

What is Scripting?

Using the SCRIPTING icon on the Quick Action Bar, the Administrators can now write their own Java Script, CSS, and HTML codes to customize the fields. This icon is available for all the pages of the Application.

SCRIPTING icon on Quick Action Bar
Figure: SCRIPTING icon on Quick Action Bar

How to Enable Scripting?

  1. Select the Enable Scripting check box under the SCRIPTING section of the ROLE TEMPLATE - OTHER CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Users > Role Template > Select a Template from the LIST section > On the ACTIONS panel, click OTHER CONFIGURATION, see Role Template Other Configuration).
  2. The Scripting functionality option becomes available on the MY PROFILE (See: Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details) and THEME CONFIGURATION pages (See: Configuring Themes).
  3. The individual users can show or hide the SCRIPTING icon on the Quick Action Bar by selecting the Show/Hide Scripting Icon on Quick Action Bar check box available under the Scripting tab of the MY PROFILE pop-up page (Quick Action Bar > Click PROFILE Picture > Select Edit Profile > Select Scripting section > Select Show/Hide Scripting Icon on Quick Action Bar check box).
  4. The users need to log out and log in again into the Application to view the SCRIPTING icon. By default, the SCRIPTING icon is hidden.

    Figure: MY PROFILE: Scripting


When you click on the SCRIPTING icon Scripting Icon present on the Quick Action Bar, you are redirected to the SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page where you can write your own Java ScriptCSS, and HTML codes to customize the fields present on the page. For more information about the fields present on the SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page, see the Field Description table.


Field Description

The fields present on the SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page are explained in the following table:




Drop-down list

Under the CONTROL section, a drop-down list, consisting of controls (having IDs and text) that can be customized, are present. Select a preferred Control, for which you want to write the scripts for, from the drop-down list.

 See Screen Shot

CONTROL drop-down list
Figure: CONTROL drop-down list


Following are the two tabs: PROPERTIES and EVENTS.

 See Screen Shot


Under the PROPERTIES tab, there are three fields:

  • Control ID - The Control ID is the ID of the control selected from the CONTROL drop-down list.
  • Associated Control ID - The Associated Control ID is the ID of the secondary controls associated with the primary control. For example, in the Description field of the NEW INCIDENT page, the Description field is the primary control and the text area associated with the Description field is the associated control.

  • Apply Changes: If selected, the changes made under the Properties tab for the selected control are applied.


    By default, the Apply Changes check box is not selected. The properties changes of a control will be displayed on the page only if the Apply Changes check box is selected. Otherwise, the changes made to the properties of the control are ignored on a page. 

     See Screen Shot

    Figure: PROPERTIES tab: Control ID, Associated Control ID and Apply Changes


Under the EVENTS tab, you can write the Java Script for the Events of the selected Control.

 See Screen Shot

Figure: EVENTS tab


Double-click on the fields present in the PROPERTIES and EVENTS tabs to view the description under the DESCRIPTION section.

 See Screen Shot



If this check box is selected, the current scripting becomes active for the selected Tenant and is applied to the page.



You can add or write your own Java Script (JS) codes, under the text area provided below the JS section.

 See Screen Shot

JS tab
Figure: JS tab


  • The data specified between the hash tags (#), for example, #url#, are called user inputs, in which the sensitive information is passed. Any sensitive information that is passed to the API is mentioned inside the user inputs (#).
  • When you click SUBMIT, and if the script contains data within the user inputs(#), a popup containing fields, for which inputs are required from the user, is displayed. So, the user needs to provide the values and click SUBMIT.


You can add or write your own CSS codes, under the text area provided below the CSS section.

 See Screen Shot

CSS tab
Figure: CSS tab


You can add or write your own HTML codes in the text area provided under the HTML tab.

 See Screen Shot


Figure: SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page: Show List

The following table describes the fields on the SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page:




Click ADD NEW to add new HTML code.

Show List

The added HTML codes are displayed in a list.


The HTML codes are saved and displayed in Show List temporarily.

Note: To save the HTML code permanently in the database, click SUBMIT.

Hide List

The HTML codes are hidden from the list.


Click the  icon to edit the HTML code from the list.

Click the  icon to preview the HTML code.

Click the  icon to delete the HTML code from the list.

