SUMMITAI Asset Management
SUMMITAI Asset Management
SummitAI Asset Management module is a solution that helps organizations to manage cost, mitigate risk, compliance, and improve return on investments with an operational approach and increase efficiency by helping to manage IT Assets across the entire Asset Life Cycle from planning, requisitioning, allocation, retirement, and disposal.
SummitAI Asset Management is a multi-tenant system,which enables the enterprises to manage Assets across tenants and it can also be used to manage IT and Non-IT Assets, such as tables, chairs, shop floors Assets through the entire Asset Life Cycle Management including depreciation of the Assets.
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For earlier versions of the SummitAI Asset Management Online Help, please contact SummitAI Support.
Confluence Cloud Migration Alert: Please refer to known issues you may encounter in Confluence Cloud: https://eitdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wDGwAQ