Allocating or Deallocating Licenses

Allocating or Deallocating Licenses

You can Allocate/Deallocate a Software License to multiple Users and Assets.

To allocate Licenses to multiple Users or Assets:

  1. Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Allocate/Deallocate License.

  2. On the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE LICENSE page, click the Filters icon on the ACTIONS panel. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select the Tenant and the License Name and click SUBMIT.

  3. The list of Licenses based on the selected filter criteria is displayed in the LIST table. Click   icon to view the Software Summary.


    • Exclude Expired Licenses: Enable/disable this checkbox to hide/display the names of expired licenses in the list table. By default, this checkbox is enabled to hide the expired asset licenses in the list table. However, if this check box is unchecked, then the licenses that are expired are also shown in the list table.
    • Show Zero (0) and Negative (-) Quantity Licenses: Enable/disable this checkbox to display/hide the completely consumed licenses i.e., consumed to Zero quantity and the licenses less than zero (0). By default, this checkbox is disabled to hide the completely consumed licenses.


  4. Select the check box for the Software you want to allocate and click the ALLOCATE icon on the ACTIONS panel.

  5. On the LICENSE ALLOCATION page, type in the required details to allocate the License. For more information about the fields on the LICENSE ALLOCATION page, see Field Description.

  6. Click SUBMIT. The License allocation details are saved.


Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the LICENSE ALLOCATION page:




License Type

Select a License Type from the list.

  • User Allocation: Select this option to allocate the license based on users.
  • Machine Allocation: Select this option to allocate the license based on Assets. Select Core Based, Processor Based, PVU Based, or Device Based.

Note: The drop-down values Core Based, Processor Based, PVU Based, and Device Based are configured on the COMMON MASTERS page. For more information about configuring the drop-down values, see Configuring Common Masters in SUMMITAI Platform.

If User Based license is selected as the License Type, the following fields are displayed:

  • Allocate To: Select a users to allocate the license. Click the Search icon to select the users. For more information about searching users, see Searching Users.
  • Add Multiple Users: The users selected in the Allocate To field are displayed here.
  • No of device per user: Specify the number of devices for the license per user.

If Core Based, Processor Based, PVU Based, or Device Based is selected as the License Type, the following fields are displayed:

  • Asset Search: Select the Assets to allocate the license. Click the Search icon, the ASSET SEARCH pop-up page is displayed. Select the required filter criteria on the ASSET SEARCH pop-up page, select the Search By Asset attribute from the Search By list, select Multi-Search in the next list to select the multiple Assets, specify the Asset attribute values in the text box to display the list of Assets. Click SEARCH. The list of Assets based on search criteria is displayed in the DETAILS table. Select the check box for the Assets to which you want to allocate license and click SUBMIT.

    ASSET SEARCH pop-up page
    Figure: ASSET SEARCH pop-up page 

Allocated Date

Select the date from which the license should be allocated.


Specify remarks, if any.

Request Type

Select the Request Type from the drop-down list. The available Request Type options are:

  • Service Request
  • Incident Request
  • Work Order


The Request Type field with the drop-down list is available based on the configuration of the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Configuring Asset Application Settings.

Request ID

Specify the related ticket number for the license allocation, if there is any. The field label name is configured on the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Asset Application Settings.


  • If the Request Type field is not available, the user should add a prefix SR/IM/WO before the Request Id (Ex. SR967). 
  • The Request Id field is visible based on the configuration on the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Configuring Asset Application Settings.

Allocation Type

Select the type of allocation.

  • Permanent: If you want to allocate the selected license on a permanent basis, which does not specify a time period, select Permanent from the drop-down list.
  • Temporary: If you want to allocate the selected license on a temporary basis for a time period, select Temporary from the drop-down list and specify the date of return.

Return Date

If you want to allocate the selected license on a temporary basis, select the expected return date from the calender.


Displays the allocation details of an Asset. If you select PVU Based in the License Type field, the Core Factor and Allocated Licenses columns are displayed in the ASSET ALLOCATION DETAILS table. Fill in the Core Factor and the Allocated Licenses fields, and then click SUBMIT.

Filling Core Factor and Allocated Licenses Fields
Figure: LICENSE ALLOCATION page - Filling Core Factor and Allocated Licenses Fields

Note: The Core Factor and the Allocated Licenses fields are enabled only when the Administrator selects the Enable Core Factor and License Allocation for PVU allocation check box on the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Asset Application Settings.


Displays the selected users or Assets to allocate the license. You search for a user or Asset in table using the Search field.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE LICENSE and LICENSE ALLOCATION pages. 


Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the licenses. To fill the fields in the FILTERS pop-up page, see Field Description.

Figure: FILTERS pop-up page 

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page:




Select the Tenant from the list.

License Name

Select the License Name from the list.

Allocation Type

Select the applicable Allocation Type from the list.

  • If you select User, the Allocated By User field is displayed.

    FILTERS pop-up page
    Figure: FILTERS pop-up page

Select the appropriate User, see Searching Users.

  • If you select Device, the Attribute and Attribute Value fields are displayed. Select the Attribute and type in the Attribute Value.

    FILTERS pop-up page (Attribute and Attribute Value)
    Figure: FILTERS pop-up page (Attribute and Attribute Value)
Allocation Status

Select the Allocation Status from the list. The available options are:

  • Allocated: If selected, then on the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE LICENSE page, the number of licenses that are allocated for the selected Tenant are displayed.

  • Not Allocated: If selected, then on the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE LICENSE page, the software licenses that are not allocated for the selected Tenant are displayed.

  • Both: If selected, then on the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE LICENSE page, the software licenses that are allocated and not allocated for the selected Tenant are displayed.

    The Zero (0) and negative (-) quantity licenses are not shown by default. To view these licenses, the Analyst should enable the Include Available Zero (0) and negative (-) Quantity Licenses from the ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE LICENSE List page.


Click to allocate Licenses to Users or Assets as described in this topic. 


Click PRINT to print this page. 


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the records displayed on this page to a Microsoft Excel sheet. 


Click EXPORT ALL to export the records to a Microsoft Excel sheet. 


Click SHOW LIST to view the list of Licenses.

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