Adding Software Assets

Adding Software Assets

      An Analyst must add all the mandatory field value under the General, Licensing Mapping, Contract Mapping, Baseline Profile mapping, Users, and Devices tabs. Each tab contains specific set of attributes which must be defined. All the required configuration screens are unified which enables the users to perform the hassle-free and quick addition of new software. User cannot navigate to succeeding tab if the values of mandatory attributes are not filled- in current tab. 

Figure: Phases of Adding Software

To add Software Assets:

  1. Select Asset > User > Asset Inventory. The ASSET INVENTORY page is displayed. For more information about ASSET INVENTORY page, see Asset Inventory.

  2. On the ASSET INVENTORY page, select SOFTWARE.

  3. On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD. The ADD SOFTWARE page is displayed.

  4. On the ADD SOFTWARE page, select the Tenant, Category, and search for a Store using the Search icon. Based on the selected Category and Store, the details are displayed. Under the General tab, you can add basic details for a Software Asset type.

  5. Under the SOFTWARE DETAILS section, specify the required information for the new Asset. For more information about the fields on the ADD SOFTWARE page, see Field Description.

  6. Click SUBMIT.

    Figure: ADD SOFTWARE page 

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the General tab:





Select the Category to which you want to add the Software.


Select the Store to which you want to add the Software.

Sub StatusSelect the Sub Status of the software



Select the Publisher of the Software. You can configure the Publisher on the COMMON MASTERS page using the Master Type Publisher. For more information about how to configure a Master Type, see Configuring Common Masters in SummitAI Platform.

An organization that develop and distribute software is called a Publisher. 

License Model

Select the License Model for the Software that you want to add. You can configure the License Model on the COMMON MASTERS page using the Master Type License Model. For more information about how to configure a Master Type, see Configuring Common Masters in SummitAI Platform.

The available license models are

  • Device based
  • User Based
  • Processor Based
  • Core Based
  • PVU Based

SKU Number

Type in the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) Number of the Software License. SKU Number helps in tracking the software


Select the Customer from the drop-down list. You can add Customers on the CUSTOMER LIST page. For more information about how to add a Customer, see Adding Customers in SummitAI Platform.

Show Software Inventory

  • With Software Version: If selected, you can specify the version of the software in the Software Version field under the LICENSE DETAILS section.
  • With Service Pack: If selected, you can specify the service pack in the Service Pack field under the LICENSE DETAILS section.


License Name

Select the Software License Name from the drop-down list.

License Type

Select the Software License Type from the drop-down list.

From Date

Select the Date of Purchase of the Software License.

To Date

Select the Date until which the Software License is valid.

Keywords (Exist)

Specify the keywords that exists in the License Name to map the license to the Software Publisher.

Keywords (Not Exist)

Specify the keywords that do not exist in the License Name to map the license to the Software Publisher.

License Key

Specify the Software License Key.

Software VersionSelect the version of the software from the drop-down list.
Service PackSelect the service pack from the drop-down list.
Attachments 1, 2, 3

Upload any file(s) related to the Accessories.
Multiple attachments against a single file upload control can be done by two methods:

  1. By attaching one file at a time and clicking on SUBMIT to save the file and perform the same action again.
  2. By selecting multiple files at the same time (using CTRL button) and then SUBMIT the files to save it.

The attachment details are displayed upon submitting as follows:

  1. File Name- Displays the name of the attached file
  2. Attachment Date- Displays the date of the file attached with time stamp.

The maximum size of the file upload is 4MB.

Administrator can customize the size of file upload in web.config. 

The number of attachment fields and the attachment limit (Single or Multiple) can be configured based on the requirement through Form Builder option.

See Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder page for more information.


Specify the Quantity of the Software License(s).

Note: You can update the Software Quantity as zero (0). For example, you can update the Software Quantity as zero (0) for a trial version of the Software. It helps in more accurate planning of Software Assets. You can further drill-down the Software details by clicking the hyperlinks (0) under the In-Store tab on the SOFTWARE DETAILS list page.

Unit Price (INR)

Specify the Unit Price of the Software License.


If any mandatory attribute under the GENERAL TAB is not defined and you submit the form, rest of the tabs will be greyed out. These tabs are accessible only after all the mandatory attributes are defined and submitted.

 License Mapping

You can view the mapped software list and map the unmapped software list to a software group name. You can also map the license keys to a software group. It helps to generate license compliance report.

To configure Software License Mapping:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Software > License Mapping.
  2. On the LICENSE MAPPING page, FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the Tenant and License Name, click SUBMIT to display list of mapped software. For more information about fields and icons on the FILTERS pop-up page, see Filters.
  3. Table listing mapped software for license matching the filter criteria is displayed under the SOFTWARE MAPPING tab. For more information about fields and icons on the LICENSE MAPPING page, see Field Description.

