Retrieve Asset Reconciliation List

You can retrieve the asset reconciliation list using the following API Request details such as Asset User Reconciliation, Asset Allocation Ids and so on.

To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.

Service NameHTTP Method


Sample Request
    "ServiceName": "AM_GetReconciliationAssetList",
    "objCommonParameters": {
        "_ProxyDetails": {
            "SAASOrgID": "0",
            "LoginUID": 0,
            "RequestType": "mobile",
            "MobileVersion": "5.10.3",
            "Password": "test@123",
            "AuthType": "FORM",
            "ProxyID": 0,
            "OrgID": "1",
            "TokenID": "",
            "ReturnType": "JSON",
            "UserName": ""
        "UserID": 2,
        "AssetListFilter": {
            "CategoryId": "1",
            "Reportees": "3",
            "Status": "ALL",
            "ResponseType": 0

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionMandatory
User ID 


Unique identification number of the user. 


Asset Filter List


The list of the asset. 


Category ID


Unique identification number of the category.




The number of reportees.




The status of the asset.


Response Type


The type of the response.


Sample Response
    "Errors": "",
    "Message": "",
    "Output": "",
    "TokenID": "8625F9DAE782B4C72E327BB9BF492FB4A44B127029DE6B10ADB3F8A32FD99C9D644B683E2243E3CEA2CCAE8F8F48217D3435B97C669652B51C4E0C80A389FDAC6CBFECFBAAFD67CB3CC4CBD4369EFC0E2B15277FF1F382B6369DD139C44271A9E59D62609DCA1E804D4EF3D68FB8808A5EEE2BF322A5ABC4485F10ADC84AAB903B978DF98C860665D25324DDA440B929",
    "OrgID": 0,
    "OutputObject": {
        "AssetInformation": {
            "ApplicationSettings": [
                    "ConfID": 49,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
                    "Config": "AM_GenerateGP_WOApproval",
                    "Config_Val": "True",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 50,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
                    "Config": "AM_IsSoftLicenseQty_Validation",
                    "Config_Val": "True",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 55,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
                    "Config": "AM_IsCubicleEnabled",
                    "Config_Val": "True",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 56,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
                    "Config": "AM_IsProjectEnabled",
                    "Config_Val": "True",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 57,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
                    "Config": "AM:IsReturnAssetRefIDEnabled",
                    "Config_Val": "True",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 58,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
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                    "Config_Val": "PUBLISHER:1,LICENSEMODEL:1",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 61,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
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                    "Config_Val": "True",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 68,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
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                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 69,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
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                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 70,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
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                    "Config_Val": "Selected Customers",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 71,
                    "Org_ID": 1,
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                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
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                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 73,
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                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
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                    "Discription": null
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                    "Config_Val": "Customer : {0}, Type: {2}, Report Type: {3}, Software Name: {1}",
                    "Active": true,
                    "Data_Type": null,
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                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
                    "ConfID": 76,
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                    "Data_Type": null,
                    "Module_Code": "AM",
                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
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                    "Discription": null
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                    "Data_Type": null,
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                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
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                    "Data_Type": null,
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                    "Discription": null
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                    "Discription": null
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                    "Discription": null
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                    "DisplayName": null,
                    "Discription": null
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                    "Config_Val": "2019-06-20 13:04:40.130",
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            "ConfigurationSettings": [
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                    "AM_Category_Name": "Mac book",
                    "Instance": "Info",
                    "Asset_Reconciliation": "CONFIG,LOCATION",
                    "Accept_Display_Text": "Accept!!!",
                    "Reject_Display_Text": "Reject!!!",
                    "LocationConfig": "LOC,FLR",
                    "CubicleConfig": "ALLOW"
            "CategoryList": [
                    "CategoryID": 131,
                    "CategoryName": "LAPTOP",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "AMTEST",
                    "InstanceCode": "AMT"
                    "CategoryID": 20,
                    "CategoryName": "Asset_Laptop",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "asset mgmt",
                    "InstanceCode": "1234"
                    "CategoryID": 31,
                    "CategoryName": "Asset_Tab",
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                    "Instance": "asset mgmt",
                    "InstanceCode": "1234"
                    "CategoryID": 14,
                    "CategoryName": "Desktop",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "Information Technology",
                    "InstanceCode": "Info"
                    "CategoryID": 1,
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                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "Information Technology",
                    "InstanceCode": "Info"
                    "CategoryID": 23,
                    "CategoryName": "LAPTOP1",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "Information Technology",
                    "InstanceCode": "Info"
                    "CategoryID": 17,
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                    "Instance": "Information Technology",
                    "InstanceCode": "Info"
                    "CategoryID": 18,
                    "CategoryName": "pro",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "Information Technology",
                    "InstanceCode": "Info"
                    "CategoryID": 99,
                    "CategoryName": "Tabs",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "Information Technology",
                    "InstanceCode": "Info"
                    "CategoryID": 95,
                    "CategoryName": "tab1",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "maruthi_user",
                    "InstanceCode": "maker2"
                    "CategoryID": 74,
                    "CategoryName": "tab28",
                    "AM_Category_UsageType": 0,
                    "Instance": "New_management",
                    "InstanceCode": "Testca"
            "ReporteeList": [
                    "RID": 1,
                    "UserID": 2,
                    "UserName": "Self"
                    "RID": 2,
                    "UserID": 1275,
                    "UserName": "Basanagowda"
                    "RID": 3,
                    "UserID": 1138,
                    "UserName": "Channabasava"
                    "RID": 4,
                    "UserID": 1551,
                    "UserName": "denali390456"
                    "RID": 5,
                    "UserID": 1552,
                    "UserName": "denali390456"
                    "RID": 6,
                    "UserID": 1553,
                    "UserName": "denali390456"
                    "RID": 7,
                    "UserID": 1555,
                    "UserName": "denali390456"
                    "RID": 8,
                    "UserID": 1556,
                    "UserName": "denali390456"
                    "RID": 9,
                    "UserID": 1557,
                    "UserName": "denali390456"
                    "RID": 10,
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            "ReconciliationReasonList": [
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                    "Instance": "Info",
                    "Purpose": "newpurpose",
                    "Active": true
                    "UID": 6,
                    "Instance": "Info",
                    "Purpose": "Test",
                    "Active": true
                    "UID": 7,
                    "Instance": "Info",
                    "Purpose": "Test Purpose",
                    "Active": true
                    "UID": 1,
                    "Instance": "Info",
                    "Purpose": "Test254357",
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                    "Instance": "Info",
                    "Purpose": "TestPurposeType",
                    "Active": true
                    "UID": 4,
                    "Instance": "Info",
                    "Purpose": "wertyu",
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            "ReconciliationRejectionTypeList": [
                    "ddlText": "Not Available",
                    "ddlValue": "NOT_AVAIL"
                    "ddlText": "Need to Deactivate/Dispose",
                    "ddlValue": "N_DEAT_DISP"
            "ReconciliationStatusList": [
                    "ddlText": "Accepted",
                    "ddlValue": "Accepted"
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                    "ddlText": "New/Refered Back",
                    "ddlValue": "NEWRB"
                    "ddlText": "Rejected",
                    "ddlValue": "Rejected"
            "ActionList": [
                    "ddlText": "Accept!!!",
                    "ddlValue": "Accept"
                    "ddlText": "Reject!!!",
                    "ddlValue": "Reject"
            "ReconciliationAssetList": []
    "OutputID": 0,
    "Input": null

Status and Error Codes

For more information, see: Status and Error Messages.