Conversation Designer

What is Conversational Designer?

It is a self-support and self-training interface to perform all the operations (CRUD) with respect to CINDE Designer components and extend the capability to train and publish it to the Machine Language module. It can perform operations like adding the articles or updating existing articles for better user experience by customer itself. 

Business Benefits

  • To reduce the iterative chat interactions 
  • To provide self support to resolve AI related issues without an agent.
  • To speed up the response time.


To avail the Conversation Designer feature, you must upgrade to the following version:

  • TahoeSP1

Viewing Conversation Designer

To view Conversation Designer, perform the following steps:


  • Analyst or SME

To View Instance Details:

  1. Login to the application as an SME.
  2. Click Conversation Designer.
    The Conversation Designer page is displayed with the list of Instances.

    Figure: Instances page

  3. Select the required Instance to view the list of articles.
    The View Articles page is displayed.

    Figure: View Articles

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the View Articles page:



Filter Options


Select the type from the drop-down list as follows:

  • All - If selected, you can view all type of articles.
  • FAQ - If selected, you can view only FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) type of articles.
  • Chit Chat - If selected, you can view only Chit-Chat type of articles.
  • Knowledge Articles - If selected, you can view only KA type of articles.

Select the format from the drop-down list as follows:

  • .tsv
  • .json
AllClick All to view all the articles.
FAQClick FAQ to view the FAQs articles.
Chit ChatClick Chit Chat to view the chit chat articles.
Knowledge ArticlesClick Knowledge Articles to view the knowledge articles.

Article ID

 Displays the article ID.

Article Type

 Displays the article type.

Article Title

 Displays the article title.

Model Status

 Displays the model status.


 Displays the tenant.

Created Date

 Displays the date on which the article was created.

Created By

 Displays name of the user who has created the article.

Last Updated (GMT)

Displays the date on which the article was last updated.


Displays the status of the article.

Active Articles: By default, Active Articles is selected. De-select Active Articles to view the list of only inactive articles of the selected specific tab (All, FAQ, Knowledge Articles or Chit Chat).

Add Article: Click Add Article to add a new article.


Conversation Designer will be enabled only for SME.

Adding an Article

To add and article, perform the following steps:

  1. On the View Articles page, click Add Article.
    The Add Article pop-up page is displayed

    Add Article
    Figure: Add Article

  2. Click Reset to reset the provided values.
  3. Click X Cancel to close the Add Article pop-up page.
  4. Click +Add, the new article is created.     

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Add Article pop-up page:



Filter Options

Article Title

Specify the article title.

Article Type

Select the type of the article from the drop-down list as follows:

  • FAQ
  • Chit Chat

    For this release, only FAQ and Chit Chat options are available.


Select the tenant for which the article is being added from the drop-down list. List values are displayed as per the instance configuration.


Select the type of the article from the drop-down list as follows:

  • Active
  • Inactive

Specify the answer in the HTML editor. User can type the answer in plain text or with HTML tags.


Click + Add Question(s) and specify a question or the questions related to the above - mentioned answer.

You can specify any number of questions for a specific answer.

Updating an Article

To update an article, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the required article n the View Articles page, and click Update Article.
    The Update Article pop-up page is displayed

    Update Article
    Figure: Update Article

  2. Click Reset to reset the provided values.
  3. Click X Cancel to close the Add Article pop-up page.
  4. Click Update, the article is updated.     

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Add Article pop-up page:



Filter Options

Article Title

Specify the article title.

Article Type

Select the type of the article from the drop-down list as follows:

  • FAQ
  • Chit Chat

    For this release, only FAQ and Chit Chat options are available.

TenantSelect the tenant for which the article is being added from the drop-down list. List values are displayed as per the instance configuration.

Select the type of the article from the drop-down list as follows:

  • Active
  • Inactive

Specify the answer in the HTML editor. User can type the answer in plain text or with HTML tags.


Click + Add Question(s) and specify a question or the questions related to the above -  mentioned answer.

You can specify any number of questions for a specific answer.