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A workflow is a pictorial representation of the steps involved in a process. It gives a better understanding of the process and thus, helps the administrator to identify the steps easily and configure them as per the requirement.

Using the Graphical Workflow Design, you can create a workflow to configure the SR Approval process for a Service Catalog.

Working with the Graphical Workflow:


Section 1

This section displays the Catalogs for the selected department, and the available activities, in the Workflows and Activity tab, respectively.

On the Workflows tab, you can select the catalog and design a approval workflow of the Service Catalog.

On the Activity tab, you can view the various components of the Service Request Approval Cycle. You can drag the required components in the working space and connect the components to define the Approval Cycle accordingly.

The following table explains the components available in the Activity tab.




Select this component to configure the Approval Levels for the Service Request.


Select this component to configure when the users are notified in the Approval Cycle.


Select this component to configure conditions for an Approval.

Section 2

The following table explains the options available in the tool bar.



Click this button to expand or collapse the left panel that consists the Catalogs and Activity tab.

Click this icon to clear the flow.

Click this icon to set the parameters for displaying the Workflow.

Show grid

Select the check box to view the grid lines while creating the workflow.

Section 3

The Start and the End points of a flow are displayed in the working space by default. You can drag the components of the workflow in the working space and connect each component to define the workflow.

To view the properties of the component or delete it, right-click on the component block and click the required option.

The following table explains the properties of each component.




Double-click on the Approval block or Right-click and click Properties.

You can set the properties of the Approval block on the PROPERTIES pop-up page. You can also select multiple Approvers under a Approval block. The selected Approvers can approve the Service Request independently.

The Approvers are displayed on the left of the PROPERTIES pop-up page. Click the Add icon to add new Approver.

PROPERTIES pop-up page
Figure: PROPERTIES pop-up page

The following table describes the fields in the PROPERTIES pop-up page of the Approval block.



Group Name

Type in the name of the Approval block. This field is displayed when you add more than one Approver.


Type in the name of the Approval Level.
Note: The same name is displayed as the Group name if only one Approver is added for the group.


Select the type of Approver in the drop-down list. For more information, click here.

The following table explains the options in the Approver drop-down list.



Head of Department

If you select this option, the head of the department to which the caller belongs, is configured as the Approver for the Service Catalog. You can configure the Head of the Department in HOD page (Catalog > Configuration > HOD)

Select Individual

If you select this option you can specify the Approver name in the corresponding field.

Technician Selectable

If you select this option, an Analyst can specify the Approver in the SET APPROVER pop-up page. For information about setting Approvers, see Set Approver.

User Selectable

If you select this option, end user can specify the approver while creating the Service Request

Line Manager

If you select this option, the Line Manage of the Caller, as configured in the Active Directory is configured as Approver for the Service Catalog

Reporting Manager

If you select this option, the Reporting Manager of the Caller, as configured in the Active Directory is configured as Approver for the Service Catalog.

User Group

f you select this option, Analysts of the User Group is configured as Approver for the Service Catalog. For more information about configuring User Group, see Configuring User Group.


If you select this option, the Analysts of the Caller's Workgroup is configured as Approver for the Service Catalog. You can configure the Workgroup on the WORKGROUP page (Admin > Modules > General > Workgroup). For more information, see SummitAI Platform Online Help.

Workgroup Owner

If you select this option, the Owner of the Caller's Workgroup, is configured as Approver for the Service Catalog  You can configure the Workgroup Owner on the WORKGROUP page (Admin > Modules > General > Workgroup). For more information, see SummitAI Platform Online Help.


Auto Approval

Select the check box configure the Auto Approval or Rejection of the Service Request created using the catalog.
The available options are:
Approve: Select the option and enter the time in the Approve/Reject Duration field to automatically approve the Service Request if the configured time exceeds.
Reject: Select the option and enter the time in the Approve/Reject Duration field to automatically reject the Service Request if the configured time exceeds.

Enable E-mail Notifications for End Users

If selected, the End Users can send Notifications to the Approvers for the SRs

Enable E-mail Notifications for Approvers

If selected, the Approvers can send Notifications to the End User for the SRs.

Enable Refer Back To Requestor

If selected, the Approver has the option to refer back the Service Request to the Requestor.

Enable Refer Back To Previous Approvers

If selected, the Approver has the option to refer back the Service Request to the previous Approver.

Custom Group

Select the required option in the drop-down list.
The custom groups configured in the FORM BUILDER while creating the Service Catalog is displayed in the drop-down list. If the group is selected, the Approver must fill the fields configured in the group while approving the Service request.

  • Click SAVE to save the modifications without closing the pop-up window.
  • Click SAVE AND CLOSE to save the modifications and close the pop-up window.
  • Click CANCEL to close the pop-up window without saving the modifications.


Double-click on the Notification block or Right-click and click Properties.

PROPERTIES pop-up page
Figure: PROPERTIES pop-up page

The following table describes the fields in the PROPERTIES pop-up page of Notification block.




Type in the name of the Approval block.

Notification Type

Select the notification type in the drop-down list.

Select Recipient

If this check box is selected, the Caller is notified as configured in the workflow.

Additional Recipient

Type in the e-mail id of the users/analyst to be notified, and click ADD TO LIST or ADD CC LIST button as required.
ADD TO LIST: Click this button to add the e-mail id to the To List field.
ADD CC LIST: Click this button to add the e-mail id to the CC List field.

To List

Displays the e-mail ids of the users as configured in Additional Recipient field.

CC List

Displays the e-mail ids of the users as configured in Additional Recipient field.


Type in the subject of the Notification e-mail

Custom Attributes

Select the Custom Attributes in the drop-down list. The custom attributes is displayed in the Body text field.


Type in the content of the Notification e-mail.



Double-click on the Condition block or Right-click and click Properties.

PROPERTIES pop-up page
Figure: PROPERTIES pop-up page

The following table describes the fields on the PROPERTIES pop-up page of the Condition block.




Type in the name of the Condition block.


Click the AND tab to add Rule using the AND operand for configuring Rules for the selected Custom Attributes. If the AND operand is selected,all the Rules defined under it have to be successful to implement the Action.

To add Rules:

Select the Custom Attribute for which you want to configure the Rule from the list. Choose the operator from the list. Type in the value you want to equate with the Rule.


Click the OR tab to add rule using the OR operand for configuring Rules for the selected Custom Attributes. If the OR operand is used then at least one of the Rules has to be successful to implement the Action.
To add Rules:
Select the Custom Attribute for which you want to configure the Rule from the list. Choose the operator from the list. Type in the value you want to equate with the Rule.


Click ADD RULE to add another row of Rules.


Click ADD BLOCK to add another block of Rules configuration.


Click DELETE BLOCK to delete the additional row of Rules configuration.


Click SAVE to save the configured Condition.



Select any component and press the DELETE key or Right-click on the component and click Delete to delete the component from the Workflow.

To create a Approval Workflow:

  1. Click Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Workflow.
  2. On the WORKFLOW page, select the Tenant and click SAVE. The catalogs are displayed for the selected catalog.
  3. Select the catalog for which you want to design the Workflow.
  4. Drag and drop the required components from the Activity tab to the working space.
  5. Set the properties of the component blocks.
  6. Connect the properties as required.
  7. Click SUBMIT to save the Workflow.


The Workflow cannot be created/modified if the Service Catalog is in Published state.

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