Viewing Consumable Assets

You can view detailed summary of the Consumable for the selected Tenant, Category, and Store.

To view Consumable details:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory.

  2. On the ASSET INVENTORY page, under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section, select the CONSUMABLE icon.

  3. On the CONSUMABLE page, under DETAILS section, select the Tenant to view the summary details of the Consumable based on the Category and Store.
  4. Expand each Category to view the Store-wise Consumable details. Click the hyperlink under the status Allocated/In-Store/Inactive to view the detailed Consumable list.

    Consumable Summary
    Figure:  Consumable Summary
  5. Click Filters. The FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Specify the required filter criteria to view a particular set of Assets, and then click SUBMIT. For more information about the fields on the FILTERS  pop-up page, see Field Description.

    Specifying Filter Criteria for Consumable

    Figure: FILTERS pop-up page (Consumable)

    Field Description

    The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page.




    Select the Tenant from the drop-down list.


    Select the Category from drop-down list.

    StoreClick the search icon to select the Store from the list.
    Attribute NameSelect the Asset Attribute based on the selected Category.
    Attribute ValueSelect the Attribute Value based on the selected Attribute Name.


    Select the Status from the drop-down list to view the Assets.