Creating Call Records

The Analyst can log the Call details as Incident or Request. The Analyst can create an Incident/SR from the Call Record. If an Incident/SR is created, the Call Record is closed automatically. The Analyst can log the Call Records as Incident/SR only for internal users. For external users, a Call Record can be logged only as Enquiry.

To Create New Call Records:

  1. Select Call > User > Manage Calls > New Call For User. The CALL RECORD DETAILS page appears.
  2. Fill in all the required details on the CALL RECORD DETAILS page and click SUBMIT. A new Call Record is created. For more information about the fields on the CALL RECORD DETAILS page, see the Field Description.
  3. Click SUBMIT. A new Call Record is created.



  • Analysts can log Call Records as Incident, and Service Request for internal users. For external users (not using SUMMIT application), an Analyst can log the Call Record only as Enquiry.
  • To create a Call Record for external users, select the External User Check box. Additionally, Analysts need to fill the external user's information.
  • As you start typing in the Subject field on the NEW CALL RECORD FOR USER page, a list of Knowledge Records relevant to the entered subject (Keywords) will display in the Recommended Solution(s) Found pop-up a shown in the above screenshot.
  • The Analyst can use the Knowledge Records (KRs) to provide solutions to the End Users by refering to the existing Knowledge Article and avoid logging new Incidents, Service Requests, or Enquiries. Click to expand the Recommended Solution(s) Found pop-up. Click the required Knowledge Record to view the details on the new tab.


    If a knowledge article is a Public Article, the above fields will not be displayed. For more information about the public article, see adding knowledge records.

The following table describes the fields on the CALL RECORD DETAILS page:




Select the Tenant from the drop-down list for which you want to create the Call Record.


Specify the Caller Name for whom you want to create the Call Record. This field is applicable only for the internal users of Summit application. 

  • Specify the Caller Name in the associated text box and select the name from the suggestion list. 
  • You can also search the Caller by name, e-mail id, or mobile number. Click the search button associated with the Caller text box and type in /E-mail ID/Mobile Number. Select the Name from the list. 

    After the Caller Name is selected, the CALL RECORD DASHBOARD appears with last five Call Records list, including Incident, and Service Request.

External User

Select the External User check box to log Call Record as Enquiry for the external users. If the External User check box is selected, following additional fields are displayed: 

  • Contact Name: Specify the name of the external user. 
  • Contact Number: Specify the phone number of the external user. 
  • Email: Specify the id of the external user. 
  • Department: Specify the department for which the external user works. 
  • Location: Specify the location of the external user.


Select the medium by which the issue is notified to the Analysts. There are four types of medium: Application, Mail, Web, and Phone.


Specify the subject or reason of the Call Record.


Type in a brief description about the Call Record.


Click the Upload Attachment button and select the file from the system to upload the required attachment the Call Record.



Select the Call Type from the drop-down list.  Call Type first. To know more about Call Types, see Configuring Call Types

 If the customer reported issue cannot be categorized as Incident or Service Request, the Call Record should be logged as For external users, only option is available to create the Call Record. Select the Call Type created for Enquiry

  • Incident: If Incident is to be created the Call Record, select the Call Type created for Incident. 
  • Service Request: If SR is to be created the Call Record, select the Call Type created for Request.


Select the Workgroup to assign the Call Record.   Management check box on the WORKGROUP page to make the Workgroups available on CALL RECORD DETAILS page.

Assigned to

Select the Analyst's name to assign the Call Record.

Actual Effort

Specify the time required to resolve the issue.


  • If the Call Record is not assigned to any Analyst while creating the Call Record, it remains in the NEW status. If assigned to any Analyst, the status becomes IN-PROGRESS
  • If an Incident/SR is created from the Call Record, the status of the Call Record automatically changes to CLOSED.

Creating Incident/SR from Call Record

Select the Call Type as Incident or Request and click SUBMIT at any status before closing the Call Record to create an Incident or Service Request (SR) from it. The CALL RECORD DETAILS page is redirected to the New Incident/New Incident for User or New Service Request for User page. Fill in the required details and click SUBMIT. A new Incident or Service Request is created and the Call Record is closed automatically.


While creating SRs from a Call Record, the CREATE SR FROM EXCEL UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD CATALOG TEMPLATE icons are not available on the ACTIONS panel. The ADD TO CART option is also not available.


For more details about the fields on the New Incident , New Incident For User, and NEW SERVICE REQUEST FOR USER  pages, see Logging Incidents for Users and Logging Service Requests for Users. This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CALL RECORD DETAILS page.


Displays the list Call Records Created for the Selected Tenant. For more details about the CALL RECORD LIST page, see Viewing/Updating Call Records


Displays the list of changes made to the Call Record with Date, Time, Old Value, and New Value. Analysts can also search for a specific change on the CHANGE HISTORY page.

Figure: Call Record: Change History