Spellcheck using Digital Agent


The Digital Agent spellcheck feature takes care of spelling mistakes and streamlines the experience with a significant reduction in resolution time and fixing incorrect words. To ensure high quality, Digital Agent uses the spellcheck feature, which is a good practice. By default, the Digital Agent supports "Running spell checking on user utterance" and auto-correct any misspelt words in the user's entry. Digital agent works on Natural language Understanding (NLU) which allows it to understand the context of the dialogue despite grammatical mistakes or jargon.


  • End-user  

Business Benefits

Figure: Business Benefits

How Spell-check functions 

The Digital Agent spellchecks user utterances to more effectively respond to user interactions such as detecting typos and misspelled words. Digital Agent corrects any misspelled words in the input that the end user provides to the Digital Agent. The procedure of spelling-error correction takes place in the background. Because it has done a spellcheck in the background, the Digital Agent will respond correctly if the end user enters an utterance containing misspelled words.

The following figure depicts the spellcheck feature of Digital Agent:

Figure: Spellcheck Digital Agent

Figure: Spelling-error correction by Digital Agent