    Figure: License Mapping page: SOFTWARE MAPPING tab

    Software Mapping 

    1. To map software manually, click the Filters icon, select the Vendor and type in the software name you want to map in the Software Name field.
    2. Click SUBMIT. A list of unmapped software is displayed in the SOFTWARE LIST table.
      A list of mapped software is displayed in the MAPPED SOFTWARE FOR LICENSE - <License Name> table.
    3. Select the check box for the software you want map and click SUBMIT. The mapped software is added to the MAPPED SOFTWARE FOR LICENSE - <License Name> table.


Deleting Mapped Software

 To delete a mapped software, click the Delete icon for the software you want to delete.

Field Description 

The following table describes the fields under the SOFTWARE MAPPING tab of the LICENSE MAPPING page:





Select one or more software to configure software mapping. If you select the check box on the header row, all the software in the list is selected.

Software Name

Displays the software names.


Displays the version for the software.


Displays the vendor name for the software.

Mapped Software for License - (License Name)

Displays the list of software mapped for the license selected on the FILTERS pop-up page.

DeleteClick the Delete icon for the software name to delete the software mapping.
Software NameDisplays the mapped software names.
VersionDisplays the version for the software.
VendorDisplays the vendor name for the software.
Is SummaryDisplays if the summary is available for the software.
Auto Mapped

Indicates the mode of mapping.

  • True: Indicates that the software is mapped using auto mapping mode.
  • False: Indicates that the software is mapped using manual mapping mode.


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the software Mapping. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed.

Figure:  FILTERS pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page for SOFTWARE MAPPING:




Displays the Tenant that was selected under the General tab.

License Name

Displays License name that was selected under the General tab.


Select the Vendors from the list. Hold the control key down to select more than one vendor.

Software Name

Type in the software name or a part of the software name to search the software list. You can leave this field blank. You can also use the wildcard search '%'.

Software View

Select if you want to view the Detail or Summary from the list.

Display Unmapped Software

Select this check box to view the unmapped software.

Product Mapping

You can map the license keys to a Product group. For more information about Product Mapping, see Product Mapping.

          a. To map a product manually, click the Filters icon, select the Tenant, select the License Name and type the product name you want to map in the                             Product Name field. For more information, see Filters.

          b. Check the box Display Unmapped Products to display the list of Unmapped products available. 

          c. Click SUBMIT.


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the Product Mapping. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed.

Figure: FILTERS Pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page for PRODUCT MAPPING:



Displays the Tenant that was selected under the General tab. You may also select Tenant from the drop-down.

License Name

Displays License name that was selected under the General tab. You may also select the License Name from the drop-down.

Product Name

Enter the Product Name. If you are unsure about the product name, you may also use '%' after typing one or two beginning characters of the product name.

Display Unmapped Software

Select this check box to view the unmapped products.

 Contract Mapping

You can map software with one or more contracts. The mapped software is displayed under the Relationship tab. It gives the visibility of software covered in the contract with insight of contract at detailed level.   Software can be linked to these Contracts for tracking and reference. You can link related Contracts to the Software using the Link. You can link a contract, create a new contract, or delink the already mapped contract.

To link any contract to Software:

  1. Click the Contract in the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed.

    Figure: Relationship pop-up page
  2. You can filter the contracts using the filter option. Click icon and enter the required details and click SUBMIT.

    Figure: Filter pop-up
  3. The contracts based on the filter criteria given are displayed on the page. 
  4. Enable the check box of the required Contract to be linked on the Relationship pop-up page and click LINK.
  5. The linked Contract is displayed under the LIST.

To create a contract for Software, see Contract and Agreement Details

To delink a contract for Software

  • Enable the check box of the required Contract to be delinked and click De-Link.

    Figure: Contract – Delink


Once a contract is linked to Software, the red tick mark in the CONTRACT MAPPING tab changes to green. The green color tick indicates that the configuration under the respective tab is completed.

 Baseline Profile Mapping

Baseline Profile mapping is a method of standardizing the software to be installed on an Asset. This process involves Software Baselining and mapping the Software Baseline Profiles to a Customer, Location, IP Address, and System. If a software is baselined and mapped, and there is a change to the software, it will not be listed on the Software Variance page. (see: Viewing Software Variance).

To link a baseline profile to Software:

  1. Click the Baseline Profile in the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed.

    Figure: Baseline Profile Mapping - Link

    Figure: Relationship Pop-up
  2. Enable the check box of the required Profile to be linked and click LINK.
  3. The linked Profile is displayed under the LIST section.


    You can select multiple Profile and link with the Software.

