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You can view, or modify the general details of a Service Request (SR), maintain user logs and Workgroup logs, establish Parent and Child relationship, type in additional information as configured by the Administrator, add Partner, click TRANSFER to transfer Incidents Information and Checklist, and see other related Incidents or Change Records (CRs).
To view or update Service Request details:
- View or update the Service Requests assigned to your Workgroup (see: Viewing/Updating My Workgroup Service Requests (SRs)) or assigned to you (see: Analyst Dashboard IM).
- On the SERVICE REQUEST LIST page, click the Filters icon on the ACTIONS panel and select the appropriate filter options to view the list of Service Requests.
- Select the SR ID of the SR that you want to view or update. The basic information about the SR is displayed in the left column of the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page (Also see: Various Sections of the Page).
- View the Service Request details or make the required changes. For more information about the fields under the various tabs of the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page, see Field Description.
- Click SUBMIT to save the changes.
Changing SR Status
The status of the SR in green color indicates the current status of the SR. To change the status of the SR, click the appropriate status, and then click SUBMIT.
Scheduling SRs
You can schedule SRs by specifying the Schedule Date under the GENERAL tab of the SERVICE REQUEST DETAILS page. For more information about scheduling SRs, see GENERAL tab.
SR Routing
An SR with a configured User Group in the Approval Matrix is sent to an Approver who is at the same location as the User.
SR Approval Process - VIP Users
If a VIP User is configured as an Approver for a SR, the SR directly goes to the VIP User for approval and the other levels of approval are skipped unless there is a User Group in the Approval Matrix.
SR Notifications for Status Change
When a SR is requested for a Service Catalog with a configured User Group Approver in the Approval Matrix and if an Approver from the User Group changes the status of the SR to Approve, Reject, or Forward To, the other Approvers of the User Group receive an e-mail notification about the status change.
Various Sections of the Page
This section explains the various sections of the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page.
Section 1
On clicking the down-arrow next to the SR number, you get a submenu, Create Change Record, see Creating Change Records (CRs) in Service Management.
Section 2
Following are the icons in this section that you can use to perform specific actions:
Field | Description |
| Click this icon to display CALLER DETAILS pop-up page. You can view general details and additional information about the Caller. |
| Click this icon to display the Address Book from where you can select the e-mail ids of the users who should get e-mails related to the updates of the SR. |
| Click this icon to select the notification method (example: E-mail, Phone, Chat, SMS) by which the selected set of users are notified about any updates about the SR. |
| Click this icon to start a chat with the End User. An e-mail is sent to the End User. The End User can click the chat link from the mail and start chatting with you (see: Chatting with Analysts). |
| Click this icon to view the chat history details associated with the Service Request. Viewing chat history for SRs is exactly same as viewing chat history for Incidents (see: Viewing Chat History). |
| Click this icon to view the Category-wise distribution of the SRs logged by the user. For more information about USER SERVICE REQUEST HISTORY page, see Viewing Service Request History. |
| Click this icon to request a Remote Desktop Sharing session. For more information about REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING page, see Remote Desktop Sharing 1. |
Logged By User Name | Click the Logged By User Name link to display the USER DETAILS pop-up page. On the USER DETAILS pop-up page, you can view general details and additional information about the User. |
Attachments | Click the Upload icon, choose the file you want to attach and click Open. Click Submit. Note:
Section 3
This section displays the possible status values of an SR. The current status of the SR is indicated with a green highlight color. You can also change the status of the SR, see Changing SR Status.
Section 4
These are the various tabs available on the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page.
- The orange color dot on the tab indicates that relevant information is available under the tab.
- The numbers on the CHECKLIST tab indicates the number of tasks you need to perform before resolving an SR.
- The numbers on the RELATIONSHIP tab indicates the number of records (Incidents, Service Requests, Change Records, and so on) to which the SR is related.
- The asterisk mark on the tab indicates that there are some mandatory fields, which are not filled in.
For more information about the fields under these tabs, see Field Description.
Section 5
This section displays the various actions that you can perform on the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page, see ACTIONS.
Section 6
This section displays the various information about the Caller of the Service Request.
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page.
You can provide general information about the Service Request (SR) under the GENERAL tab. You can provide details about the SR, such as Workgroup, assigned Analyst, response time, solution, and so on.
