Incidents)The Incident Aging By Customer (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the customer wise count of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.
By Vendor
Incident Aging By Vendor (Open Incidents)The Incident Aging By Vendor Report displays the vendor wise No of Open Incidents and their aging details.
Incident Aging By Vendor (Resolved Incidents)

The Incident Aging By Vendor (Resolved Incidents) Report displays the vendor wise No of Resolved Incidents and their aging details.

Trend Reports
By Workgroup
Workgroup wise Incident Trend By Response Time

The Workgroup wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective workgroup.

Workgroup wise Incident Trend By Resolution TimeThe Workgroup wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays the month wise Average Resolution SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective workgroup.
Workgroup Wise Incident Trend By Count

The Workgroup Wise Incident Trend By Count Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective Workgroup.

Workgroup Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective Workgroup.
By Location
Location wise Incident Trend By Response TimeThe Location wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective location.
Location wise Incident Trend By Resolution TimeThe Location wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays the month wise Average Resolution SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective location.
Location Wise Incident Trend By Count

The Location Wise Incident Trend By Count

Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective Location.
Location Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective Location.
By Category
Category wise Incident Trend By Response TimeThe Category wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective category.
Category wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time

The Category wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays month wise Average Resolution SLA Time and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective category.

Category Wise Incident Trend By CountThe Category Wise Incident Trend By Count Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective category.
Category Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective Category.
By Classification
Classification wise Incident Trend By Response TimeThe Classification wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective classification.
Classification wise Incident Trend By Resolution TimeThe Classification wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays month wise Average Resolution SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective classification.
Classification Wise Incident Trend By Count

The Classification Wise Incident Trend By Count

Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective Classification.
Classification Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective Classification.
By Priority
Priority wise Incident Trend By Response Time

The Priority wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective priority.

Priority wise Incident Trend By Resolution TimeThe Priority wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays the month wise Average Resolution SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective Priority.
Priority Wise Incident Trend By Count

The Priority Wise Incident Trend By Count

Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective Priority.
Priority Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective Priority.
By Analyst
Analyst wise Incident Trend By Response TimeThe Analyst wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective analyst.
Analyst wise Incident Trend By Resolution TimeThe Analyst wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays the month wise Average Resolution SLA Time and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective analyst.
Analyst Wise Incident Trend By Count

The Analyst Wise Incident Trend By Count

Report displays the month wise count of No of Incidents Assigned, No of Incidents Responded and, No of Incidents Resolved by the respective analyst.
Analyst Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective analyst.
By User Type
User Type Incident Trend By Response Time

The User Type Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective User Type.

User Type Incident Trend By Resolution TimeThe User Type Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays the month wise Average Resolution SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective user type.
User Type Incident Trend By Count

The User Type Wise Incident Trend By Count

Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective User Type.
User Type Incident Trend By Escalation

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective User Type.
By Customer
Customer wise Incident Trend By Response TimeThe Customer wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective customer.
Customer wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time

The Customer wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays the month wise Average Resolution SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective customer.

Customer Wise Incident Trend By Count

The Customer Wise Incident Trend By Count Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective Customer.

Customer Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective Customer.
By Vendor
Vendor wise Incident Trend By Response Time

The Vendor wise Incident Trend By Response Time Report displays the month wise Average Response SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Response Clock Time (in Mins) for respective Vendor.

Vendor wise Incident Trend By Resolution TimeThe Vendor wise Incident Trend By Resolution Time Report displays the month wise Average Resolution SLA Time (in Mins) and Average Resolution Clock Time (in Mins) for respective vendor.
Vendor Wise Incident Trend By Count

The Vendor Wise Incident Trend By Count Report displays the month wise count of incidents created, incidents responded and, incident resolved for the respective Vendor.

