List of Dashboard Reports
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
List of Dashboard Reports
Incident Management | ||
# | Report Name | Report Description |
1 | Open Incidents Report | The Open Incidents Report gives detailed information about all the Incidents with Status as Open. |
2 | Open VIP Incidents Report | The Open VIP Incidents Report gives detailed information about the Incidents logged by VIP users with Status as Open. |
3 | Open P1 Incidents Report | The Open P1 Incidents Report gives detailed information about the Incidents with Priority as P1 and Status as Open. |
4 | Pending Incidents Report | The Pending Incidents Report gives detailed information about all the Incidents with Status as Pending. |
5 | CSAT Rating Report | The CSAT Rating Report gives detailed information about the Average Rating of all the Incidents. |
6 | Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report | The Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report gives detailed information about the Average time taken to resolve all the Incidents. |
7 | SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report | The SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current year. |
8 | SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report | The SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current month. |
9 | SLA Breached (Current Month) Report | The SLA Breached (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) not met in the current month. |
10 | Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority | The Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority Report gives detailed information about the Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage) based on Priority. |
11 | Resolution SLA Compliance Trend | The Resolution SLA Compliance Trend Report gives the month-wise SLA Met trend (in percentage). |
12 | Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup | The Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup Report gives detailed information about the Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage) based on Workgroup. |
13 | Incidents Violated and Within SLA | The Incidents Violated and Within SLA Report gives the month-wise SLA Met and Missed count of Incidents. |
14 | CSAT Trend report (Monthly CSAT Report) | The CSAT Trend Report displays the monthly average CSAT Rating.
15 | CSAT Rating by Location | The CSAT Rating by Location Report displays the location-wise Average CSAT Rating. |
16 | Incident Breakup by CSAT Rating | The Incident Breakup by CSAT Rating Report displays the breakup (<2, 2-3, 3-4 and, > 4) of CSAT Rating. |
17 | Feedback Sent vs Received | The Feedback Sent vs Received Report displays the count of feedback received and feedback not received for closed SRs. |
18 | Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback | The Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback Report displays the Top 10 Analysts based on Customer Feedback. |
19 | Top 10 Categories | The Top 10 Categories Report displays the Top 10 Categories (with Incident Priorities) under which maximum nmebr of Incidents are logged. |
20 | Top 10 Classification | The Top 10 Classification Report displays the Top 10 Classifications (with Incident Priorities) under which Incidents are logged. |
21 | Top 10 Workgroups by Workload | The Top 10 Workgroups by Workload Report displays the Top 10 Workgroups with its workload (Assigned, In-Progress, New, and Pending). |
22 | Top 10 Analyst by workload | The Top 10 Analysts by Workload Report displays the Top 10 Analysts with their workload (In-Progress and Pending). |
23 | Top 10 Locations | The Top 10 Locations Report displays the Top 10 Locations from which maximum number of Incidents (with Priorities) are logged. |
24 | Open Incident by Status | The Open Incident by Status Report displays the Status-wise (Pending, New, In-Progress, and Assigned) count of Open Incidents. |
25 | Open Incident by Priority | The Open incident by Priority Report displays the Priority-wise count of Open Incidents. |
26 | MTTR (Mean Time to Resolve) by Priority | The MTTR (Mean Time To Resolve) by Priority Report displays the average time taken to resolve an Incident for each Priority. |
27 | Incidents Logged vs Resolved | The Incidents Logged vs Resolved Report displays the month-wise Incidents logged and resolved count. |
28 | Incident Medium | The Incident Medium Report displays the total count of Incidents raised through various channels, such as Web, Mail, and Application |
29 | Analysts by Location | The Analysts by Location Report displays the total number of Analysts at each Location. |
30 | Incident Aging by Workgroup | The Incident Aging by Workgroup Report displays the Workgroup-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days). |