Figure: GENERAL tab
The following table describes the fields under the GENERAL tab:
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
CLASSIFICATION | |||||||||||||||
Urgency | Search and select the Urgency level from the list to indicate the Urgency level for the SR. | ||||||||||||||
Priority | Search and select the Priority from the list to indicate the Priority for the SR. | ||||||||||||||
Impact | Search and select the Impact from the list to indicate the Impact of the SR. | ||||||||||||||
Classification | Lists the various Classifications under which the SR can be considered for resolution. To select the Classification, click the Search icon. The Classification list page is displayed. You can use the Expand icon to view the Sub-classifications in the Classification tree. Select a Classification that you want to associate with the SR. | ||||||||||||||
Category | Lists the various Categories under which the SR can be considered for resolution. To select the Category, click the Search icon. The Category list page is displayed. You can use the Expand icon to view the Sub-categories in the Categories tree. Select a Category that you want to associate with the SR. | ||||||||||||||
Tags | Tags are the labels that you can create and/or link with the records. This enables the Analyst to categorize the records based on the tags which in turn allows him to manage all the transactional activities in quick and organized manner. Search and Select the Tag to which you want to associate the Incident. The Tags are displayed under the following categories:
| ||||||||||||||
ASSIGNMENTS | |||||||||||||||
Workgroup | Select the Workgroup to which you want to associate the SR. | ||||||||||||||
Schedule Date | Click the Calendar icon to select the scheduled date and time for the SR (scheduling SRs). | ||||||||||||||
Assigned To | Select the Analyst to whom you want to assign the SR. Click the Analyst icon to view the workload of the Analyst. It displays the number of SRs and Work Orders assigned to the selected Analyst along with their status. Following statuses are available in the Availability Status drop-down field on the MY PROFILE page.
For more information, see Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details in SummitAI Platform. OnlineBy default, after a successful login into the Application, the Availability Status is auto-set to Online and a green dot is displayed on the Profile icon. A different status is displayed when the Analyst modifies it to another status. Note: The Availability Status of an Analyst is Online when the Analyst is logged into the Application using the SummitAI Mobile App. AwayThe Away status is displayed on the Profile icon in the following scenarios:
OfflineThe Offline status is displayed on the Profile icon in the following scenarios:
| ||||||||||||||
Service Window | Search and select the required Service Window from the drop-down list. | ||||||||||||||
Response SLA | Displays the Response SLA date and time.
| ||||||||||||||
Resolution SLA | Displays the Resolution SLA date and time.
| ||||||||||||||
Violation | Displays the SLA status for both response and resolution time as violated or not, Yes or No. If the value is Yes, the Violation Reason must be provided. | ||||||||||||||
SOLUTION: This section is displayed only for a resolved SR. | |||||||||||||||
SOLUTION | Type-in the solution for the resolved SR. | ||||||||||||||
RESOLUTION CODE | Select the Resolution Code for the SR. | ||||||||||||||
CLOSURE CATEGORY | Select the Closure Category for the SR. Click the Search icon to select the Closure Category. |
You can share the user log with the End User as comments under COMMUNICATION tab. These comments are sent to the End User and to the default and specified CC e-mail members automatically through an e-mail when you click the SUBMIT button. The Private Log information is shared with the other team members or the members of other Workgroups through an e-mail. Also, the follow-up can be recorded based on the number of times the End user followed-up with Analyst.
The following table describes the fields under the COMMUNICATION tab:
Field | Description |
User Communication | Type in the SR information that you want to share with the End User through an e-mail. |
Private Log | Type in the SR information that you want to share with other members of your team or the members of other related Workgroups. Whenever you type in information in this section, an e-mail is sent to all the team members of the Workgroup. These e-mails are not sent to End Users or Callers. When you reply to an escalation e-mail, the reply is updated here and an e-mail is sent to all the team members of the Workgroup and the Workgroup Owner. |
Actual Efforts | You can log in the actual effort required for the Service Request. |
Analyst Internal Communication | Type in the Service Request information that you want to share with other members of your team or the members of other related Workgroups. Whenever you type in information in this section, an e-mail is sent to all the team members of the Workgroup. These e-mails are not sent to End Users or callers. When you reply to an escalation e-mail, the reply is updated here and an e-mail is sent to all the team members of the Workgroup and the Workgroup Owner. |
Record End User Follow-up | If this check box is selected,the number of times the End user followed-up with Analyst is recorded. |
Follow-up Count | Displays the total number of Follow-up Count. |
Remarks | Specify the follow-up Remarks. |
ATTACHMENTS | Click the Upload icon, choose the file you want to attach and click Open. Click Submit. Note:
- Updating the Private Log and User Communication is mandatory if the SR is assigned to a different Workgroup or status of the SR is changed.
