Asset Return Request for Users 1

Return request for an asset is a process in which security person initiate asset return movement on behalf of an end user. For multiple users, return movement can be initiated at single flow but Movement ID is generated for each asset.

To initiate return movement for user:

  1. Select Asset > Users > Manage Asset > Asset Return Request For User
  2. Select the Tenant and fill in the required information under the DETAILS section and click Submit. For more information, see Field Description.

    Figure: Return Asset Request for User
  3. A list of Assets is displayed of the selected user. Select the Assets of required users and click Submit. You are navigated to My Asset page.

  4. To view the details of any particular Movement ID, Click the hyperlink of required movement. 

    Figure: Movement Approval

    6. Select the required check boxes to deallocate the assets and Click DEALLOCATE on the ACTIONS panel. The deallocate page is displayed.

    Figure: Asset Return request


    The flags indicate the status of the return movement type as per the following table:

    The flags indicate the status and progress of the initiated return movement:




    Indicates the Movement ID is approved and pending for deallocation in case of approval. It also indicates Movement ID with no configured approval and pending for deallocation.


    Indicates the Movement ID for which the deallocation is completed.


    Indicates the Movement ID for which approved and deallocation is pending.


    Indicates the Movement ID for which the approval is pending.

    7. On the Deallocate page, fill-in the required details and click Submit. The selected assets are deallocated and accordingly the In-store count of the particular category is updated. For more information see, configuring Deallocation

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Return Asset Request for User pop-up page:



Asset Type

Select the asset type from the drop-down list. The options are:

Fixed Asset

Non-fixed Asset (accessories)

Note: consumable and Software non-fix assets are not applicable for return movement.

Requested for

Search and select the user name for whom the return movement is required to be initiated.

Include Inactive User

If the check box is selected, the inactive user name will be include while initiating return movement of asset.

Selected Users

The selected requestor names are displayed in this field and click Search. A list of assets is displayed for all the selected users.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page:




Select the Tenant from the drop-down for which you want to view the movement ID details.

Asset Type

Select the Asset type. The options are:

  • Fixed Asset
  • Non-fixed Asset

Start Date

Select the start date of the asset return movement using the Calendar icon.

End Date

Select the end date of the asset return movement using the Calendar icon.

Movement Type

Select a Movement type from the drop-down list.


Select the type from the drop-down list with respected to the value selected in the Movement Type field.

Movement Status

Select the movement status from the list. The options are:

  • All: Select to view all the movement ID details irrespective of status.
  • Movement Initiated: Select to view all the return movement ID details of assets which are in Movement Initiated status.
  • Approval pending: Select to view all the return movement ID details of assets which are in approval pending status.
  • Rejected: Select to view all the return movement ID details of assets whose approval is rejected.
  • Deallocation pending: Select to view all the return movement ID details of assets which are pending for deallocation.
  • Deallocation completed: Select to view all the return movement ID details of deallocated assets.

Initiated By

Search and select the initiator name.

Movement ID

Specify a range of Movement IDs for which you want to view the pending approvals.

Requested ForSearch and select the requestor name who has raised the raised the return movement.