Remote Desktop Sharing Using Microsoft Teams

Remote Desktop Sharing Using Microsoft Teams

What is Remote Desktop Sharing?

You may need to take control of the End User’s system to analyze the issues. Using Remote Desktop, Analysts can take remote access of the End User's computer to resolve the issue.


  • Useful for Analysts when the End User is not able to follow the instructions.
  • Quicker resolution of End User's issue with better user experience.


  • Microsoft Teams - Before you start using Remote Desktop Sharing (RDP) using MS Teams, ensure you fetch the API Permissions and complete the prerequisites. For more information on Prerequisites, see this page.
  • Webex - Before you start using Remote Desktop Sharing (RDP) using Webex, ensure you fetch the API Permissions and complete the prerequisites. For more information on Prerequisites, see this page.
  • TeamViewer - Before you start using Remote Desktop Sharing (RDP) using TeamViewer, ensure you fetch the API Permissions and complete the prerequisites. For more information on Prerequisites, see this page.

Starting Remote Desktop Session

Requesting Remote Desktop Session (Analyst)

To Initiate Remote Desktop Session as an Analyst, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List. The Incident List page is displayed.
  2. Click the Incident ID of the Incident for which you want to Initiate Remote Desktop Session. 
  3.  Click REMOTE DESKTOP  icon. The REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up is displayed.

    Scenario 1: if Screen Connect and Microsoft Teams are configured

    If Screen Connect and Microsoft Teams are configured and Active, on the REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up the Analysts can select the RDP Type as Screen Connect or Microsoft Teams

    Figure: REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING - Microsoft Teams/ Screen Connect

    Figure: REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up - Microsoft Teams

  4. By default, the Topic Name field displays the Symptom of the Incident.
  5. By default, the Analyst E-mail ID field displays the E-mail ID of Analyst who Initiates the Remote Desktop Session.
  6. By default, the Customer E-mail ID field displays the E-mail ID of the Caller of the Incident.


    If required, the Analyst can edit the details in the Topic Name, Analyst E-mail ID, and Customer E-mail ID fields.

  7. Click REQUEST. The Remote Desktop Session e-mail notification is sent to the End User’s e-mail ID with MS Team Meeting Link as shown below.

  8. Once the invitation is sent, it is captured in the Session History as shown below. Also, on the REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up, an MS Teams Meeting link is generated and displayed below the INVITE and JOIN button.

    Figure: REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up - Session History

  9. Click JOIN. The Analyst redirected to https://teams.microsoft.com as shown below.
  10. Select Always allow teams.microsoft.com to open links of this type in the associated app check box and click Open Microsoft Teams as shown below to start the meeting in the Microsoft Teams application.

  11. The Microsoft Teams app opens as shown below.

  12. To turn on your video before a meeting, just select Turn camera on  right before you click Join now. By default, the camera is turned off. When your camera is off, you can see the camera icon has a bar over it .
  13. Click Join now to join the meeting as shown below.

  14. Click Leave to leave the meeting.


    The below message is displayed only when users from two domain joins the same meeting via Microsoft Teams. In this case, the person who Request the MS teams meeting (Analyst) has to allow the user to join the meeting.

Meeting Controls

This section details the meeting controls of the Microsoft Teams.

Figure: Microsoft Teams - Meeting Controls

Figure: Microsoft Teams - More actions

  • Turn your camera on/off
    You might want to turn your video on and off over the course of a meeting. To turn camera on, go to the meeting controls and tap Turn camera on. If camera turned off, you will see that the camera icon has a bar over it ().

  • Mute/ Unmute

    Click on the  (microphone) icon to mute yourself. When you mute yourself, you will see that the microphone icon has a bar over it (). To unmute yourself, click on the same icon again.

  • Share Content
    Using this option you can share your screen with the audience. Click icon and select the Desktop option (if you to want to share whole desktop) or select Window option (if you want to share a particular screen).

  • More Actions
    More actions can be taken for example Start recording, or to End meeting.

    • Start recording
    • End Meeting

  • Show conversation
    Click  (Show conversation) icon to view the Meeting Chat as shown below. Here you can chat with the Participants.

    To start a conversation, perform the following steps:

    1. Type in your message in Type a new message box.
    2. Click  (Send)

  • Show participants
    Click  (Show participants) icon to view the Participants as shown below.

  • Leave
    You can leave the meeting using the Leave option. 

Starting Remote Desktop session (End User)

Figure: End User e-mail notification

  1. Click Click here to join the meeting hyperlink in the notification e-mail. The End User redirected to https://teams.microsoft.com as shown below.
  2. Select Always allow teams.microsoft.com to open links of this type in the associated app check box and click Open Microsoft Teams to start the meeting in the Microsoft Teams application.