- When the user updates the Service Request through the e-mail, the update is displayed in the USER COMMUNICATION section.
There may be a list of actions you need to perform before resolving an SR. Under the CHECKLIST tab, you can verify these actions (if configured by the Administrator) and complete them before resolving the SR. Based on what action is taken on the Task, update the Task Status and provide your remarks in the Remarks text box.
Figure: CHECKLIST tab
You can link related Incidents, Problem Records (PRs), Assets, CIs, Events, and so on to the SR or allocate Assets to the user based on the SR, using the Link list under the RELATIONSHIP tab. You can also create new Incidents, Change Record, Work Order or Purchase Request and link to the SR using the Create list.
To link any module to a Service Request:
- Click the module name on the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed.
Figure: RELATIONSHIP tab - Enter the required details and click SEARCH.
Figure: Example of Relationship search filters - Select the record to be linked and click LINK.
Figure: Example of Relationship search result - The linked record is displayed under the RELATIONSHIP tab.
- You can link Procurement (Purchase Request) to a SR, if it is configured in Application Settings and for the Service Catalog (See Creating Service Catalogs in Service Management).
- E-Procurement module is not a part of Service Management module. When you link Procurement (Purchase Request), click on the Purchase Request to view the details.
Figure: Purchase Request Details
Click on the PR, PO, or GRN/SRN code link to view the respective details.
Figure: PR Details
Figure: PO Details
Figure: GRN Details
To Allocate Assets to a User from a Service Request:
- Click Allocate Asset on the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed.
Figure: RELATIONSHIP pop-up page - Specify the required details and click SEARCH.
- Select the required Assets and click ALLOCATE. The ALLOCATE ASSET pop-up page is displayed.
Figure: ALLOCATE ASSET pop-up page - Specify the required details and click SUBMIT. The Asset is allocated to the Caller of the SR. After the Asset is allocated, the Allocated Asset is displayed under the RELATIONSHIP tab.
Figure: RELATIONSHIP Tab: Allocated Assets
The option Allocate Asset is available in the Link drop-down list if it is configured in the selected Service Catalog. For more information about creating Service Catalogs, see Creating Service Catalogs in Service Management.
You can provide details about any external vendor who is related to the SR under the VENDOR INFORMATION tab. You can add or view details of the external support where an external vendor or partner is involved. The external support details are not shared with the End User, but is added here for your reference.
The following table describes the fields under the VENDOR INFORMATION tab of the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page:
Field | Description |
Vendor | Lists the configured Partner. Select the Partner name of the list. |
Location | Type in the location of the Partner. |
Configuration Item | Lists the mapped CIs for the Partner SR. Select a configuration item from the list. |
Contact Person | Displays the name of the person who had helped to resolve or in providing the information over the customer SR. |
Incident ID | Type in a unique identification number of a Partner Incident, which is logged by the vendor in relation to an SR. After enter the Partner Incident ID, it is mandatory to specify the Start Date and Incident Status details. |
Status | Select the status of the Partner Incident. |
Urgency | Lists the configure Urgency options. Search and select the Urgency option from the list. |
Start Date | Specify the date and time on which the Partner Incident is initiated. Click the Calendar icon to select the start date of the Partner Incident. |
Impact | Lists the configured Impact options. Search and select the Impact option from the list. |
Resolution Deadline | Specify the resolution deadline provided by the Partner for an Incident. Click the Calendar icon to select the resolution deadline date of the Partner Incident. |
Priority | Lists the configured Priority options. Search and select the Priority option from the list. |
End Date | Specify the date at which the Incident has been closed. Click the Calendar icon to select the start date of the Partner Incident. |
Underpinning Contract | Lists the mapped underpinning contract options. Search and select the Underpinning Contract from the list. The Underpinning Contract defines the various SLA to be met for the Incident. |
SLA Violated | Displays the SLA status for both response and resolution time as violated or not.
Solution | Specify the solution that is provided to resolve the incident as mentioned in the Incident. |
You can document the additional information about the SR under the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION tab. Based on the organization’s needs, the Administrator configures the information displayed under this tab.
You may need to perform some repetitive tasks in order to resolve an SR. Under the ORCHESTRATION tab, specific actions can be executed automatically or with very less manual intervention. The Administrators need to configure the Orchestration Scripts and the Conditions when these Orchestration Scripts should be executed. Based on the configuration, the scripts are executed on the target machine.
