windows credential manager


Steps to create credentials in Windows credential manager for Local system account

To connect to the specified Remote CI IP address mentioned, configure Username and Password in the Windows Credential Manager (Generic Credentials) of the SummitAI Proxy Server/ Execution Sever. Since the Orchestration Execution Service is running on Local System account, the credentials created by the logged in user on the proxy will not be accessible by the execution service. To configure credentials for Local System account, perform the following steps:

Prerequisite: Require Windows PowerShell v5.1 and above in Proxy Server


1.In Windows search box enter Powershell ise and open Windows Powershell ISE as Admin.

If there is a prompt on screen, Click Yes.

Figure: Powershell ISE
3. In PowerShell editor, enter the following command and the press (F5) 
Install-Module -Name CredentialManager

If there is a prompt on screen, Click Yes.

Figure: Install CredentialManager

4.Download PsTools to your system and unzip the downloaded file.

Figure: Download Ps tools

5.Open command prompt in Administrator mode and change the directory to the downloaded path. Refer the following figure.

Figure: Change the path of the Ps tools
6.Enter the following command in command prompt and press Enter.

PsExec.exe -i -s powershell.exe

Figure: Install powershell.exe

A new powershell window opens as shown in the following figure.

Figure: Install powershell.exe
7.In the powershell window, enter the below command to configure the credentials. This will open a popup to enter Username and Password.
New-StoredCredential -Target Summit_AD -Credentials (Get-Credential) -Persist Enterprise

Figure: Enter Summit_AD credentials


In the above command Summit_AD is the user given name to identify the credentials. This name should be configured in Workflow Configuration.

Figure: Enter Summit_AD credentials Username and password
9.Enter the Username and Password and click Ok. Details are displayed after the credentials are created in Windows Credential Manager.

Figure: Summit_AD Credentials displayed

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