To create a Software Baseline Profile for Software:

  1. Click Asset > Configuration > Software > Baseline Profile. The BASELINE PROFILE page is displayed.
  2. On the ACTIONS panel, click ADD NEW. The BASELINE SOFTWARE MAPPING page is displayed.

  3. Specify the Profile name, map the required software from the software list, and click SUBMIT to create the Baseline Profile.

    The following table describes the fields on the BASELINE SOFTWARE MAPPING page:



    Profile Name

    Specify the Baseline Profile name.

    Master Profile

    If the check box is selected, the Profile is applied to all by default.


    If the check box is selected, the Profile will be active after it is created.


    This section displays the list of software available for baselining.

    To view the list of software: 

    1. Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel. The FILTERS pop-up page is displayed.

      Figure: FILTERS Pop-up page
    2. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select the Tenant in the Tenant drop-down list.
    3. Specify the Vendor Name and the Software Name in the Vendor and Software fields, respectively, for which you want to view the list of software. To do a wildcard search of the Vendor and Software names, specify '%' on each side of the names.
    4. Select the software type in the Software Type drop-down list.
    5. Select the check box corresponding to Display Type to view only the Unmapped Software.
    6. Click SUBMIT. The list of software is displayed in the SOFTWARE LIST section.


    This section displays the list of software mapped for baselining. 

    • To map the software, select the software in the SOFTWARE LIST section and click MAP SOFTWARE on the ACTIONS panel. The software is mapped and listed in the MAPPED SOFTWARE section.
    • To remove the software from the MAPPED SOFTWARE section, select the software in the MAPPED SOFTWARE section and click UNMAP SOFTWARE on the ACTIONS panel.

    Click to export the selected software to Microsoft Excel. Click  to export all the software listed in MAPPED SOFTWARE section to Microsoft Excel.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the BASELINE SOFTWARE MAPPING page.


Click the Filters icon to specify the list of software to be displayed in the SOFTWARE LIST section. See Field Description for details.


Click MAP SOFTWARE to map the software from SOFTWARE LIST section. See Field Description for details.


Click UNMAP SOFTWARE to remove the software from MAPPED SOFTWARE section. See Field Description for details.


Click PROFILE MAPPING to map the Baseline software to System, IP address, Customer, or Location.


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured Baseline Profiles.


To delink a Baseline profile for Software

  • 1.Enable the check box of the required profile to be delinked and click De-Link.

This tab is displayed if the License Model is selected as Device Based under the GENERAL tab. An Analyst can allocate and deallocated license to machines or devices.

To allocate license to device:

  1. Click the Allocate License in the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed.
  2. On the RELATIONSHIP page, type in the required details to allocate the License. For more information about the fields on the LICENSE ALLOCATION page, see Field Description.
  3. Click SUBMIT. The License is allocated to the device.

Figure: Relationship – License Allocation (Device Based)

Field Description 

The following table describes the fields of Device Based the license allocation.



License Type

Displays the license type such as Device based.

Allocation Date

Select the date from which the license should be allocated.


Specify remarks, if any.

Allocation Type

Select the type of allocation.

  • Permanent: If you want to allocate the selected license on a permanent basis, which does not specify a time period, select Permanent from the drop-down list.
  • Temporary: If you want to allocate the selected license on a temporary basis for a time period, select Temporary from the drop-down list and specify the date of return.

Return Date

If you want to allocate the selected license on a temporary basis, select the expected return date from the calender.

Sub Status

Select the Sub status.

Asset Search

Search and select the required Asset to which you want to allocate the license.


This tab is displayed if the License Model is selected as User Based under the GENERAL tab. An Analyst can allocate and deallocated license to machines or devices.

To allocate license to device:

  1. Click the Allocate License in the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed.
  2. On the RELATIONSHIP page, type in the required details to allocate the License. For more information about the fields on the LICENSE ALLOCATION page, see Field Description.
  3. Click SUBMIT. The License allocation allocated to the device.

    Figure: Relationship – License Allocation (User Based)

Field Description 

The following table describes the fields of User Based the license allocation.



License Type

Displays the license type such as User based.

Allocation Date

Select the date from which the license should be allocated.


Specify remarks, if any.

Allocation Type

Select the type of allocation.

  • Permanent: If you want to allocate the selected license on a permanent basis, which does not specify a time period, select Permanent from the drop-down list.
  • Temporary: If you want to allocate the selected license on a temporary basis for a time period, select Temporary from the drop-down list and specify the date of return.

Return Date

If you want to allocate the selected license on a temporary basis, select the expected return date from the calendar.

Allocate To

Add Multiple Users

Type in the employee name, employee Id or mobile number, a list of probable employee name options are listed. Select the employee from the list. the selected employee(s) are listed in the Add Multiple Users field.

No. of Device Per User

Type in the no. of device that will be assigned to the user.