Creating Tickets with Digital Agent


Digital Agent is built on Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the user intentions and will identify to create a Service Request or an incident and perform accordingly. Also, the tasks associated with service requests can be automatically resolved. The Digital Agent will no longer prompt the user for a description; instead, the associated symptoms will be shown.

The end user can log a ticket with multi-select data using Digital Agent without having to manually enter every detail. The symptoms are displayed by the Digital Agent based on the customizable parameters. 


  • End-user  

Business Benefits 

  • Provision to design a ticket flow that welcomes a user and asks them to confirm the ticket type, such as an incident or a service request. Based on ticket type, the chat is forwarded to the appropriate flow detection. 
  • We have simplified the log ticket (incident or service request) process, Users no longer need to browse through several pages on the Digital Agent. All of them are assisted by Digital Agent with a single button click. 
  • Improved the user experience by reducing resolution time significantly. 


We will be widely using the terms Tickets, Incident and Service Request. The following infographic displays the quick understanding of the terms:

Figure: Different terms while creating a ticket

Create a Ticket using Digital Agent 

The accompanying symptoms will be displayed instead of the Digital Agent asking the user for a description. The digital agent logs a ticket based on the specified symptom. Digital agent determines that the user wishes to log an SR (Service Request), or an Incident (INC) ticket based on end user response. On the basis of that, Digital Agent will redirect the user chat to respective flows. 

Figure: Ticket creation flowchart


To log a ticket, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Summit application as an end-user.

  2. Open Digital Agent by clicking on the  icon. It opens with a customized welcome message. A sample screenshot is shown below: 

     Figure: Digital Agent - Welcome Message

  3. Below are the prompt messages Digital Agent will display when a create ticket utterance doesn't have any SR or INC entities (doesn't detect the type of ticket). The first option is for Incident flow, while the second is for SR flow.

    Figure: Response to create Ticket utterance

  4. As the user provides an input to the Digital Agent to log an Incident or Service Request, the Digital Agent will prompt the relevant Knowledge Articles in an index format.

    Knowledge Articles in index format make it easier for end users to navigate through the helpful information related to their issue. This ensures that the end users find the right information easily while logging an Incident or Service Request. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Knowledge articles in index and bold fonts

    Click Show More hyperlink to view the complete knowledge article.

    Figure: Show More - Knowledge Article

    Click Go Back on the top of the displayed Knowledge Article to close it and to go back to Digital Agent conversation. The knowledge articles support the video as well. Click icon on the screen to know more about the knowledge article. 

    Figure: Knowledge Article - Video

    Click I am Done if you do not want to proceed further. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: I am Done 

    Digital Agent will help you with service catalogs while raising an SR. A sample screenshot is shown below:

    Figure: Digital Agent response to create SR ticket

  5. A Link is also provided by Digital Agent to the end user to double-check whether the information, they have filled out is accurate by clicking on the Link.

    Figure: Digital Agent response with Link

    Upon clicking the Link, the Details page is displayed which indicates Service Request details.

  6. Similarly, consider the end-user wants to log an Incident ticket for Wi-Fi issue. Digital agent displays the list of relevant options and logs the ticket in a few steps, as shown below. 

    Figure: Digital Agent response to create Incident ticket

  7. Based on the selected ticket type, i.e., SR or INC, the description is pre-defined, then the ticket is logged directly. If the description is not pre-defined, then the Digital Agent will ask the end user to provide the description to log the ticket. 

    While creating a ticket for both SR and Incident a Link will be provided by Digital Agent to the end user to double-check whether the information, they have filled out is accurate by clicking on the Link. 

Upload an attachment while creating a ticket

End users can upload an attachment while logging an Incident or Service Request through Digital Agent. 

The following figure shows the scenario when an end user is creating a ticket for an Incident through Digital Agent:

Figure: Upload attachment while creating ticket 

  1. As the end user is creating a ticket for an Incident via Digital Agent and selects an issue from the Incident templates, the Digital Agent asks whether the user wants to attach any file(s) for the ticket.
  2. The user clicks Yes to upload an attachment while creating a ticket. 
  3. After the end user uploads the attachment, the ticket is successfully created.

    Below is a sample screenshot:

    Figure: File upload success


  • Digital Agent allows to upload files in certain formats only and within a certain size limit. If unsupported files are uploaded or the files are of invalid size, then the Digital Agent will display a message with the allowed file formats and size limit. 
  • If the end user fails to upload the attachments for two consecutive times, then upload will not happen for that ticket.

Below is a sample screenshot: 

Figure: Allowed file upload types 

Exiting the chat conversation

Digital Agent identifies the utterance related to end the chat conversation such as “I am done”, “Close Chat” and many more. Once identified, it displays the following message, and the chat window gets minimized.

Figure: Exit Conversation


The minimizing of web chat window while exiting the conversation is available only for web chat channel, and not available for MS Teams channel.

Opting out to exit in the middle of the conversation

Digital Agent provides you the flexibility to come out of an existing on-going conversation flow in the middle of a chat conversation. It identifies the utterance or keywords mapped to the specific QnA. Based on the mapped utterances or keywords with QnA, the Digital Agent triggers the response. 

Scenario I - End-user does not want to raise a ticket 

The end-user attempts to raise an incident about outlook not working. However, in between, the end-user changed his mind and does not want to raise the incident. To achieve it, the end user may type-in the utterance such as Restart or Back to Beginning or Restart the chat or Reset Conversation or Begin Again and so on.

As shown in the following screenshot, the end-user does not want to raise a ticket for Outlook not working. The end-user is able to come out of the conversation flow using the utterance such as Restart Conversation. 


Figure: Restart Conversation

The Digital Agent displays the following message, and the end-user can restart the conversation, if required. 

Scenario II - End-user is unable to answer the question

The end-user attempts to raise an incident. Digital Agent is able to identify the catalog and asks additional questions in the form of description. The end-user does not have answer for the asked question in the form of description and come out of the conversation flow. To achieve it, the end user may type-in the utterance such as Stop, Let's Quit this or Cancel and so on. A sample screenshot is shown below:

Figure: Restart Conversation