List of Dashboard Reports

List of Dashboard Reports

Incident Management


Report Name

Report Description


Open Incidents Report

The Open Incidents Report gives detailed information about all the Incidents with Status as Open. 


Open VIP Incidents Report

The Open VIP Incidents Report gives detailed information about the Incidents logged by VIP users with Status as Open.


Open P1 Incidents Report

The Open P1 Incidents Report gives detailed information about the Incidents with Priority as P1 and Status as Open.

Pending Incidents Report

The Pending Incidents Report gives detailed information about all the Incidents with Status as Pending.


CSAT Rating Report

The CSAT Rating Report gives detailed information about the Average Rating of all the Incidents. 

Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report

The Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report gives detailed information about the Average time taken to resolve all the Incidents.

SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report

The SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current year. 

SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report

The SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current month. 

SLA Breached (Current Month) Report

The SLA Breached (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) not met in the current month. 

Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority

The Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority Report gives detailed information about the Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage) based on Priority. 

Resolution SLA Compliance Trend

The Resolution SLA Compliance Trend Report gives the month-wise SLA Met trend (in percentage). 


Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup

The Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup Report gives detailed information about the Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage) based on Workgroup. 

Incidents Violated and Within SLA

The Incidents Violated and Within SLA Report gives the month-wise SLA Met and Missed count of Incidents.

CSAT Trend report (Monthly CSAT Report)

The CSAT Trend Report displays the monthly average CSAT Rating.



CSAT Rating by Location

The CSAT Rating by Location Report displays the location-wise Average CSAT Rating. 

Incident Breakup by CSAT Rating

The Incident Breakup by CSAT Rating Report displays the breakup (<2, 2-3, 3-4 and, > 4) of CSAT Rating.

Feedback Sent vs Received

The Feedback Sent vs Received Report displays the count of feedback received and feedback not received for closed SRs.

Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback

The Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback Report displays the Top 10 Analysts based on Customer Feedback.

Top 10 Categories

The Top 10 Categories Report displays the Top 10 Categories (with Incident Priorities) under which  maximum nmebr of Incidents are logged.

Top 10 Classification

The Top 10 Classification Report displays the Top 10 Classifications (with Incident Priorities) under which Incidents are logged.

Top 10 Workgroups by Workload

The Top 10 Workgroups by Workload Report displays the Top 10 Workgroups with its workload (Assigned, In-Progress, New, and Pending).

Top 10 Analyst by workload

The Top 10 Analysts by Workload Report displays the Top 10 Analysts with their workload (In-Progress and Pending).

Top 10 Locations

The Top 10 Locations Report displays the Top 10 Locations from which maximum number of Incidents (with Priorities) are logged.

Open Incident by Status

The Open Incident by Status Report displays the Status-wise (Pending, New, In-Progress, and Assigned) count of Open Incidents.


Open Incident by Priority

The Open incident by Priority Report displays the Priority-wise count of Open Incidents.

MTTR (Mean Time to Resolve) by Priority

The MTTR (Mean Time To Resolve) by Priority Report displays the average time taken to resolve an Incident for each Priority.

Incidents Logged vs Resolved

The Incidents Logged vs Resolved Report displays the month-wise Incidents logged and resolved count.

Incident Medium

The Incident Medium Report displays the total count of Incidents raised through various channels, such as Web, Mail, and Application

Analysts by Location

The Analysts by Location Report displays the total number of Analysts at each Location. 


Incident Aging by Workgroup 

The Incident Aging by Workgroup Report displays the Workgroup-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days).

Incident Aging by Category 

The Incident Aging by Category Report displays the Category-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days).

Incident Aging by Classification 

The Incident Aging by Classification Report displays the Classification-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days).

Incident Aging by Location

The Incident Aging by Location Report displays the Location-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days).

Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned

The Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Workgroups based on Total Feedback Points Earned.

Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned

The Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Analyst based on Total Feedback Points Earned.

Service Request Management


Report Name



Open Requests Report

The Open Requests Report gives detailed information about all the Services Requests with Status as Open.

Open VIP Requests Report

The Open VIP Requests Report gives detailed information about the Requests logged by VIP users with Status as Open.

Requests Pending for Approval (Total) Report

The Requests Pending for Approval (Total) Report gives detailed information about the Service Requests that are Pending for Approval from the Approver.

CSAT Rating Report

The CSAT Rating Report gives detailed information about the overall average CSAT Rating of the Service Requests.


Referred Back Requests Report

The Referred Back Requests Report gives detailed information about the count of Service Requests that are referred back. 


Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report

The Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report gives detailed information about the Average time taken to resolve all the Service Requests. 


SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report

The SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current year. 


SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report

The SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current month. 


SLA Breached (Current Month) Report

The SLA Breached (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) not met in the current month. 


Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority

The Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority Report displays the detailed information about the Resolution SLA (in Percentage) met By Priorities.

Resolution SLA Compliance Trend

The Resolution SLA Compliance Trend Report gives the month-wise SLA Met trend (in percentage). 

Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup

The Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup Report gives detailed information about the Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage) based on Workgroup. 

Requests Violated and Within SLA (Count)

The Requests Violated and Within SLA Report gives the month-wise SLA Met and Missed count of Service Requests.

CSAT Trend report (Monthly CSAT Report)

The CSAT Trend Report displays the monthly average CSAT Rating of the Service Requests.

