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About SummitAI IT Management Suite

Signing In

Describing the User Interface

Alerts and Approvals

Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details

Global Search

Personalizing Pages

Forgot Password

Logging Out

Delegating Role

Signing In As Another User

Switching Tenant

Searching Users

Help File Conventions

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Document Repository

Global Tenant


Concurrent License Allocation

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Adding Users

Viewing User List

Configuring Role Templates

Role Template Menu Configuration_GM

Role Template Other Configuration

Configuring Custom Tabs

Resigned Approver List

Viewing Switch User List

Configuring Switch User

Importing User Details Using Excel

Importing User Details from DB

Importing Active Directory User Details


titleTheme Configuration

Configuring Themes

Previewing and Editing Themes

titleSSO Configuration

SSO Configuration Wizard

SSO Configurations: Forms

SSO Configuration : SAML

SSO Configuration: OAuth

SSO Configurations: Proxy

titleForm Builder

Form Builder

Custom Fields

Configuring Custom Fields for Customers

Configuring Custom Fields for Users

titleCommon Masters

Configuring Common Master Types

Configuring Common Masters

Configuring Geographic Location


Configuring Widgets

Configuring Widget Tabs

Configuring Widget Reports

Configuring Widget Report Access


Importing Configurations by Template

Exporting Configurations by File

Importing Configurations by File

Configuring Tenant

Configuring Dashboards

Configuring Domain

Configuring Application Settings

Importing Master Template

Configuring Analysts

Mapping Language Translation

Configuring Workgroups

Report Builder

Configuring Custom Scheduler

Archiving Data

Configuring Periodic Survey

Configuring Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Configuring Web Services

External Web Service Mapping

Proxy View Admin

Viewing Proxy Server Details

Configuring VLAN

Mapping VLAN to Proxy

Configuring Digital Signature

Configuring ServiceNow


Configuring SR Approval Workflow

Configuring CR Approval Workflow


Adding Customers

Viewing Customer List

Configuring Customer SLA Matrix

Configuring Custom Tabs for Customers


Adding Vendors

Viewing Vendor List


titleDiscovery and Monitoring

Configuring Vendor MIBs

Discovery Configuration

Configuring Monitoring Accounts

Configuring Scripts

Configuring Scripts Based Monitoring

Configuring SNMP MIB

Configuring SNMP Based Monitoring


Configuring Standard Operating Procedures

Viewing Documents

Uploading Documents


E-mail Parsing

Configuring Mailbox

Configuring Templates for Free-Form E-Mail Type

Configuring Templates for Line E-mail Type

Configuring Notification Parser

Configuring Notification Templates

Configuring SMS Gateway

Configuring Voice Call Gateway

Configuring Bulletins

Configuring Alerts

Adding Master Configuration

Configuring Conference Call

Configuring Push Notifications


Configuring Compliance Profiles

Allocating Compliance Profiles

Agent Contact Information

Viewing Modifying Profile Configuration


Configuring Skills

Configuring Skill Category

Configuring Core Competency

Adding Holidays

titleShift Management

Configuring Shifts

Allocating Shifts

Viewing Shift Roster


Configuring Auto Escalations

Configuring Manual Escalations


License Usage

License Acceptance

License Monitoring

Allocating Concurrent License



Configuring GDPR

Guide Me

titlePassword Management

Password Management

Configuring Administrator

Configuring Security Questions

Mapping Security Questions

Configuring Keyword Message

Managing User Account

Configuring Password Expiry

Password E-mail Audit Log

Creating AD Property

User Registration Details Report

Status Details Report

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titleReports and Dashboards

Viewing Reports

Creating New Reports_Gen

Creating New Dashboards


Discovery Scan Error Report

Summit Audit Log for Login Accounts

SUMMIT Configuration Audit Report

Survey Report

License Trend Report

GDPR Status Report

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Tenant Department Customer

Configuring Auto Escalation for Incident By SLA

Configuring Auto Escalation for Incident By Time

Configuring Auto Escalation for SR by Time

Configuring Auto Escalation for SR by SLA

Configuring Mailbox

Proxy View

Configuring Vendor MIBs

Summit Audit Log for Login Accounts


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What are Advanced Reports?

