Copy Service Request
Enterprise IT
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
The Copy Service Request feature is an enhancement in the existing process of Service Request creation. The copy service request feature allows users to create a new service request with the Catalog details of existing service requests.
The feature helps to reduce the time and effort required to create a new SR with the same catalog details. It also helps to track and report multiple SRs created for a single catalog.
Enable Copy Service Request from Form Builder
The option “Enable Copy Service Request” should be enabled from the Form Builder for the Service request catalog. If this option is enabled, an analyst or an end user will see the Copy service request option under the Actions Panel.
To enable the Copy Service request in Form Builder, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Admin > Form Builder. Select the Tenant.
- Select the Module Service Catalog Management. Select the catalog for which copy service request is to be enabled.
- On the Form Builder Page, under the Additional Info Tab, enable the option “Enable Copy Service Request”.
Figure: Form Builder page.
Copy Service Request for Analyst
The copy service request option will be displayed on the action panel when the analyst opens the existing service request.
To copy a service request from an existing SR, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Request > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
- From the SR list, select the Service request that needs to be copied.
- Click Copy Service Request from the Action Panel.
Figure: Copy Service Request
- On the Copy Service Request pop-up, select either Same Caller or Different Call and click Submit.
Figure: Caller detail
If the Same Caller option is selected, perform the following steps:
- If the Same Caller option is selected, a new Service Request page is created by retaining the caller’s name and SR catalog details.
Figure: Same Caller SR - Enter all the details in the catalog and click Next.
- If there are any approvals for the catalog, they are listed in the Approvals tab. Click Submit to save the SR.
A new SR will be created with the same caller’s name and the same catalog details.
All the fields in the new SR catalog are editable. The caller’s name cannot be changed.
If the Different Caller option is selected, perform the following steps:
- Click Different Caller on the pop-up. Select caller option will be displayed, enter the caller’s name for the SR. Click Submit.
Figure: Different Caller - Enter all the details in the catalog and click Next.
Figure: Different Caller SR - If there are any approvals for the catalog, they are listed in the Approvals tab. Click Submit to save the SR.
A new SR will be created with the different caller’s name, but the catalog details are retained from the copied SR.
Selected User does not have catalog access:
When a Different caller is selected for the copy service request, if the User does not have access to the selected Catalog, the system will display an error stating “Selected User does not have access to the Catalog, to create a new SR click here.”
By clicking on the “click here” option, the hyperlink redirects to the page to create a new SR.
The “Requested for” option is auto-populated with the selected caller’s name.
Figure: User does not have access to SR catalog.
Change History details for copied Service Request:
In the newly copied Service Request, the Change History will have the SR number of the previous service request.
To navigate to Change History, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Request > Manager Service Requests > Service Request List.
- Select the newly copied Service request.
- On the Actions Panel, click Change History.
Figure: Change History
The SR copied from is a hyperlink. Upon clicking the hyperlink, the Copied from SR opens displaying the details of the old SR.
Copy Service Request for End User
The copy service request feature is enabled for End Users which helps to create SRs with the same catalog details and the same caller’s name without having to enter the details every time for a new SR.
To copy a service request for the End user, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to End User Dashboard > Open Service Request.
- On the My Service Requests page, open the SR to be copied.
- On this page, under the Actions Panel, click Copy Service Request.
Figure: Copy SR for End User - A new SR page is displayed with all the catalog details auto-populated.
All the fields in the new SR catalog are editable.