The following table describes the fields under the ORCHESTRATION tab:
Field | Description |
Script Name | Displays the name for the executed script. |
Status | Displays the status of the script execution. |
Executed Time | Displays the time when the script was executed. |
Output | Displays the output of the script execution. |
Next Run Time | Displays the date and time when the script will execute again. |
Mode | Displays if the script will executed automatically or will need any manual intervention. |
The following tabs are displayed on the Service Request Details page based on the configuration on the Instance Configuration page:
- Vendor Information Tab
- Runbook Automation Tab
- Checklist Tab
- Additional Information Tab
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page.
Click CATALOG DETAIL to view the Service Catalog details for the SR, details, such as approval details, cost details, and so on.
Figure: SERVICE CATALOG DETAIL pop-up page
Click SET APPROVER to select an Approver for the SR. This option is available only if the Service Catalog is configured with the Approver level set as Technician Selectable (see: Creating Service Catalogs in Service Management) . An option to select Approvers is displayed under Approval Details section of the page. Select the Approver and click SUBMIT.
Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the changes that occurred on the SR, the user who made the changes, the date and time when the change was made, and also the previous and new values for the SR.
The following table describes the fields on the CHANGE HISTORY page:
Field | Description |
Column Name | Displays the type of modification on the SR. |
Change Date | Displays the latest date and time at which the Service Request details was changed. |
Changed By | Displays the name of the person who has changed or edited the Service Request details. |
Old Value | Displays the old value of the field and is changed to a new value. |
New Value | Displays the current value of the field. |
Service Request Flow | Displays the Service Request flow details. |
Mail History | Displays the mail history details of a Service Request. Click the link More to view complete conversation details occurred between the User and the Analyst. |
Effort History | Displays the time spent by the Analyst on the SR. |
Click KNOWLEDGE BASE to view the KNOWLEDGE BASE pop-up page with the following fields:
Figure: KNOWLEDGE BASE pop-up page
LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER: The Symptom of the Service Request is automatically picked up and searched for Knowledge Records. Also, the Knowledge Record can be queried by keying in the exact word as configured in the “Knowledge Details” screen.
KNOWLEDGE RECORDS: IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, and HIGHEST RATED: Under this section, the Analysts can view the KRs categorized under IMPORTANT, MOST VIEWED, and HIGHEST RATED and use the KRs for resolving the SR. This helps in easy search of more relevant KRs and using them for resolving the Service Requests. Click a Knowledge Record link to view knowledge Record details on a new browser tab.
Various sections of the KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page:
Rating KRs
You can provide feedback for a KR by clicking the stars and typing your remarks. Click SUBMIT to save your feedback and remarks.
You can search and view the Knowledge Records using the LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER field on the KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page. The currently selected Knowledge Record is displayed with a grey color background. - RECENTLY VIEWED
You can view the list of last five recently visited Knowledge Records under the RECENTLY VIEWED section.
If a Knowledge Record is configured as a public article (For more information about Public Article, see Adding Knowledge Records in Service Management), the Knowledge Record can be shared with a user even if the user does not have any access to the SummitAI application. The Public Knowledge Records open in a new tab on your browser and not as a pop-up page within the Application.
Figure: KNOWLEDGE RECORD DETAILS page: Public Article
Click TRANSFER to transfer SRs to a different Workgroup if an unrelated SR is assigned to you. Select the Department to which you want to transfer the SR from the Transfer To list. Select the Workgroup from the Workgroup list. Provide a reason for transferring the SR in the Reason text box.
Figure: TRANSFER pop-up page
Click SEND E-MAIL to send e-mails to Workgroup members, Analysts, Caller, or user asking for information or update about a Service Request (SR).
Figure: SEND E-MAIL page
The following table describes the fields on the SEND E-MAIL page:
Field | Description |
Select Recipient | Allows the users to select listed recipients. Select the check box of the required recipient and click ADD TO LIST to add the selected recipient in the To List field. Select the check box of the required recipient and click ADD CC LIST to add the selected recipient in the CC List field. You can also search for a user by typing the name of the user in the Search field or by clicking the Search icon. For more information about searching user, see Searching Users in SummitAI Asset Management. |
To List | Displays the list of users added by clicking ADD TO LIST button. |
CC List | Displays the list of users added by clicking ADD CC LIST button. |
Subject | Type in the subject of the e-mail. |
Body | Type in the body of the e-mail. Note: Use the menu options provided to format your text. You can also add/remove links in the body. |
Include Request Details | Select this check box to include the Service Request details in the e-mail. |
Attachment | Click the Upload icon to attach any required documents. |
Click AUDIT FLOW to view the workflow of a Service Request (SR). You can view the workflow of the SR in a flow chart format. You can view details, such as the time the SR is logged, the name of the user who logged the SR, assigned Workgroup to resolve the SR, name of the Analyst working on the SR, and so on.
