My Assets

My Assets

You (End Users) can view the list of Assets allocated to you on the USER DASHBOARD page (Dashboard > OTHERS > MY ASSETS). You can accept, reject, or return the Assets assigned or allocated to you.


If you select a theme for which End User Dashboard is enabled on the THEME CONFIGURATION page, the User Dashboard page is displayed as configured.

User Dashboard
Figure: User Dashboard

Section 1

This section displays the icons on the Quick Action Bar. For more information on the icons, see Describing the User Interface.

Section 2

The following table explains the icons are displayed in this section:



Click this icon to view the Dashboard links. Click the links to view the respective Dashboard.

Click this icon to view the list of Service Catalogs. Click the Catalog to create a Service Request for using the same catalog. The list is displayed based on the configuration on THEME CONFIGURATION page. For more information, see SummitAI Platform Help.

Section 3

This section displays the Global Search box. For more information, see Global Search.

Section 4

This section displays the links configured on the THEME CONFIGURATION page. You per perform various actions using these links.


The icons and links displayed on this page is configurable. For more information see SummitAI Platform Help.

To view the Asset list:

  1. Select Dashboard. The DASHBOARD  page is displayed.

  2. Click USER DASHBOARD. The USER DASHBOARD tab is displayed.
  3. Under OTHERS section, click MY ASSETS. The MY ASSET LIST page is displayed. On the MY ASSET LIST page, you can view the list of Assets assigned or allocated to you. You can select the view from the grid by selecting Tile View or Tabular View icons.

    MY ASSET LIST page (Tile View)
    Figure: MY ASSET LIST page (Tile View)

    MY ASSET LIST page (Tabular View)
    Figure: MY ASSET LIST page (Tabular View)

  4. On the ACTIONS panel, click Filters and the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed.
  5. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select the asset type from the Asset Type drop-down list and click SUBMIT.


    The Asset Type drop-down list displays the asset types configured on the TENANT page. If the User is configured in multiple Instances, all the asset types configured for that User are displayed in the drop-down list. If the User is configured with an asset type and no asset from that asset type is allocated to him, the configured asset type is not displayed in the Asset Type drop-down list on the FILTERS pop-up page.

  6. Select the Asset you want to accept, reject, or return to the store and click the respective icon on the ACTIONS panel. For more information about the fields on the MY ASSET LIST page, see Field Description.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields of the FIXED ASSET LIST on the MY ASSET LIST page:




Select the check box corresponding to an Asset to accept, reject, or return the Asset.


Displays the status of the Asset. Flags represent the status of the Asset.

Asset ID

Displays the unique ID for the Asset.

Asset Type

Displays the Type of the Asset.


Displays the Category of the listed Asset.

Asset Code

Displays the Asset code of the Asset.

Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the Asset.

Host Name

Displays the host name of the Asset.

Asset Location

Displays the Location of the Asset.

Allocated Type

Displays the type of allocation for the Asset.

Allocated Date

Displays the date when the Asset is allocated.

Allocation Status

Displays the status of the allocated Asset.


Displays the remarks, if any.

Request ID

Displays the Request ID for the Asset.


Displays the Manufacturer details of the Asset.


Displays the Model of the Asset.

IP Address

Displays the IP Address of the Asset.


The fields on the MY ASSET LIST page depend upon the configuration done by the Administrator. For more information, see Configuring My Asset List Page.

The following table describes the fields of the NON FIXED ASSET LIST on the MY ASSET LIST page:




Select the check box corresponding to an Asset to accept, reject, or return the Asset.


Displays the status of the Asset. Flags represent the status of the Asset.

Asset ID

Displays the unique ID for the Asset.

Asset code

Displays the code of the Asset.


Displays the Category of the listed Asset.

Asset Type

Displays the type of the Asset.


Displays the location of the Asset


Displays the store location of the selected Asset.

Allocation Quantity

Displays the allotted quantity of the Asset.

Allocation Type

Displays the type of allocation for the Asset. 

Allocation Status

Displays the status of the allocated Asset.


