Approving Invoice

To approve Invoice:

  1. Select Procurement > User > Approval List. The APPROVAL LIST page is displayed.
  2. On the ACTIONS panel, click Filters. The FILTERS pop-up page is displayed.
  3. On the FILTERS pop-up page, fill in the details. Select Invoice from the Approval For drop-down list and Pending For Approval from the Request Type drop-down list. For more information, see ACTIONS.
  4. Click SUBMIT. The LIST section displays the list of Invoices that are pending for approval.

    Figure: APPROVAL LIST page
  5. Click on the Invoice Code that you want to approve. The selected Invoice details are displayed.

    Figure: INVOICE PAYMENT page
  6. Click APPROVE INVOICE. The APPROVE INVOICE pop-up page is displayed.
  7. On the APPROVE INVOICE pop-up page, select Approved to approve and Rejected to reject the Invoice. For more information, see ACTIONS.
  8. Provide your remarks.
  9. Click SUBMIT.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the APPROVAL LIST page for Invoice.


Click Filters to specify the filter criteria and click SUBMIT to view the list of Invoices.

  • S-Instance
    Select the S-Instance from the drop-down list.
  • Approval For
    Select the request that you want to approve or reject from the drop-down list.
  • Request For
    Select the Status of the request from the drop-down list.
  • Date
    Select the From Date and To Date from the calendar.

Figure: FILTERS pop-up page


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the records displayed on this page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.


Click PRINT to print the page.


Click SHOW LIST to view the list of Invoices.


Click APPROVE INVOICE to approve/reject any Invoice.

  • Approval Status
    Select Approved to approve and Rejected to reject the Invoice.
  • Remarks
    Provide your remarks on the Approval Status selected.

Figure: APPROVE INVOICE pop-up page


Click VIEW APPROVERS to view the list of approvers with the status of the approval.

Figure: VIEW APPROVERS pop-up page