Vendor Wise Incident Trend by Escalations

Displays Month wise count of:

  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are not assigned.
  • Incidents Auto Escalated which are in pending status.
  • Incidents which are not resolved and,
  • Incidents that are manually escalated for the respective Vendor.
Status Reports

By Workgroup

Incident Status Report By Workgroup

Status of Open Incidents By Workgroup – displays the Workgroup wise Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Workgroup - displays the Workgroup wise Incidents and its status.
By Location
Incident Status Report By Location

Status of Open Incidents By Location – displays the Location wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Location - displays the Location wise Resolved Incidents and its status.
By Category
Incident Status Report By Category

Status of Open Incidents By Category – displays the Category wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Category - displays the Category wise Resolved Incidents and its status.
By Classification
Incident Status Report By Classification

Status of Open Incidents By Classification – displays the Classification wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Classification - displays the Classification wise Resolved Incidents and its status.

By Priority
Incident Status Report By Priority

Status of Open Incidents By Priority – displays the Priority wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Priority - displays the Priority wise Resolved Incidents and its status.
By Analyst
Incident Status Report By Analyst

Status of Open Incidents By Analyst – displays the Analyst wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Analyst - displays the Analyst wise Resolved Incidents and its status.

By User Type
Incident Status Report By User Type

Status of Open Incidents By User Type – displays the User Type wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By User Type - displays the User Type wise Resolved Incidents and its status.

By Customer
Incident Status Report By Customer

Status of Open Incidents By Customer – displays the Customer wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Customer - displays the Customer wise Resolved Incidents and its status.
By Vendor
Incident Status Report By Vendor

Status of Open Incidents By Vendor – displays the Vendor wise Open Incidents and its status.

Status of Resolved Incidents By Vendor - displays the Vendor wise Resolved Incidents and its status.
CSAT Reports
By Workgroup
CSAT Compliance Report By Workgroup

The CSAT Compliance Report By Workgroup Report displays the workgroup wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.

CSAT Rating By WorkgroupThe CSAT Rating By Workgroup Report displays the workgroup wise Average CSAT Rating.
By Location
CSAT Compliance Report By LocationThe CSAT Compliance Report By Location Report displays the location wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.
CSAT Rating By Location

The CSAT Rating by Location Report displays the location wise Average CSAT Rating.

By Category
CSAT Compliance Report By Category

The CSAT Compliance Report By Category Report displays the category wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.

CSAT Rating By CategoryThe CSAT Rating by Category Report displays the category wise Average CSAT Rating.

By Classification

CSAT Compliance Report By ClassificationThe CSAT Compliance Report By Classification Report displays the classification wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.
CSAT Rating By ClassificationThe CSAT Rating by Classification Report displays the classification wise Average CSAT Rating.
By Priority
CSAT Compliance Report By PriorityThe CSAT Compliance Report By Priority Report displays the priority wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.
CSAT Rating By Priority

The CSAT Rating By Priority Report displays the priority wise Average CSAT Rating.

By Analyst
CSAT Compliance Report By AnalystThe CSAT Compliance Report By Analyst Report displays the analyst wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.
CSAT Rating By AnalystThe CSAT Rating by Analyst Report displays the analyst wise Average CSAT Rating.
By User Type
CSAT Compliance Report By User TypeThe CSAT Compliance Report By User Type Report displays the user type wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.
CSAT Rating By User Type

The CSAT Rating By User Type Report displays the User Type wise Average CSAT Rating.

By Customer
CSAT Compliance Report By Customer

The CSAT Compliance Report By Customer Report displays the Customer-wise count of No of Incidents Resolved, No of Incidents liable for Feedback, No of Incidents Feedback Received and, No of Incidents Feedback Not received.

CSAT Rating By CustomerThe CSAT Rating by Customer Report displays the customer wise Average CSAT Rating.
By Vendor
CSAT Compliance Report By Vendor

The CSAT Compliance Report By Vendor Report displays the Vendor-wise count resolved Incidents, number of Incidents liable for Feedback, number of Incidents for which Feedback is received, and number of Incidents for which Feedback is not received.

CSAT Rating By VendorThe CSAT Rating By Vendor Report displays the Vendor-wise average CSAT rating.