Viewing and Updating Work Orders

Viewing and Updating Work Orders

You can view the list of Work Orders assigned to you and your Workgroup. You can filter the Work Orders based on the Tenant, status, and Workgroup.

To view or update Work Orders:

  1. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Work Order List. Alternatively, select Dashboard > ANALYST DASHBOARD > WORK ORDER.
  2. On the WORK ORDER LIST page, click the Filters icon. Select the Tenant, Workgroup, Status, Analyst, or Work Order ID. The list of Work Orders matching the filter criteria is displayed.


      Figure: FILTERS pop-up page

    The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:





    Select the Tenant from the list.


    Select the Workgroup from the list. You can select multiple Workgroups to display the Work Order for the selected Workgroup.


    Select the status of the Work Order from the list. You can select multiple status values to display the Work Order for the selected status values.

    Assigned To

    Select the Analysts assigned to the Work Order. You can select multiple Analyst.

    Work Order ID

    Select the Work Order ID from the list.


    Type in the Caller name to view the Work Order for the Caller.

    Log Time

    Specify the Work Order log time date range in the From and To fields.

    Logged By

    Type in the Analyst name to view the list of Work Order raised by Analyst.

    Updated Time

    Specify the Work Order updated date range in the From and To fields.


    Select the Module from the list.

    Note: The Analysts can view the ADVANCED and ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES section filters based on the selected module.



    Select the Priority of the Work Order from the list. You can select multiple priority to display the Work Order for the selected Priority values.

    Caller Location

    Select the Caller's location from the list.


    Select the Classification of the Work Order from the list.


    Select the OLA of the Work Order.

    OLA Type

    Select the OLA Type of the Work Order.


    Select the Category of the Work Order from the list.

    Closure Code

    Select the Closure Code from the list.

    Pending Reason

    Select the Pending Reason from the list.

    Resolved Time

    Select the resolved time of the Work Order from the list.

    Text Search

    Type in, search the Work Order from the list.

    Note: Only the Symptom value is applicable for text search.


    Custom Attributes

    Select the Custom Attribute in the list. On selecting the Custom Attribute, the Value field is displayed.


    Select the required value of the selected Custom Attribute


    • Analysts can view the ADVANCED and ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES section filters if the Module (Incident/Service Request) is selected under the BASIC section. 
    • The Text Box, Check Box, Drop-down, and Date are the available Custom Attributes in the ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES section.
  3. You can view the list in Tabular view or Tile view. Click the Work Order ID that you want to view or update.


    Figure: WORK ORDER LIST page

  4. View the Work Order details or update as required. Type in the other required fields under the GENERAL, COMMUNICATION, RELATIONSHIP, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, ORCHESTRATION tabs. For information about the fields on the WORK ORDER ID page, see Creating Work Orders.
  5. Click SUBMIT to save the changes.


    Work Orders are auto-created or canceled if the Category of the Work Order is changed.

Updating Status of Work Orders

You can update the status of the Work Order by clicking the appropriate status on the WORK ORDER ID page. Click SUBMIT.

Figure: WORK ORDER ID page


If the configured Category of a Work Order is changed, the Work Order is auto-canceled and if the status of an Incident is changed to canceled, the associated Work Orders get canceled automatically.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the WORK ORDER ID page.


Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the change details of the Work Order in the chronological order. You can view all the changes that occurred on the Work Order. You can view the changes, the user who made the changes, the date and time when the change was made, and also the previous and new values for the Work Order. The effort details for the work Order are displayed under Work Order Effort section. The mail history details related to the respective Work Order are displayed under the Mail History section.


Figure: CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page

The following table describes the field on the CHANGE HISTORY page:



Column Name

Displays the name of the field from the Work Order page that is changed.

Change Date

Displays the latest date and time at which the Work Order details was changed.

Changed By

Displays the name of the person who has changed or edited the Work Order details.

Old Value

Displays the old value of the field and is changed to a new value.

New Value

Displays the current value of the field.

Work Order Effort

Displays the time spent on by Analysts on the Work Order.

Mail History

Displays the mail history details of the Work Order. Click the link More to view complete conversation details that occurred between the User and the Analyst.


Click SEND E-MAIL to send an e-mail to users from specific Workgroup and customer. On the SEND E-MAIL pop-up page, select the Workgroup from Filter By Workgroup list and select the customer from the Filter By Customer list. Based on the values selected in the Filter By Workgroup list and Filter By Customer list, a list of users is displayed under Available Users. Select the users to whom you want to send e-mail and click the right arrow icon. Similarly, to remove a user from Send Mail To list, select the name of the user and click the left arrow icon. Type in the e-mail content in the Comments text field. Click SEND E-MAIL to send the e-mail to the selected users.


Figure: SEND E-MAIL pop-up page


You can view INCIDENT DETAILS icon on the ACTIONS panel if the Work Order is created for an Incident. Click the INCIDENT DETAILS icon to view the Incident details for which the Work Order is created. For more information about the fields on the INCIDENT ID page, see Viewing and Updating Incident Details.


You can view SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS icon on the ACTIONS panel if the Work Order is created for a Service Request. Click the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS icon to view the Service Request details for which the Work Order is created. For more information about the fields on the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page, see Viewing Updating Service Request Details.


Click CONFIGURE COLUMNS to customize the columns to be displayed on the List pages. For more information to customize columns, see: Personalizing Pages.