Displays the remarks, if any.

Request ID

Displays the Request ID of the Asset.

Allocated Date

Displays the date when the Asset is allocated.

Attribute Name

Displays the Attribute name of the Asset

Attribute value

Displays the Attribute Value of the Asset.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the MY ASSET LIST page.



The icons on the ACTIONS panel are displayed based on the configuration done by the Administrator. For more information, see Configuring My Asset List.

Select the Asset and click the ACCEPT icon to accept the Asset allocated to you. The ACCEPT ASSET pop-up page is displayed. Specify the remarks and click ACCEPT. When the assets are linked with service request, the Asset and User details are displayed on the SERVICE  REQUEST DETAIL page. For more information about the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page, see Viewing/Updating Service Request Details.

ACCEPT ASSET pop-up page
Figure:  ACCEPT ASSET pop-up page


Select the Asset and click REJECT icon to reject the Asset allocated to you. The REJECT ASSET pop-up page is displayed. Specify the remarks and click REJECT.

 REJECT ASSET pop-up page
Figure:  REJECT ASSET pop-up page


Select the Asset and click RETURN icon to return the Asset. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to confirm.


After the Assets are sent for Reconciliation, the End Users need to acknowledge those Assets (Sending Assets for Reconciliation). Click RECONCILIATION to accept or reject an Asset that is sent to you for Reconciliation. For more information about accepting or rejecting an Asset, 

 Click Here.

Select the Asset that you want to accept or reject, and then click RECONCILIATION on the ACTIONS panel. Alternatively, if the Assets are displayed in Tile View, you can click the icon on the Asset tile.


The RECONCILIATION icon is displayed on the ACTIONS panel only when you select an Asset that is sent for Reconciliation.

Reconciliation icon
Figure: MY ASSET LIST page: Reconciliation icon

The ASSET RECONCILIATION page is displayed. On the ASSET RECONCILIATION page, in the Action field, select the action that you want to perform on the Asset, and specify the remarks, if any.


The following table describes the fields on the ASSET RECONCILIATION page:



Allocation Info

Displays the Allocation details of an Asset.

Configuration Info

Displays the Configuration details of the allocated Asset. This tab is displayed based on the configuration from APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page.

Location Info

Displays the Location details of the allocated Asset. This tab is displayed based on the configuration from APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page.


Select the Action that you want to perform the reconciled Asset. You can configure the these Action fields on the APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page.

  • Select Accept  to accept the reconciled Asset.
  • Select Reject to reject the reconciled Asset.
    • If the user accepts/rejects the reconciled Asset, then an e-mail is sent to the configured/available Manager for approval.
    • If there is no configured/available Manager, then the process is completed.

Asset Purpose

Select the reason of allocating the Asset to the specified user in the Allocation Details section.
Note: The Asset Purpose drop-down list is displayed in the following conditions:

  • The Display Asset Purpose Field while Accepting Reconciled Assets is selected on the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information about configuring ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page, see Configuring Asset Application Settings.
  • You select Accept in the Action drop-down list of the Allocation Details section.

Rejection Type

Select the reason of rejecting the Asset. You can select either Not Available or Need to Deactivate/Dispose.

Note: The Rejection Type drop-down list is displayed only when you select Reject in the Action drop-down list of the Allocation Details section.


Upload the supporting documents, if any

Note: The Attachment field is displayed in the following conditions:

      • The Upload Attachments while Rejecting Reconciled Assets is selected on the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information about configuring ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page, see Configuring Asset Application Settings.
      • You select Need to Deactivate/Dispose in the Rejection Type drop-down list.


Specify the remarks, if any.

Click SUBMIT to send the Asset to the Manager for verification. For more information about the verification process of a reconciled Asset, see Verifying Asset Reconciliation.


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the record displayed on this page to a Microsoft Excel sheet. This is possible only when the page is viewed in Tabular View.


Click EXPORT ALL to export all the records to a Microsoft Excel sheet. This is possible only when the page is viewed in Tabular View.

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