The Administrators can create Advanced Reports as per the specific requirements of the organization using the Advanced Reports option available in the SummitAI application. 


The advanced BI reports are not supported on the older versions of SummitAI for SaaS-enabled database. The Administrators on SaaS-enabled database are advised to create advanced BI reports only if the version of the SummitAI application is Sierra SP1 HF02 or later.

Advanced Reports - Various Menus

The users can create new advanced reports using the following menus:

  • Data Source: This menu allows the user to perform the following:
    • View, search, and select data sources to be used in a report
    • Set up and validate relationships between data sources in a report
  • Design: This menu allows the users to perform the following:
    • View data source fields’ properties
    • Add report-level calculated fields
    • Define report filters based on data source fields
    • Add report parts to report body
    • Add data source fields to report
    • Configure formatting and calculation properties for data source fields in report
  • Format: This menu allows the users to perform the following:
    • Layout and format report header and footer
    • Enter report title and description

For more information, see 39763094 21488740 section.

  • Exporting: This menu allows the users to perform the following:
    • Make changes to report layout for exporting
    • Report preview

For more information, see Exporting Reports section.

  • Schedule: This menu allows the users to perform the following:
    • Add, copy, and remove schedules
    • View scheduled deliveries

For more information, see 39763094 21488740 section.

  • Access: This menu allows the users to perform the following:
    • View and change report owner
    • View list of sharing
    • Add and remove sharing

For more information, see Report Access Permissions.


As an in-built feature of the BI reports for Alps release, the users can deactivate the unused BI reports from the front end.

Creating Advanced Reports

To create new Advanced Reports:

  1. Click Reports and select Advanced Reports. The following page is displayed:

    Reports Dashboard
    Figure: Reports Dashboard

  2. To create a new report, click the add   icon besides the Reports tab.
  3. The Data Source list is displayed.
  4. Search and select the Data Sources to be used in a report from the Data Sources panel.

    Data Sources Selection
    Figure: Data Sources Selection

  5. Enter the Report Name.

    Figure: Report Name

  6. Click Design in the left menu to add report parts, add filters, and use the fields to create the report body.

    Figure: Report Design

  7. Report Design: The Report Design includes following two sections:

    titleAdding Filters

    From the data sources, users can add report filters to select only the rows that they need.

    1. Click the Add Filter button and select the filter field from drop-down list.
    2. With the filter selected, the Filter Properties Panel is enabled.
    3. Users can configure the properties in Filter Properties and see the changes in the Preview pane.

      Figure: Report Design: Filter Selection

    titleAdding Report

    There are many ways to display data in a report. The built-in report parts include the following:

    • Chart (Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, etc.)
      Chart is a built-in type of report part that displays data using graphical symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.
    • Form
      Form is a built-in type of report part that allows WYSIWYG editing in HTML.
    • Gauge
      Gauge is a built-in type of report part that displays data using a speedometer.
    • Grid (Horizontal, Vertical, Pivot)
      Grid is a built-in type of report part that displays data in a tabular format. It currently supports four different grid styles: Vertical, Horizontal, Pivot and Drill-down.
    • Map
      Map is a built-in type of report part that displays data on geographic maps, ranging from world map to continent and country maps.

    For more information about the various types of Reports, see 39763094 21488740.

  8. Select Grid as the Report Part Type. 
  9. Once you select your report part type, you are redirected to the Configuration Mode.

    Figure: Report Design: Filter and Report Part Selection

  10. Type in the Title and Description for the report.
  11. Click the  Add a field icon, the Field Selection window is displayed.

    Figure: Report Design: Field Selection

  12. Add the required data source fields to the Columns and Separators field.

  13. Click the Save button at the top-right of the page, the Save window is displayed.

  14. Select the Category and Sub-category from drop-down list, and then click OK to save the report.

    • Click the Delete icon in the configuration header to remove the report part.
    • Click the Switch to Preview Mode  icon in the configuration header to switch to preview mode.

Formatting Reports
Formatting Reports
Formatting Reports

The Format menu allows the users to add Report Header, FooterTitle, and Description.