31 | Incident Aging by Category | The Incident Aging by Category Report displays the Category-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days). |
32 | Incident Aging by Classification | The Incident Aging by Classification Report displays the Classification-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days). |
33 | Incident Aging by Location | The Incident Aging by Location Report displays the Location-wise Incident aging (<1 Day, 1-3 Days, 3-5 Days and >5 Days). |
34 | Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned | The Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Workgroups based on Total Feedback Points Earned. |
35 | Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned | The Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Analyst based on Total Feedback Points Earned. |
Service Request Management | ||
# | Report Name | Description |
1 | Open Requests Report | The Open Requests Report gives detailed information about all the Services Requests with Status as Open. |
2 | Open VIP Requests Report | The Open VIP Requests Report gives detailed information about the Requests logged by VIP users with Status as Open. |
3 | Requests Pending for Approval (Total) Report | The Requests Pending for Approval (Total) Report gives detailed information about the Service Requests that are Pending for Approval from the Approver. |
4 | CSAT Rating Report | The CSAT Rating Report gives detailed information about the overall average CSAT Rating of the Service Requests. |
5 | Referred Back Requests Report | The Referred Back Requests Report gives detailed information about the count of Service Requests that are referred back. |
6 | Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report | The Mean Time to Resolve (Min) Report gives detailed information about the Average time taken to resolve all the Service Requests. |
7 | SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report | The SLA Compliance (Current Year) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current year. |
8 | SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report | The SLA Compliance (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) met in the current month. |
9 | SLA Breached (Current Month) Report | The SLA Breached (Current Month) Report gives detailed information about the SLA (in percentage) not met in the current month. |
10 | Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority | The Resolution SLA Compliance By Priority Report displays the detailed information about the Resolution SLA (in Percentage) met By Priorities. |
11 | Resolution SLA Compliance Trend | The Resolution SLA Compliance Trend Report gives the month-wise SLA Met trend (in percentage). |
12 | Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup | The Resolution SLA Compliance By Workgroup Report gives detailed information about the Resolution SLA Met and Missed (in percentage) based on Workgroup. |
13 | Requests Violated and Within SLA (Count) | The Requests Violated and Within SLA Report gives the month-wise SLA Met and Missed count of Service Requests. |
14 | CSAT Trend report (Monthly CSAT Report) | The CSAT Trend Report displays the monthly average CSAT Rating of the Service Requests. |
15 | CSAT Rating by Location | The CSAT Rating by Location Report displays the Location-wise average CSAT Rating of the Service Requests. |
16 | Requests Breakup by CSAT Rating | The Requests Breakup by CSAT Rating Report displays the Service Request count(<2, 2-3, 3-4 and, > 4) based on CSAT Rating. |
17 | Feedback Sent vs Received | The Feedback Sent vs Received Report displays the count of feedback received and feedback not received for the closed Service Requests. |
18 | Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback | The Top 10 Analyst by Customer Feedback Report displays the Top 10 Analysts based on the received customer feedback. |
19 | Top 10 Categories | The Top 10 Categories Report displays the Top 10 Categories (with SR Priorities) under which maximum number of Service Requests are raised. |
20 | Top 10 Catalogs | The Top 10 Catalogs Report displays the Top 10 Catalogs (with SR Priorities) under which maximum number of Service Requests are raised. |
21 | Top 10 Workgroups by Workload | The Top 10 Workgroups by Workload displays the Top 10 Workgroups based on Open Status. |
22 | Top 10 Analyst by Workload | The Top 10 Analyst by Workload displays the Top 10 Analyst based on Status. The Statuses are In Progress and Pending. |
23 | Top 10 Locations | Top 10 Locations Report displays the Top 10 Locations (with SR Priorities) where maximum number of SRs are raised. |
24 | Open Request By Status | The Open Request By Status Report displays the number of SRs that are Open based on their Statuses. The Statuses are New, Assigned, In-Progress, and Pending. |
25 | Open Request By Priority | The Open Request By Priority report displays the number of Open SRs based on Priorities. |
