Application Control Report

The Application Control Report displays the multiple diverse software (authorized or licensed) running on different systems including the count of machines. You can classify the report by filtering the software that are Whitelisted, Blacklisted, or Warning. 

Admin or Analyst can access the report based on access privileges assigned through roles.

 Additional Information

The primary purpose of this report is used to display the software installed on the assets in a tabular view format. The Machine In Use count hyperlink in the result screen displays the detailed information about the specific software.

For more information on the Asset Management reports, see Viewing Reports.

Steps to access Application Control Report

To view the Application Control Report, perform the following steps:
  1. Navigate to Reports > Asset Management > Application Control Report.

  2. Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel to specify the filter criteria for generating the report.
    The FILTERS pop-up appears.

    Figure: FILTERS pop-up

  3. Enter or select the values as describe in the following table.




    Tenant is similar to department in an organization, example : Operations, IT. Select the Tenant name from the list. This is a mandatory field. For more information, see Configuring Tenants.


    Select the status of the report for which the report to be generated. This is a mandatory field.

    The listed values are:

    • Allowed

    • Warning

    • Blocked

    From Date

    Select the FROM date from the calendar icon. This is a mandatory field.

    To Date

    Select the TO date till when you want to result to be displayed.


    Search and select a username.

    Search By

    The Search By and Search Value fields are interdependent fields and work together to enhance the search result. Based on the selected value of the Search By field, Search Value displays the respective options. 

    The listed criterions are:

    • File Name

    • Serial Number

    • IP Address

    • Host Name

    Search Value

    Enter the search value to display the results.

  4. Click SUBMIT
    The Application Control Report is displayed.

    Figure: Application Control Report results

    Field Description



    Product Name

    Displays the name of the product is displayed.

    File Name

    Displays the name of the file is displayed.

    Machine in Use

    Displays the total number of machine is used for the respective product and detailed information about the asset. A sample screenshot is shown below:


    Figure: Asset List

Click the Refresh Report to fetch latest details for the report. Any changes performed after the Reports page was loaded, will reflect if you click on Refresh Report .


You can perform the following actions from the ACTIONS panel of the Application Control Report page. 



Prints the displayed report records.

Exports the displayed records on the page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Exports the complete list of report records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.