CSAT Rating by Location

The CSAT Rating by Location Report displays the Location-wise average CSAT Rating of the Service Requests.

Requests Breakup by CSAT Rating

The Requests Breakup by CSAT Rating Report displays the Service Request count(<2, 2-3, 3-4 and, > 4) based on CSAT Rating.

Feedback Sent vs Received

The Feedback Sent vs Received Report displays the count of feedback received and feedback not received for the closed Service Requests.

Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback

The Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback Report displays the Top 10 Analysts based on the received customer feedback.

Top 10 Categories

The Top 10 Categories Report displays the Top 10 Categories (with SR Priorities) under which maximum number of Service Requests are raised.

Top 10 Catalogs

The Top 10 Catalogs Report displays the Top 10 Catalogs (with SR Priorities) under which maximum number of Service Requests are raised.

Top 10 Workgroups by Workload

The Top 10 Workgroups by Workload displays the Top 10 Workgroups based on Open Status.

Top 10 Analyst by Workload

The Top 10 Analyst by Workload displays the Top 10 Analyst based on Status. The Statuses are In Progress and Pending.

Top 10 Locations

Top 10 Locations Report displays the Top 10 Locations (with SR Priorities) where maximum number of SRs are raised. 

Open Request By Status

The Open Request By Status Report displays the number of  SRs that are Open based on their Statuses. The Statuses are New, Assigned, In-Progress, and Pending.

Open Request By Priority

The Open Request By Priority report displays the number of Open SRs based on Priorities.

MTTR (mean time to resolve) by Priority

The MTTR (Mean Time To Resolve) by Priority Report displays the Average time taken to resolve a SR by Priorities.

MTTR (mean time to resolve) by Catalog /Top 10

The MTTR (Mean Time To Resolve) by Catalog Report displays the Top 10 Catalog based on Average time taken (in Min) to resolve an SR.

Requests Logged vs Resolved

The Requests Logged vs Resolved Report displays the number of Requests that are Logged and Requests that are Resolved in a month.

Requests Approved vs Rejected

The Requests Approved vs Rejected Report displays the number of Requests that are Approved and Requests that are Rejected in a month.

Requests Medium

The Requests Medium Report displays the count of SRs raised through various channels, such as Web, Mail or through the Application.

Analysts by location

The Analysts by location Report displays the total number of Analysts by Location.

Requests Aging by Workgroup 

The Requests Aging by Workgroup Report displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Workgroups.

Requests Aging by Category 

The Requests Aging by Category Report  displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Category.

Requests Aging by Catalog 

The Requests Aging by Catalog Report displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Catalog.

Requests Aging by Location 

The Requests Aging by Location Report  displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Location.

Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned

The Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Workgroups based on Total Feedback Points Earned.

Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned

The Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Analysts based on the Total Feedback Points Earned.

Change Management

1Open ChangesThe Open Changes Report gives the count of all the Open Changes. 
2High Risk ChangesThe High Risk Changes Report gives the count of all the High Risk Changes.
3Emergency ChangesThe Emergency Changes Report gives the count of all the Emergency Changes.

Successful Changes – Current Month

The Successful Changes – Current Month Report gives the count of all the Successful Changes in the current month.

Delayed Changes

The Delayed Changes Report gives the count of all the Delayed Changes.

Changes Awaiting Approval

The Changes Awaiting Approval Report gives the count of all the Changes  waiting for approval.

Changes – On Hold

The Changes – On Hold Report gives the count of all the On Hold Changes.

Rolled Back Changes

The Rolled Back Changes Report gives the count of all the Rolled Back Changes.

Unassigned Changes

The Unassigned Changes Report gives the count of all the Unassigned Changes.

Top 10 Change Categories

The Top 10 Change Categories Report displays the Top 10 Change Categories with their Priorities.


Top 10 Cl Classes

The Top 10 Cl Classes Report displays the Top 10 Cl Classes along with their Priorities.

Top 10 Workgroups By Number of Changes

The Top 10 Workgroups By Number of Changes Report gives detailed information of Top 10 Workgroups  based on the number of Changes along with Implemented, Authorized, and On Hold.

Top 10 Analyst By Number of Changes

The Top 10 Analyst By Number of Changes Report gives detailed information of Top 10 Analyst By Number of Changes along with Implemented and On Hold.

Open Changes By Change Type

The Open Changes By Change Type Report displays the open Change Types based on the options, such as Normal, Emergency, Expedited, and Standard.

Open Changes By Priority

The Open Changes By Priority Report displays the open Change Types based on the Priorities, such as High, Medium, and Low.

Open Changes By Status

The Open Changes By Status Report displays the open Change Types based on the Statuses or Status, such as Requested or Authorized.

Upcoming Changes

The Upcoming Changes Report displays the Changes are that are due or planned for the next 10 days.

Open Changes By Risk and Change Type

The Open Changes By Risk and Change Type displays the total count of open Changes based on Risk and based on the Change Type.

Changes Created vs Closed

The Changes Created vs Closed Report provides the total count of the Changes Created Verses the Changes that are Closed.

On Time vs Delayed Implementation

The On Time vs Delayed Implementation Reports displays the count of On Time Implementation and Delayed Implementation in terms of percentage.

Change Success Report

The Change Success Report displays the CRs that are successful and unsuccessful in terms of percentage.