26 | MTTR (mean time to resolve) by Priority | The MTTR (Mean Time To Resolve) by Priority Report displays the Average time taken to resolve a SR by Priorities. |
27 | MTTR (mean time to resolve) by Catalog /Top 10 | The MTTR (Mean Time To Resolve) by Catalog Report displays the Top 10 Catalog based on Average time taken (in Min) to resolve an SR. |
28 | Requests Logged vs Resolved | The Requests Logged vs Resolved Report displays the number of Requests that are Logged and Requests that are Resolved in a month. |
29 | Requests Approved vs Rejected | The Requests Approved vs Rejected Report displays the number of Requests that are Approved and Requests that are Rejected in a month. |
30 | Requests Medium | The Requests Medium Report displays the count of SRs raised through various channels, such as Web, Mail or through the Application. |
32 | Analysts by location | The Analysts by location Report displays the total number of Analysts by Location. |
33 | Requests Aging by Workgroup | The Requests Aging by Workgroup Report displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Workgroups. |
34 | Requests Aging by Category | The Requests Aging by Category Report displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Category. |
35 | Requests Aging by Catalog | The Requests Aging by Catalog Report displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Catalog. |
36 | Requests Aging by Location | The Requests Aging by Location Report displays the number of days the SRs are open based on Location. |
37 | Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned | The Top 10 Workgroup By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Workgroups based on Total Feedback Points Earned. |
38 | Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned | The Top 10 Analyst By Points Earned Report displays the Top 10 Analysts based on the Total Feedback Points Earned. |
Change Management | ||
1 | Open Changes | The Open Changes Report gives the count of all the Open Changes. |
2 | High Risk Changes | The High Risk Changes Report gives the count of all the High Risk Changes. |
3 | Emergency Changes | The Emergency Changes Report gives the count of all the Emergency Changes. |
4 | Successful Changes – Current Month | The Successful Changes – Current Month Report gives the count of all the Successful Changes in the current month. |
5 | Delayed Changes | The Delayed Changes Report gives the count of all the Delayed Changes. |
6 | Changes Awaiting Approval | The Changes Awaiting Approval Report gives the count of all the Changes waiting for approval. |
7 | Changes – On Hold | The Changes – On Hold Report gives the count of all the On Hold Changes. |
8 | Rolled Back Changes | The Rolled Back Changes Report gives the count of all the Rolled Back Changes. |
9 | Unassigned Changes | The Unassigned Changes Report gives the count of all the Unassigned Changes. |
10 | Top 10 Change Categories | The Top 10 Change Categories Report displays the Top 10 Change Categories with their Priorities. |
11 | Top 10 Cl Classes | The Top 10 Cl Classes Report displays the Top 10 Cl Classes along with their Priorities. |
12 | Top 10 Workgroups By Number of Changes | The Top 10 Workgroups By Number of Changes Report gives detailed information of Top 10 Workgroups based on the number of Changes along with Implemented, Authorized, and On Hold. |
13 | Top 10 Analyst By Number of Changes | The Top 10 Analyst By Number of Changes Report gives detailed information of Top 10 Analyst By Number of Changes along with Implemented and On Hold. |
14 | Open Changes By Change Type | The Open Changes By Change Type Report displays the open Change Types based on the options, such as Normal, Emergency, Expedited, and Standard. |
15 | Open Changes By Priority | The Open Changes By Priority Report displays the open Change Types based on the Priorities, such as High, Medium, and Low. |
16 | Open Changes By Status | The Open Changes By Status Report displays the open Change Types based on the Statuses or Status, such as Requested or Authorized. |
17 | Upcoming Changes | The Upcoming Changes Report displays the Changes are that are due or planned for the next 10 days. |
18 | Open Changes By Risk and Change Type | The Open Changes By Risk and Change Type displays the total count of open Changes based on Risk and based on the Change Type. |
19 | Changes Created vs Closed | The Changes Created vs Closed Report provides the total count of the Changes Created Verses the Changes that are Closed. |
20 | On Time vs Delayed Implementation | The On Time vs Delayed Implementation Reports displays the count of On Time Implementation and Delayed Implementation in terms of percentage. |
21 | Change Success Report | The Change Success Report displays the CRs that are successful and unsuccessful in terms of percentage. |