To add Report Header and Footer:

  1. Click Format in the left menu. The following page is displayed.

    Figure: Report Formatting: Report Header & Footer

  2. Select Report Header & Footer check-box to display Report Header and Report Footer sections.
  3. Click Add Item, the Add Item pop-up is displayed.

    Figure: Add Item

  4. Select an item type from the drop-down list and click OK to close it.
  5. Items properties are grouped in the following sections:

    titleGeneral Info

    For an Image:

    • Type in the Item Name.
    • Type in the Image URL.

    For a Text item:

    • Type in the Item Name.
    • Type in the Item Value.

    For a Date Time, Page Number, Horizontal Rule, and Vertical Rule item:

    • Type in the Item Name.

    titleItem Formatting

    For Date Time and Page Number:

    • Choose a display Format

    For Text, Date Time and Page Number:

    • Choose a Font and Font Size.
    • Choose text effects bold, italic and underlined.
    • Set text color and cell color.
    • Choose text alignment left, center, right or justify.

    For Horizontal Rule and Vertical Rule:

    • Select a line pattern: Solid (default), Dot or Dash.
    • Select a line color.
    • Select the line thickness (in pixels).

  6. Click Save at the top.

To add Report Title and Description:

  1. Click Format in the left menu. The following page is displayed.
  2. Select Report Title & Description check-box to display Report Title and Description sections.

    Figure: Report Formatting: Report Title & Description

  3. Type in the Title and Description in the respective text boxes.
  4. Click on  icon to open Format Properties box.

    Configure the properties in Item Formatting group:

    1. Choose a font face and font size.
    2. Choose text effects bold, italic and underlined.
    3. Set text color and cell color.
    4. Choose text alignment left, center, right, or justify.

  5. Click Save.

Exporting Reports
Exporting Reports
Exporting Reports 

On this page you can preview the report that you designed and make changes to the report layout for exporting. The following table describes the fields on the Exporting page:




Select the Orientation for the report from the drop-down list.


Select the Margin from the drop-down list.

Note:  Select Custom to type in the customized margin values.

Center on page

Select the Horizontally check box if you want the information centered left-to-right between the margins of the page.

Select the Vertically check box if you want the information centered top-to-bottom between the margins of the page

Page Break After Report Part

Select the check box to add Page Break after report part


Click Export to export into


Click Save to save the changes.


Click Cancel to discard all the changes

Report Viewer

Click Report Viewer to preview the report

Scheduling Reports
Scheduling Reports
Scheduling Reports

The Schedule menu allows the users to add, copy, remove, and view schedules.

To add a Schedule:

  1. Click Schedule in the left menu. The following page is displayed.

    Figure: Report Schedule

  2. Click the Add Schedule to open the Add Schedule pop-up.

    Figure: Add Schedule pop-up

  3. Type in the Instance Name for this schedule.
  4. In Schedule tab:
    1. Select Scheduling Type:

      1. Scheduled Alert: delivered only if report has data at scheduled time.

      2. Scheduled Reporting Item: delivered regardless whether it has data or not at scheduled time.

    2. Select desired Time Zone.
    3. Select a Start Date.
    4. Select the Start Time (some common values can be quickly selected from the predefined list).
    5. Select a common Recurrence period from the list or select Custom Recurrence to define a different one.
  5. In Delivery tab: Under the Delivery Type drop-down list, there are two types of delivery type is available:
    1. Email: to send the report to the email address of selected users.
    2. File Location: save the report as a file

    If Delivery Type is selected as Email

    1. Select Delivery Method: The available Delivery Methods are:

      1.  Link: email a Link

      2. Attachment: email an Attachment

      3. Embedded HTML: email an Embedded HTML.

    2. Click Add   icon to Add Recipient(s).

    3. Re-select values for report filters.

      Figure: Add Schedule: Delivery Type: Email

    If Delivery Type is selected as File Location

    1. Select Delivery Method as Send to disk.
    2. Select the Export File Type: PDF, Word, Excel, CSV, XML, or JSON from drop-down list.
    3. Re-select values for report filters.

      Figure: Add Schedule: Delivery Type: File Location

  6. Click OK to close Add Schedule pop-up.
  7. Click Save at the top to add a schedule.

    Figure: Schedule List

  • Click Edit  icon to edit the created schedule.
  • Click Copy icon to create copy of selected schedule.
  • Click Delete  icon to delete the selected schedule.