 To add a new HTML code:

  1. Click ADD NEW under the HTML tab on the SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page.

    Figure: SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page: Add New

  2. Add the HTML codes in the text area provided below the HTML section.

    Figure: SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page: HTML Text Area

  3. Click Save to add your HTML code to the HTML code list.

    Figure: SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page: Save

  4. Click SUBMIT to save the data permanently in the database.


    • Click Save to save the HTML code temporarily. If the page is refreshed, the data is lost. 
    • Adding a new HTML code without saving the existing HTML code will discard the unsaved HTML codes.
  5. Click Show List to view the saved HTML codes.

    Figure: SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page: Show List

  6. Click Hide List to go back to the last edit.

    Figure: SCRIPTING - PAGE NAME (TENANT) page: Hide List


  • By default, the HTML Codes with dynamic id (dscript_html_0) are not displayed on the page. The user must write the JS for appending the HTML, only then the HTML block is displayed on the page.
  • The unique dynamic id (dscript_html_0) should not be used by the Administrator while writing the HTML Codes. Refer Quick Help to see examples of how to refer dynamic id (dscript_html_0) in JS.
  • Maintenance: If selected, the customized changes on the page are applicable to the users who has done the Scripting and not applicable to the other users without access. Click icon to provide user and location-wise access. See the screenshot.

    ACCESS pop-up window
    Figure: ACCESS pop-up window

    Access To Me

    Select this check box to have self access to the customized field changes.

    Note: By default, this check box is selected.

    LocationSelect the location name using auto-complete search option.
    Search User

    Search and Select the users using Type in search box.

    Selected UsersDisplays selected user list.
  • Published: If selected, the customized field changes are available to all users.


Each time you make customizations on the selected page and submit the changes, it is saved as a different version in the SummitAI application. You can select a preferred version based on your requirement from the Version drop-down list and click OK. You can modify an already existing version, and then save it as a new version.

 See Screen Shot

Version drop-down list
Figure: Version drop-down list

Quick Help icon Quick Help icon

The Quick Help icon Quick Help icon displays information related to the actions that can be performed on the SCRIPTING page. For example, if you want to perform the following action: How to invoke Web Service? The CODE SNIPPET is provided in the QUICK HELP pop-up.


The information available in these tabs are categorized and displayed based on the code type.

Now on the QUICK HELP pop-up page, the search information is displayed under the three tabs as follows:

  • JS: When the End User selects the JS tab and performs a search, the search information in JS, CSS, and HTML is displayed.
  • CSS: When the End User selects the CSS tab and performs a search, the search information in the CSS and HTML is displayed.
  • HTML: When the End User selects the HTML tab and performs a search, the search information in HTML is displayed.

Quick Help pop-up page
Figure: Quick Help pop-up page

Example: How Scripting Can be Used?

 Read here


Consider that you want to change the name of the Description field present on the NEW INCIDENT page.


To change the name of the Description field present on the NEW INCIDENT page, perform the  following steps:

  1. Click Incident > User > New Incident. The NEW INCIDENT page is displayed.

    Figure: NEW INCIDENT page

  2. On the NEW INCIDENT page, select a preferred Tenant.

    Figure: NEW INCIDENT page: Tenant Selection

  3. Click SCRIPTING icon Scripting on the Quick Action Bar, You are redirected to the SCRIPTING - NEW INCIDENT (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) page.


  4. On the SCRIPTING - NEW INCIDENT (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) page under the CONTROL drop-down list, select Description.
  5. You can now see the Control ID and Associated Control ID of the Description field in the PROPERTIES tab.
  6. Under the PROPERTIES tab, in the text area of the Label Text field, edit the name of the Description field. In this example, the field name is changed from Description to Details_Test.

  7. Select the Apply Changes check box. 

    Figure: PROPERTIES tab


    If you want to configure events for the Description field, click the Events tab and select the preferred events.

  8. Select the Active check box if the Active check box is not selected.
  9. Select the Status as Published and click SUBMIT.
  10. Go to the NEW INCIDENT page and check whether the changes are applied and visible on the NEW INCIDENT page.
  11. You have successfully changed the name of the Description field present on the NEW INCIDENT page.

Application Upgrade - Scripting Impact

There is no impact to the JavaScript codes written using the Scripting functionality when the SummitAI application is upgraded to a later version. However, if there are changes on the Application interface in the later version where the fields referred in the JavaScript code are modified (fields removed, data type changed, etc.), there will be an impact on such JavaScript codes. Such JavaScript codes need to be validated and modified (as required).

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