2020-11-17_10-57-34_.End User Dashboard vTahoe

2020-11-17_10-57-34_.End User Dashboard vTahoe

On the USER DASHBOARD page (Dashboard menu), you can view and update Incidents and Service Requests (SRs) raised for you. You can raise new Incidents and SRs. You can provide feedback for your resolved Incidents and Service Requests. You can search for solutions for your issues and also look at the Knowledge Records (KRs). You can also view important updates and notifications from the IT department or any other support team of your organization.

Various Sections of the Page

This section explains the various sections of the USER DASHBOARD page.

USER Dashboard (Default) page
Figure: USER Dashboard (Default) page


The records on the dashboard are displayed as per the selected Tenant. Click Filters and select a Tenant for which you want to view the records on the on the dashboard.


  • Click the RESOLUTION SLA tile to view the percentage of Incidents logged by you that met and missed the Resolution SLA. The Met SLA Percentage is indicated by the green color and the Missed SLA Percentage is indicated by the red color. At the center, the Met SLA Percentage is displayed. Mouse hover on the green color to view the number of Incidents for which SLA is met. Mouse hover on the red color to view the number of Incidents for which SLA is missed. This tile is available if configured by the Administrators (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform). If the RESOLUTION SLA tile is available, the OPEN BY STATUS tile is not available.
  • Click the OPEN BY STATUS tile displays the count of Incidents based on the status. Mouse hover the color bar to view the count of Incidents in various colors indicated by different colors. This tile is available if configured by the Administrators (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform). If the OPEN BY STATUS tile is available, the RESOLUTION SLA tile is not available.
  • Click the OPEN INCIDENTS tile to view the list of open Incidents logged for you. The number indicates the count of open Incidents logged for you. On clicking OPEN INCIDENTS, MY INCIDENTS page is displayed. For information about viewing Incident list, see Viewing My Incidents List.
  • Click the NEW INCIDENT tile to log new Incidents. For information about logging Incidents, see Logging Incidents.
  • Click LAST 5 INCIDENTS to view the last 5 Incidents logged for you.


  • Click the RESOLUTION SLA tile to view the percentage of Service Requests logged by you that met and missed the Resolution SLA. The Met SLA Percentage is indicated by the green color and the Missed SLA Percentage is indicated by the red color. At the center, the Met SLA Percentage is displayed. Mouse hover on the green color to view the number of Service Requests for which SLA is met. Mouse hover on the red color to view the number of Service Requests for which SLA is missed. This tile is available if configured by the Administrators (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform). If the RESOLUTION SLA tile is available, the OPEN BY STATUS tile is not available.
  • Click the OPEN BY STATUS tile displays the count of SRs based on the status. Mouse hover the color bar to view the count of SRs in various colors indicated by different colors. This tile is available if configured by the Administrators (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform). If the OPEN BY STATUS tile is available, the RESOLUTION SLA tile is not available.
  • Click the OPEN REQUESTS tile to view the list of open SRs logged for you. The number indicates the count of open SRs logged for you. On clicking OPEN REQUESTS, MY SERVICE REQUESTS page is displayed. For information about viewing my SRs, see Viewing My Service Requests List.
  • Click the NEW REQUEST tile to log new SRs. For information about raising SRs, see Logging Service Requests.
  • Click the LAST 5 REQUESTS, view the last 5 SRs logged for you.
  • Click MY LIST tile to view the list of all the SRs logged for you. For information about viewing your list of SRs, see Viewing My Service Requests List.


  • Click the SLA SUMMARY tile to view the Incident-Response SLA Percentage, Incident-Resolution SLA Percentage, Request -Response SLA Percentage, and Request -Resolution SLA Percentage. This tile is available if configured by the Administrator (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform).
  • Click the MY ASSETS tile view the number of Assets mapped to you. Click the tile to view the Asset list. You can accept, reject, or return the Assets. For more information about managing Assets, see the My Assets in SummitAI Asset Management.
  • Click the MY ENTITLEMENTS tile to view the number of available entitled services (see: My Entitlements). This tile is available if configured by the Administrators (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform).
  • Click the MY DOCUMENTS tile to view the number of documents to which you have access
  • Under the FEEDBACK PENDING tile, the number of Incidents and Service Requests pending your feedback is displayed. Click the number to view the list and provide your feedback. For information about providing feedback, see Viewing or Updating My Incidents.


The number of pending Feedback is displayed as Zero if the number of feedback per user exceeds the configured value. For more information about the configuration, see Configuring Feedback.


You can search Knowledge records using the Looking for an Answer search box (on which the End User has access). This Search box is displayed if it is configured on the APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Configuring Application Settings topic in SummitAI Platform.