Figure: AUDIT FLOW page
Click COMMUNICATION HISTORY to view the user communication mails to track the user communications related to the Service Request (SR). You can view the user communication e-mails, which are sent from the SR with the details of the End User or Analyst who sent the e-mail, date, Incident ID, and the content of the e-mail.
Section 1 - Service Request Details
This section includes the Service Request Details such as:
- Service Request ID
- Service Request Caller Name
- Service Request Logged Time
Section 2 - Filters
This section includes the various filter options such as:
- ALL - Select this check box to view all communications in section 4 (Content Display Area).
- User Communication - Select this check box to view user communication mails (To and From the interaction between Analyst and End User) related to the selected Service Request.
- Approval Information - Select the check box to view the Service Request Approval Information.
- Private Log - Select this check box to view the information shared with the other team members or other Workgroup members through an e-mail.
- System Generated E-Mails - Select this check box to view all the System Generated E-Mails such as Service Request Logged, Service Request Pending, Service Request Updated, and Service Request Resolved
- Chat History - Select this check box to view the conversation that happened between the Analyst and End User.
- Mails sent via Send E-Mail - Select this check box to view the E-Mails sent via the Send E-Mail option.
Section 3 - Actions
This section includes various actions such as:
- Search Communication History textbox
You can search for any keywords using this option. The entered keywords are searched in all the sections (User Communication, Private Log, System Generated E-Mails, Chat History, Mails sent via "Send E-Mail", and Approval Information) and display the communications which have these keywords. - Sort
(Ascending)- Click this icon to view all the line items in section 4 (Content Display Area) in Ascending order.
(Descending)- Click this icon to view all the line items in section 4 (Content Display Area) in Descending order.
Expand All/Collapse All
(Expand All) icon - Click this icon to expand all the line items in section 4 (Content Display Area).
See Screenshot
Click More to view the complete email as shown below.(Collapse All) icon - Click this icon to collapse all the line items that are expanded in section 4 (Content Display Area).
Section 4 -Content Display Area
- Attachments
To view attachments, click the Expand icon. Once the line items expanded, the Analyst can see the email Body and Attachments. Click the attachment name to view the attachment in new tab.
You may need reminders to ensure you complete certain tasks for a Service Request to get completed. Click REMINDER to set reminders for accomplishing any activity or task at a future date. You will receive an e-mail on the specified date to remind you about the task or activity. You can also choose an option to auto-log an Incident and route to specific Workgroup to accomplish the activity.
Figure: REMINDER pop-up page
The following table describes the fields on the REMINDER pop-up page:
Field | Description |
Date | Select a date to send the reminder. Click the Calender icon to select the date. |
Comments | Type in any additional comments about the reminder activity. |
Create Incident | Select this check box to log an Incident on behalf of the user for reminder activity. If selected the following fields are displayed:
Notify Users | Select the users to whom you want to send the reminder.
If auto-closure is configured for an SR, the SR will be auto-canceled on exceeding the specified number of days.
You can export section-wise Service Request details in PDF.
To export Incident Details in PDF:
- Click EXPORT TO PDF icon on the ACTIONS panel. The EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page is displayed.
Figure: Incident Details page - On the EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page, select the required sections.
Click Export.
Figure: Exported PDF
Important Changes for Email to SR Creation
This section specifically describes key enhancements that are done for Email to SR creation functionality. To summarize, Analyst can now differentiate SRs raised via an Email. view attachments added in email in SR Details > Attachment, and view the Change History of the SRs created via an Email.
To easily differentiate the Requests raised and converted via an Email, the Analyst can check the Medium of the service request in the Service Request Details page. As shown in the following figure, it indicates the Medium as Email that enables an Analyst to differentiate SRs raised via an email.
Figure: Identifying SRs raised via an Email
An Analyst can view the attachments sent via an email along with the email itself in the Service Request > Attachment section (under Description).
Figure: Displaying Attachments sent over Email in SR
- No labels