Configuring Work Order- Catalog Mapping

Configuring Work Order- Catalog Mapping

You can configure and modify Work Orders for Service Catalogs.

To configure Work Orders for Service Catalogs:

  1. Select Request > Configuration > Service Request Masters > Work Order - Catalog Mapping.
  2. Select Tenant from Filters.
    Work Order – Catalog Mapping list is displayed.

    Figure: Work Order - Catalog Mapping List

    Pagination in the Work Order - Catalog mapping list page enables users to view a huge amount of data in manageable, smaller portions or "pages."
  3. On the WORK ORDER - CATALOG MAPPING page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  4. Select the Tenant, Service Catalog, and type in the new Work Order details. For information about the field on the WORK ORDER - CATALOG MAPPING page, see Field Description.
  5. Click SUBMIT. A new Work Order for the Service Catalog is configured.


Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the WORK ORDER - CATALOG MAPPING page:




Creation Type

  • Select New if you want to create a new Work Order Catalog.
  • Select From Existing if you want to create a new Work Order from an existing Work Order Catalog. If this option is selected, Copy From field is displayed. Select the name of the Catalog from the list from where you want to copy the details.


Indicates the Category under which the Service Request (SR) is considered for resolution. Select a Category that you want to associate for the Work Order.


Select a value from the list. Base on the Category selected, all the Service Catalogs are populated.

Work Order Name

Type in a name for the Work Order.

Target Tenant

Select the target Tenant name for which you want to add a Work Order from the list. Based on the needs of the client, you can configure the name for this text box.  


Lists all the Workgroups configured under the selected Tenant. Select a Workgroup name from the list.


Type in the name of the user you want to configure as a Caller for the Work Orders. For all the Work Orders created for the Service Catalog, the selected Caller becomes the default Caller.


If no Caller is selected, the Caller of the Service Request becomes the Caller of the Work Order.


Lists all the Classification configured under the selected Tenant. Select a Classification name from the list.


Select a Priority for the Work Order.


Type in the symptom to create Work Order for a Service Catalog.


Type in the description to create Work Order for a Service Catalog.

Parent Work Order

Select the Parent Work Order.
Multiple Work Orders are displayed on the dropdown list for parallel to series WO creation.

Figure: Multiple selection of Parent Workorder


Select the order in which the Work Orders should be executed.

Work Order Creation Time

Select the Workorder creation time (Immediately/Based On Date Field) form the drop-down.

Figure: Details

  • If Immediately is selected, the work order is created automatically once the SR ticket is in New status.
  •  If Based On Date Field is selected, the work order is created based on the selected date.
    • Select the configured date from the drop-down for reference, select + or - , and specify the number of days on which the work order will be created.
      Example: If the reference date is selected as Joining Date as displayed in the screenshot and the specified number of days is +2, the work order will be created after 2 days of the actual Joining Date.
    • Once the Current Work Order and the Work Order yet to be created are Resolved then only Analyst can Resolve the SR ticket.

Note: Admin needs to create a Custom Scheduler job using Auto Work Order Creation for SR Job Option to create Work Order automatically based on the selected date.

Conditional Creation

Select the check box to apply conditions to create Work Order for a Catalog.

Figure: WORK ORDER - CATALOG MAPPING page: Conditional Creation section

As per configuration SR should fulfill the conditions specified in the Work Order.

For AND condition SR should fulfill all the rules and for OR SR should fulfill at least one of the defined rules.

  • ADD RULE: Click ADD RULE and specify the rules for the Work Order creation.
  • ADD BLOCK: Click ADD Block to specify a rule under the certain rule for the Work Order creation.


Indicates the status of the Work Order.

  • If selected, the Work Order becomes an available option on the other pages of the application.
  • If not selected, the Work Order becomes an inactive value. The inactive Work Orders are not displayed in the Work Orders list on the other pages of the application.


This section explains all the icons on the ACTIONS panel of the WORK ORDER - CATALOG MAPPING page.


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing the Work Orders configured for Service Catalogs in the Summit application for the selected Tenant.

Figure: WORK ORDER - CATALOG MAPPING page: List of Work Orders Mapped with Service Catalog

  • To edit a Work Order - Catalog Mapping, click the Work Order Name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
  • To display the inactive Work Orders, click the Include Inactive check box.


When the Work Order-Catalog Mapping Configurations are displayed under the LIST table, the button ADD NEW and IMPORT are displayed on the ACTIONS panel.

  • Click ADD NEW to configure a new Work Order-Catalog Mapping.
  • Click IMPORT to update or create multiple Work Order-Catalog Mapping Configurations, importing the Master Excel template. Upon clicking IMPORT, you will be redirected to the EXCEL MASTERS IMPORT page, where you can download the excel template and fill the required data to update in the WORK ORDER - CATALOG MAPPING page. For more information see Importing Master Template.

Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criterion to display the Work Orders. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the Tenant, Category, Catalog, and Work Order Name. Click SUBMIT to display the list of Work Orders based on the filter criteria.

Figure: FILTERS pop-up page


Let us consider the following scenarios with the enhanced configuration. 

  1. The following scenario with Immediate execution and NO condition. 
    There are five workorders executed in the following sequence:

    Use Case 1:

    • Upon completion of WO1 named as User Creation, 
      WO2 named as Bank Account and WO3 named as HR Account Creation is executed.
    • Upon Completion of WO2 named Bank Account and WO3 named HR Account Creation, 
      WO4 named Cubicle Allotment is executed.
    • Upon completion of WO4 named Cubicle Allotment 
      WO5 ID card Issue is executed.

      Figure: Parallel to Series Use Case 

      Note: Only on completion of Parent WO the child WO is executed.
  2. If the Time of creation varies for different WOs and the Condition is set to No, this use case will execute successfully. There are five Work Orders executed in the following sequence. 

    Use Case 2:

    • Upon completion of WO1 named as User Creation, 
      WO2 named as Bank Account and WO3 named as HR Account is executed successfully. 
      Example: Suppose the employee's date of Joining is 1h June. 
      WO1 will get created on June 15th +2 days June 17th, 
      and the actual creation of WO2 will be June 15th +1 day = 16th  June,  
      as the WO1 creation date is greater than WO2, the system will wait for the creation of WO1 and when the WO1 is getting resolved then based upon the scheduled date it will immediately create the WO2 as the WO1 is completed. 
    • Upon creation and execution of WO2 named Bank Account and WO3 named HR Account Creation, 
      WO4 named Cubicle Allotment is executed. 
      Example: WO2 will get created on June 15th + 1 day = 16th June,and 
      WO3 will be created immediately and executed on June 15th.  
      However, WO4 will have to wait for WO2 to complete though WO3 is completed. 
      WO4 is created immediately and executed after resolving WO2 on 16th June. 
    • Upon completion of WO4 named Cubicle Allotment 
      WO5 ID card Issue is executed. 

      Figure: Parallel to Series Use Case

      Note: Parent-child relationship mapping should meet to process of the Work order.

  3. The following scenario explains if the Parent Workorder does not meet the condition, the resolution of the current parent Workorder and the creation of the sequenced Workorder will not happen. 

    Use Case 3:

    • WO2 named as Bank Account does not meet the condition and WO3 named HR Account creation is created successfully, 
      WO4 will not be created as the Parent WO2 has failed to resolve. Hence WO5 will not be created as well.

      Figure: Parallel to Series Use Case

      Note: if Auto Resolve SR using the last work order is configured at the catalog level, then the SR will get resolve while resolving the WO3.


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