You can view the various updates provided by your Service Desk related to downtime, upgrades, changes, and so on. The information displayed here depends upon the Bulletin configuration for the selected Tenant. The Administrators configure the Bulletins for Tenants (see: Configuring Bulletin Board in SummitAI Platform). 


You can view the KRs categorized under IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, and HIGHEST RATED. Click on the KR to view the KR details on a new browser tab. This tile is available if configured by the Administrators (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform). If this tile is available, the QUICK INCIDENT LOGGING section is not available.


Various sections of the KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page:

  • Rating KRs
    You can provide feedback for a KR by clicking the stars and typing in your remarks. Click SUBMIT to save your feedback and remarks.

    You can search and view the Knowledge Records using the LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER field on the KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page. The selected Knowledge Record is displayed with a grey color background.

    You can view the list of last five recently visited Knowledge Records under the RECENTLY VIEWED section.


You can search for a Service Catalog or pick a Service Catalog from the frequently used Service Catalogs and raise a Service Request. For information about raising SRs, see Logging Service Requests. This tile is available if configured by the Administrator (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform).


You can search for a Rule or pick a Rule from the frequently used Rules and log an Incident. For information about logging Incidents, see Logging Incidents. This tile is available if configured by the Administrator (see: Configuring Application Settings in SummitAI Platform). If this tile is available, the KNOWLEDGE RECORDS section is not available.


If you select a theme for which End User Dashboard check box is selected on the THEME CONFIGURATION page, the User Dashboard page is displayed as configured. 

User Dashboard (Customized)
Figure: User Dashboard

Section 1

This section displays the icons on the Quick Action Bar. For more information on the icons, see Describing the User Interface in SummitAI Platform.

Section 2

The following table explains the icons are displayed in this section:



Click this icon to view the Dashboard links. Click the links to view the respective Dashboard.

Click this icon to view the list of Service Catalogs. Click the Catalog to create a Service Request for using the same catalog. The list is displayed based on the configuration on THEME CONFIGURATION page. For more information, see Configuring Themes in SummitAI Platform.

Section 3

You can search for Knowledge Records, Service Catalogs, and Incident Rules using the End User Dashboard search. The users can search for a combination of keywords using basic operators (AND, OR, Quotes, Parenthesis, and Asterisk), to produce more accurate and more relevant results for the specified keywords. Also, the keywords in the search results are in bold and highlighted.

By default, all the search results are displayed under the All Tab. Click the respective tabs (Knowledge BaseIncident, and Request) to view module-wise search results. Also, each tab displays the count of the records.

The full text search engine understands the user’s input, searches the entered search text or a keyword, and displays the most suitable results. The End User Dashboard search box works as follows:

User Input


Knowledge Records

The entered keyword or user input is searched in the QuestionAnswer, and Keywords fields of the Knowledge Records and displays the Knowledge Records that contain the maximum number of matched characters or word.
Service Catalogs

The entered keyword or user input is searched in the Catalog NameDescription, and Keywords fields of the Service Catalogs and displays the Service Catalogs that contain the maximum number of matched characters. If two or more records are having similar matched characters or word, the most used Service Catalog is displayed on the top of the list.

Incident Rules

The entered keyword or user input is searched in the Symptom and Keywords fields of the Incident Rules and displays the Incident Rules that contain the matched maximum number of characters. If two or more records are having similar matched characters or word, the used viewed Incident Rule is displayed on the top of the list.

How to Search?

The following table describes how to use basic operators along with user inputs:


Use double quotes to search for an exact phrase.

Example: "Microsoft Outlook is not Working"  


If there is no record for a tab, then that tab will be grayed out (See Above Screenshot).

AsteriskUse an asterisk at the end of the keyword to search or include all of its variations

Example: Micro*


Use parenthesis to combine other Operators for a more complex search. The keywords within the parenthesis are prioritized.

Example: Outlook AND (2010 OR 2016)

In this case, the records which have the word "Outlook 2010" and "Outlook 2016" only displayed as search results.


Use AND between search keywords to get results that only include both or all your keywords.

Example: Microsoft AND Visual


Use OR between search keywords or terms that will broaden your search results by returning all possible combinations of search terms.

Example: Microsoft OR Visual


If the Show Log/Request Search check box is not enabled under the End User Dashboard section of the THEME CONFIGURATION page, the End User Dashboard search box functions as a Global Search. For more information, see Global Search in SummitAI Platform.

Section 4

This section displays the links configured on the THEME CONFIGURATION page. You can perform various actions using these links.

 Click here

USER DASHBOARD (Theme Configured)
Figure: USER DASHBOARD (Theme Configured)

See All Issues: Click See All Issues link to view the Incidents of all status on the MY INCIDENTS page.


The icons and links displayed on this page is configurable. For more information, see Configuring Themes in SummitAI Platform.

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