Knowledge Dashboard

About Knowledge Dashboard

The KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD provides various details about the various Knowledge Records created in the Application. Many details, such as Category-wise Knowledge Record distribution, the recently published articles, the most frequently read articles, the highest rates articles, etc. can be found on this dashboard.

Various Sections of Dashboard

This section explains the various sections of the KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page.

Under the KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD tab, you can view the Category-wise article (Knowledge Record) distribution in a bubble chart and all the recently published Global Knowledge Articles.

You can search for a KR using the LOOKING FOR ANSWER text box. You can also filter the KRs based on MOST VIEWEDIMPORTANT, and HIGHEST RATED

Figure: KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page: End User (Card View)

Section 1

Article Distribution

This section displays the Categories and Sub-Categories-wise article distribution in bubble chart as well as in a list.

Looking for an Answer

You can search for the Knowledge Records using the LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER text box.

Latest Articles

You can view the Knowledge Records (KRs) published recently with images on the tile.

Section 2

Global Articles

Under the Global Articles tab, you can view the Knowledge Records (KRs) based on the Customer and Location configuration of the logged-in user.

My Articles

Click My Articles to view the Knowledge Records (KRs) created by the logged-in user.

Icons on Knowledge Article tile
  • Copy URL icon : Click this option to copy the URL of the respective Knowledge Record.

  • Video pop-up icon :  Click this icon to view the video attached to the Knowledge Record on a new browser tab.

  • View: Click on the tile to view the Knowledge Record on a new browser tab.


If the End User has Knowledge Record Author access or Analyst access, the End User can view the Knowledge Records of all Statuses, such as Draft, Submitted, Authorized, Not Authorized, Referred Back To Author, Referred Back To Authorizer, Referred Back To Approver, Published, Maintenance, Approved, and Rejected.

 See Screenshot

Figure: KNOWLEDGE DASHBOARD page: End User with Knowledge Record Author Access or Analyst

Author-Specific Icons on Knowledge Article Tile

Ellipsis icon : Click to display the following additional options:

  • Edit : Click to edit the Knowledge Record on a new browser tab.

  • Duplicate : Click to copy the details of a Knowledge Record to a NEW KNOWLEDGE RECORD page on a new browser tab.

Section 3


You can view the KRs categorized under IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, and HIGHEST RATED. Click on the KR to view the KR details on a new browser tab. 


Various sections of the KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page:
  • Rating KRs

You can provide feedback for a KR by clicking the stars and typing your remarks. Click SUBMIT to save your feedback and remarks.


You can search and view the Knowledge Records using the LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER field on the KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page. The currently selected Knowledge Record is displayed with a grey color background.

    You can view the list of last five recently visited Knowledge Records under the RECENTLY VIEWED section.


If a Knowledge Record is configured as a Public Article (For more information about Public Article, see Adding Knowledge Records), the Knowledge Record can be shared with a user even if the user does not have any access to the SummitAI application. The Public Knowledge Records open in a new tab on your browser and not as a pop-up page within the Application.

 See Screenshot

Figure: KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page: Public Article

Advanced Filters

Click Filters and select a Tenant for which you want to view the Knowledge Records on the Dashboard.


  • List View icon : Click to view the Knowledge Records in a List view.
  • Card View icon : Click to view the Knowledge Records in a Card view.