Retrieve Incident Details with Custom Attributes
Enterprise IT
You can retrieve the Incident details with custom attributes based on the Instance using the following API Request.
To authenticate the below API, see API Authentication and Authorization.
Service Name | HTTP Method |
IM_GetIncidentListwithDetails | POST |
Sample Request
{ "ServiceName": "IM_GetIncidentListwithDetails", "objCommonParameters": { "_ProxyDetails": { "TokenID": "", "OrgID": "1", "ReturnType": "JSON", "APIKey": "XXXXXXXXXXX", "AuthType": "APIKEY", "ProxyID": 0 }, "objIncidentCommonFilter": { "Executive": 1, "WorkgroupName": "", "CurrentPageIndex": 0, "PageSize": 30, "OrgID": "1", "Instance": "Info", "Status": "Open", "strUpdatedFromDate": "", "strUpdatedToDate": "", "IsWebServiceRequest": true, "CategoryName": "", "Categories": "" } } }
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Notes | Mandatory |
Executive | INTEGER | Is the requester an Analyst? | The value is 1, if the requester is an Analyst. | FALSE |
WorkgroupName | STRING | Name of the Workgroup for which the required Incidents belong to. | You can get multiple workgroup Incidents by using comma separation between the workgroup names without a space. For Example: "WorkgroupName": "WG1,WG2,WG3" | FALSE |
CurrentPageIndex | INTEGER | Current Index of the page that you are looking into. | For Example: If each page contains 10 records and there are 10 pages. Items from 1 to 10 are displayed when you specify the CurrentPageIndex value as 1. | TRUE |
PageSize | INTEGER | Number of records that should be displayed per each page. | For Example: Consider you specified the PageSize value as 100. Based on the CurrentPageIndex, the API Response displays 100 records. | TRUE |
OrgID | INTEGER | Unique Identification number of the Organization. | The value must be always 1. | TRUE |
Instance | STRING | Name of the Instance. | For Example: Information Technology | TRUE |
Status | STRING | Status of the Incidents that should be displayed. | Status can be Open, Reopened, New, Assigned, In-Progress, Pending, Resolved, Closed, and Cancelled. You can get all Incidents with different status' by using comma separation between the status names without a space. For Example: "Status": "Open,New,Assigned,In-Progress" | FALSE |
strUpdatedFromDate | STRING | You can select the date range to get the list of Incidents. Specify the From Date of the Incidents that you want to be displayed. | The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The From Date starts from 00:00:00 hrs of the selected date. | FALSE |
strUpdatedToDate | STRING | You can select the date range to get the list of Incidents. Specify the To Date of the Incidents that you want to be displayed. | The format of From Date is YYYY-MM-DD. The To Date ends on 11:59:59 hrs of the selected date. | FALSE |
IsWebServiceRequest | BOOLEAN | Is the Web Service is a Request or not? | By default the value is always true. | TRUE |
CategoryName | STRING | Name of the Category. | FALSE | |
Categories | STRING | Unique Identification numbers of the Category. | You can get different categories with by using comma separation between the Category IDs without a space. | FALSE |
Sample Response
Response: { "Errors": "", "Message": "", "Output": "", "TokenID": "C8B722E24F7B70E87C5193083A24B0DFF33C31196592F123955BFC6E286F7CAFB5274A83E6CEB25CA0FA6ED02679A57A3723A25817697C7253F87643F42738 C00B16647764926594AD72C298B3FD508E47E1F4C59A2754F533DE2CE117E8558B2954BC989DEC2A14496D6153D6F82233D5ADB5859DB13C43F001D3E9F1635EDD", "OrgID": 0, "OutputObject": { "MyTickets": [ { "IncidentDetail": [ { "ROWNUM": 1, "Ticket_ID": "5t9qwD1rx4tdcn%2beUYr9Ww%3d%3d", "TotalRows": 7697, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Logged_Time": "2021-03-17 11:41:14", "Status": "Assigned", "Symptom": "-No Symptom-", "Workgroup_Name": "IT Infrastructure TEST", "Executive_Name": "vivegan", "Assigned_Engineer": 1280, "Priority": "Priority P1", "PriorityColorCode": null, "Resolution_SLA": 10, "SLAName": "11 to 10", "CallerName": "vivegan", "Caller_EmailId": "", "UserTypeColor": null, "UserTypeName": null, "Resolution_Time": null, "Age": 195, "Response_ElapseTime": 0, "Resolution_ElapseTime": 1939, "Response_SLA_Reason": "", "Resolution_SLA_Reason": "", "SLAProgress": 19390, "IsParentRecord": 0, "UserProfileImageName": "", "CallerUpdate": false, "IsChild": 0, "IsParent": 0, "AssignedToMe": 1, "Reopened": false, "Sup_Function": "Info", "SLARemainingTime": -1929, "Updated_Time": "2021-03-20 16:29:45", "Customer": null, "Location": null, "Urgency": "IT Urgency 1", "Impact": "IT Impact 1", "Classification": "Testing", "FullClassification": "Testing", "Category": "Email", "FullCategory": "Email", "OpenCategory": "Email", "FullOpenCategory": "Email", "Pending_Reason": null, "Schedule_Date": null, "Service_Window": "11 to 10", "IsAttExists": 1, "IsAutoResolve": 0, "Vendor_Incident_ID": "", "Vendor_Name": "", "Vendor_status": "", "VendorIncidentStartDate": null, "VendorIncidentEndDate": null, "Assigned_Engineer_Name_Secondary": "", "Response_voilation": "No", "Resolution_voilation": null, "Response_Deadline": "2021-03-17 15:41:00", "Resolution_Deadline": "2021-03-17 11:51:00", "Reslution_Code_Name": null, "Closure_Code_Name": null, "IsMajorIncident": "Yes", "AgeClass": "purple", "AgingInfo": "5-10 Days", "SLAPercent": "100", "SLAProgressClass": "danger", "Remaining_SLA_Time": "<i class=\"fa fa-play\" style=\"color:#51A351\" title=\"SLA In-Progress\"></i> 1 Dy, 8 Hr, 9 Mi", "Sub-Workgroup_Name": null, "Description": "sdcasdcasdcasdasdvsd", "Solution": null, "User_Log": "Testing this payload for Resolving", "Private_Log": null, "AttachmentNames": " admin.txt, Sravan_Resume_DotNet.docx" } ], "CustomAttribute": [ { "ID": 1, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 425, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "TicketNo", "AttributeText": "1ewds" }, { "ID": 2, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 434, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Data", "AttributeText": "B" }, { "ID": 3, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 462, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Number", "AttributeText": "324234" }, { "ID": 4, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 476, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "UPLOAD FILE", "AttributeText": "Calculus CA test 2 CO-3 descriptive.docx" }, { "ID": 5, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 477, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "File_Upld_Ctrl", "AttributeText": "CR Info.docx" }, { "ID": 6, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 485, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Date TimeZone", "AttributeText": "Mar 10 2021 12:00AM" }, { "ID": 7, "Incident_ID": 45840, "Group_Name": "General Area", "IM_CtAttribute_ID": 486, "SR_CtAttribute_Name": "Multiselect DD", "AttributeText": "A1,B1,C1" } ] } ] }, "OutputID": 0, "Input": null }
Status and Error Codes
For more information, see Status and Error Messages.