Report Access Permissions
Report Access Permissions
Report Access Permissions

The Access menu allows the user to add and remove sharing, view and change report owner, andview list of sharing

To add sharing:

  1. Click Access in the left menu. The following page is displayed.

    Figure: Access: Add Sharing

  2. Click Add Sharing to add a new row in the list. 
  3. Select the type of people to share with: Everyone, Role or User.
  4. For Role, click Select User  icon, the All Roles pop-up window is displayed.
  5. Select the roles from the drop-down list and click OK to close Add Roles pop-up.

    Figure: All Roles
  6. For User, click Select User  icon, the All Users pop-up window is displayed.

    Figure: All Users

  7. Select either User Name, Email Address or Role to search for. Select All to search for all fields.
  8. Type a partial name into the search box and click the search icon ().
  9. Only matching users will be displayed.
  10. Select one or more users then click OK to close the pop-up.
  11. Select an Access Right from the drop-down list.
  12. Click Save button at the top to save the access permissions.

View and Change Report Owner

The Report Owner is displayed next to the report name.

To change Report Owner:

  1. Click the Select User   icon to open All Users pop-up.

    Figure: All Users

  2. Select either User Name, Email Address or Role to search for. Select All to search for all fields.
  3. Type a partial name into the search box and click the search icon ().
  4. Only matching users will be displayed.
  5. Select the user then click OK to close the pop-up.
  6. Click Save button at the top to save the report together with the owner.

Report Types
Report Types
Different Types of Reports


Grid is a built-in type of report part that displays data in a tabular format. It currently supports 4 different vertical, horizontal, pivot and drill-down styles.

Configure Report Part Properties for Grid:

  1. Select the Grid in Report Body.
  2. Click the expand icon (<) on the right to open the Properties boxes.
  3. Select the Report Part Properties box.
  4. Grid properties are grouped in the following seven sections.
    1. General Info
    2. Table
    3. Columns
    4. Headers
    5. Grouping
    6. View 
    7. Printing
  5. User can define the properties and see changes reflected in Preview pane.

    Figure : Report Part Properties: Grid


Chart is a built-in type of report part that displays data using graphical symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.

Configure Report Part Properties for Chart

  1. Select the chart in Report Body.
  2. Click the expand icon (<) on the right to open the Properties boxes.
  3. Select the Report Part Properties box.
  4. Chart properties are grouped in the following seven sections:
    1. General Info
    2. Chart
    3. Labels
    4. Legends
    5. Grouping
    6. Data
    7. View 
  5. User can configure the properties and see changes reflected in Preview pane.

    Figure: Report Part Properties: Chart


Gauge is a built-in type of report part that displays data using a speedometer.

Configure Report Part Properties for Gauge

  1. Select the Gauge in Report Body.
  2. Click the expand icon (<) on the right to open the Properties boxes.
  3. Select the Report Part Properties box.
  4. Gauge properties are grouped in the following seven sections:
    1. General Info
    2. Gauge
    3. Grouping
    4. View
    5. Printing
  5. User can configure the properties and see changes reflected in Preview pane.

    Figure: Report Part Properties: Gauge


Map is a built-in type of report part that displays data on geographic maps, ranging from world map to continent and country maps.

Configure Report Part Properties for Map

  1. Select the Map in Report Body.
  2. Click the expand icon (<) on the right to open the Properties boxes.
  3. Select the Report Part Properties box.
  4. Map properties are grouped in the following seven sections:
    1. General Info
    2. Map
    3. Labels
    4. Legends
    5. Data
    6. View
  5. User can configure the properties and see changes reflected in Preview pane.

    Figure: Report Part Properties: Map


Form is a built-in type of report part that allows WYSIWYG editing in HTML. Users can do the following:

 Configure Report Part Properties for Form

  1.  Select the Form in Report Body.
  2. Click the expand icon (<) on the right to open the Properties boxes.
  3. Select the Report Part Properties box.
  4. From properties are grouped in the following seven sections.
    1. Form
    2. Edit
    3. Tool
    4. View
  5. User can configure the properties and see changes reflected in Preview pane.

    Figure: Report Part Properties: Form

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