Broadcasting Message for New Rules

From Release DENALI SP3 onwards, the Admin user have provision to send a broadcast email to desired recipients, informing them about the new Rules for E-mail to SR. Click the Click here to broadcast in the following screen to open the Broadcast screen

Figure: Click here to broadcast

As shown in the following screen a Broadcast Email screen with Email Body containing the Rules is displayed. The admin can modify the details and send a broadcast email to desired recipients selected in Broadcast To.

  1. The Broadcast Name is by default selected as Email to Service Request.
  2. The Broadcast Medium is by default be selected as Email.
  3. The Broadcast Subject is by default selected as Email to Service Request.
  4. The Broadcast Description can be edited by the Administrator if required in the parsing rules content.
  5. Select Send Now to send the Broadcast email immediately.
  6. You can select the scheduled date and time when you want to send the Broadcast email. Ensure that scheduled time is 5 minutes greater than the current time.
  7. Select Active check box.
  8. From Broadcast To, you can select the desired recipients such as Customer, Location, Workgroup, User Type, User List, or Custom Email and specify other details.
  9. Click Submit.
    An email is sent to specified recipients along with the Notification Parser rule details configured for Email to SR.

    Figure: Sending Broadcast Email to End Users