  3.  The Microsoft Teams app opens up as shown below. 

  4. To turn on your video before a meeting, just select Turn camera on  right before you click Join now. By default, the camera is turned off. When your camera is off, you can see the camera icon has a bar over it .
  5. Click Join now to join the meeting as shown below.

  6. Once the discussion is over or you want to leave the call in between, then click Leave to leave the meeting.

Scenario 2: if Webex is configured

To initiate Remote Desktop Session as an Analyst with Webex, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List. The Incident List page is displayed.
  2. Click the Incident ID of the Incident for which you want to Initiate Remote Desktop Session. 
  3.  Click REMOTE DESKTOP  icon. The REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up is displayed.
    If Webex is configured and Active, on the REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up the Analysts can select the RDP Type as Webex. 


    The following table describes the field details on Remote Desktop Sharing pop-up. 

    Field Description
    Topic NameTopic name gets displayed, by default from the Symptom field. It is editable. 
    Analyst E-mail IDDisplays the Analyst's e-mail ID. 
    Customer E-mail IDDisplays the Customer's e-mail ID.
    Session History
    Customer E-mail IDDisplays the customer's email ID which is mentioned in Customer E-mail ID field. 
    Session IDDisplays the auto-generated session ID for RDP session.
    Security Code

    This field is visible only for Screen Connect mode.

    Displays the security code for RDP session.

    Requested DateDisplays the date and time on which the RDP session was established. 

    Displays the status of the RDP session as closed.

    • Requested - If meeting is requested
    • Closed - If the meeting is closed

    Click Audit Log hyperlink to view the logs for the specific RDP session. 

    A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Audit Log

    The Audit Log pop up displays the following information.

    • Provider - Displays the session provider name.
      For Example - If the RDP session is connected using TeamViewer, it displays the Provider as TeamViewer.

    • Session ID - Displays the session ID generated for the RDP session.
    • Start Date/Time - Displays the date and time on which the RDP session was established. 
    • End Date/Time - Displays the date and time on which the RDP session was ended.
    • Participants - Displays the names of the participants who were part of RDP session.


    If required, the Analyst can edit the details in the Topic Name, Analyst E-mail ID, and Customer E-mail ID fields.

  4. Click REQUEST. The Remote Desktop Session e-mail notification is sent to the End User’s e-mail ID with Webex Meeting link as shown below.

    Figure: E-mail notification Pop-up

  5. Click REQUEST. The Remote Desktop Session e-mail notification is sent to the End User’s e-mail ID with Webex Meeting Link as shown below.

    Figure: E-mail Notification

  6. Once the invitation is sent, it is captured in the Session History as shown below. Also, on the REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up, an Webex Meeting link is generated and displayed below the INVITE, JOIN and End button.

    Figure: Webex Meeting Link

  7. Click JOIN. The Analyst redirected to Webex link. The Webex app opens as shown below.

    Figure: Join Session

    To turn on your video before a meeting, just select Start video right before you click Join Meeting. By default, the camera is turned off. When your camera is off, you can see the camera icon has a bar over it .

  8. Click Join Meeting to join the meeting as shown below.

    Figure: Session Joined

  9. Click Leave to leave the meeting.

Scenario 3: if TeamViewer is configured

To Initiate Remote Desktop Session as an Analyst with TeamViewer, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List. The Incident List page is displayed.
  2. Click the Incident ID of the Incident for which you want to Initiate Remote Desktop Session. 
  3.  Click REMOTE DESKTOP  icon. The REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up is displayed.
    If TeamViewer is configured and Active, on the REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up the Analysts can select the RDP Type as TeamViewer. 


  4. Select the RDP Type as TeamViewer.

    Figure: REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up - TeamViewer

    For more information on Remote Desktop Sharing pop-up field details click here.  


    If required, the Analyst can edit the details in the Topic Name, Analyst E-mail ID, and Customer E-mail ID fields.

  5. Click REQUEST. The Remote Desktop Session e-mail notification is sent to the End User’s e-mail ID with TeamViewer Meeting link as shown below.

    Figure: Email Notification pop-up

  6. Once the invitation is sent, it is captured in the Session History as shown below. Also, on the REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING pop-up, a TeamViewer Meeting link is generated and displayed below the INVITE, JOIN and End button. It will also generate a link for customer to join the session in the Customer Session Link field. This link can be copied using Copy icon available next to Customer Session Link field. 

    Figure: TeamViewer Link

  7. Click JOIN or click hyperlink TeamViewer Link for Analyst (supported link). The Analyst redirected to TeamViewer link. The TeamViewer gets displayed as shown below.

    Figure: Launch Installed TeamViewer

  8. Click Launch Installed Team Viewer. The following pop-up is displayed.

    Figure: Open TeamViewer

  9. Once the required participant joins the session, Analyst will be able to see the participant's screen. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Session Established

    The following screenshot is displayed if the customer has not joined the session yet. 

    Figure: Session Waiting

  10. Click Leave to leave the meeting.

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