Service Portfolio Management


What is Service Portfolio Management (SPM)?

The Service Portfolio refers to a group of Services that is offered to the customers, which include currently offered Services, new Service development, ongoing Service Improvement Plans, and so on. It also includes Third-Party Services that are part of Service offerings to customers and co-services that is offered to customers by the combined effort of both parties (internal and the third-party support). The SUMMIT AIĀ Service Portfolio Management module Ā is about driving an organizational effort towards developing new Services, modifying existing Services, or retiring ā€˜oldā€™ Services. To accomplish this goal, the following set of activities are performed in an organization on a periodic basis:

  • Define: Inventory Services, specify business cases, and validate portfolio data.
  • Analyze: Maximize portfolio value, align and prioritize, and balance supply and demand.
  • Approve: Finalize proposed portfolio, authorize Services, and resources.
  • Chart: Communicate decisions, allocate resources, and charter Services.

Service Portfolio Management Process

Figure: Service Portfolio Management Process

What are the Various Roles in Service Portfolio Management?

Following are the various roles involved in the Service Portfolio Management process:

  • Service Portfolio Requester: A member who creates a new Service Portfolio Record (SPR). In addition, the Requester can view and edit the existing SPRs.
  • Service Portfolio Record Authorizer: A Workgroup Owner who has the authorizing rights for creating or modifying a SPRs.
  • Service Portfolio Record Approver: A member responsible to review and approve SPRs,responsible to classify records and assign Workgroups and Analysts for fulfillment of the SPRs.
  • Implemented: A member responsible to execute tasks for fulfillment of a SPR.


To know the difference between Service Catalog Management and Service Portfolio Management modules, seeĀ SPM Vs. SCM SCM.