Asset Physical Verification

Asset Physical Verification

What is Asset Physical Verification?

Physical Verification is a procedure to ensure the Assets are physically present and usable. The Physical Verification is carried out by the Analyst for all Assets in Allocated status. Assets are verified by scanning the bar code labels. For information about Asset Physical Verification using RFID, see Asset Physical Verification Using RFID.

 Scheduling Asset Physical Verification

Physical Verification of the Assets can be scheduled based on the Company policies and requirements. Once scheduled, the Physical Verification process is automatically initiated by the SummitAI application.

 Steps to Schedule Asset Physical Verification
  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Others > Asset Physical Verification.

  2. On the ACTIONS panel of the ASSET PHYSICAL VERIFICATION page, click ADD NEW. The ASSET PHYSICAL VERIFICATION configuration page is displayed.
  3.  Select Asset Category from Category drop-down list.
  4. Select Physical Verification Request Type from Request Type drop-down list.
    • The field is displayed if you select Store in the Request Type drop-down list. Select Stores from the drop-down list to schedule a Physical Verification process.
    • The field is displayed if you select Floor in the Request Type drop-down list. Select Floors from the drop-down list to schedule a Physical Verification process.
    • The field is displayed if you select Customer in the Request Type drop-down list. Select Customers from the drop-down list to schedule a Physical Verification process.
  5. Check the Active check box to activate Physical Verification.
  6. Check the Enable Exclude Options to get the EXCLUDE SECTION where you can specify certain criteria for the Assets to exclude these Assets from the Physical Verification process.
  7. Under the FREQUENCY section.
    1. Specify the number of days in the Assets Allocated Within field to exclude Assets that are allocated within the specified days from the Physical Verification process.
    2. Specify the number of days in the Physical Verification done for Assets Within field. The Assets that are already verified within the specified days are excluded from the Physical Verification process.
    3. Specify the number of days in the Asset Reconciliation done Within field. The Assets that are reconciled within the specified days are excluded from the Physical Verification process.
    4. Check Assets already in Physical Verification Process check box to include all the Assets that are already in the Physical Verification Process.
    1. Select Schedule Type as One Time to schedule the Physical Verification process for once and as Recurring to schedule the Physical Verification repeatedly.
    2. Click the Calendar icon in Next Verification Date to specify the subsequent execution date and time of Physical Verification process to be executed in Next Verification Date.
    3. Specify the Monthly or Yearly frequency when you want the Physical Verification process to be executed in Occurs Every drop-down menu. 
      Example: If you specify "2" in the text box and select Monthly in the drop-down list, the Physical Verification process is executed exactly after 2 months and at an interval of every 2 months thereafter.

  8. Click the required Request Type to update a Physical Verification schedule. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT

    Asset Physical Verification Page
    Figure: Asset Physical Verification Page

Approval Configurations

 Configuring Approval Matrix

The Approval Matrix is a decision table that allows the Administrators to define the roles of the Approvers. You can configure an Approval Matrix to define level-wise Approvers for specific requests.

Steps to configure an Approval Matrix:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Others > Approval Matrix. The APPROVAL MATRIX page is displayed.
  2. On the ACTIONS panel of the APPROVAL MATRIX page, click APPROVAL MATRIX. The APPROVAL MATRIX page is displayed. 

    Figure: Approval Matrix page

  3. Select the Tenant from the drop-down list.
  4. Select Physical Verification from Approval Matrix For drop-down list.
  5. Select the Matrix Enter Matrix type to configure the Approval Matrix.
  6. Select the number of Approval levels from No. of Approval Levels drop-down list through which the Approval criteria must pass before it is approved.
  7. Ensure Active check box is checked.
  8. Displays the number of levels that you have selected in the No. of Approval Levels drop-down list.
  9. Select the Approver Role from Approver Role drop-down list for each Approver level. The Approver Roles are displayed based on the selected Matrix Type.
  10. Check Allow Refer Back check box to allow the Approver to Refer Back to the Approval initiator/previous Approver Level. The Level 1 Approver is not allowed to refer a request.
  11. Check Allow Rejection check box if you want to allow the Approver to reject the Physical Verification request.
  12. Check the Display Assets check box to allow the respective Approver to view the previous level Assets.
  13. Specify the E-mail Ids of the Users in Carbon Copy e-mail IDs textbox to notify for each approval Level.
  14. Click SUBMIT.
 Configuring Approver Role

You can configure an Approver Role. The Role that you configure is mapped to an Approver.

To configure a new Approver Role:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Others > Approval Matrix.

  2. On the ACTIONS panel of the APPROVAL MATRIX page, click CONFIGURE APPROVER ROLE. The CONFIGURE APPROVER ROLE pop-up page is displayed. Fill in the details on the CONFIGURE APPROVER ROLE pop-up page, and then click SUBMIT. For more information about the fields on the CONFIGURE APPROVER ROLE pop-up page, see Field Description.

    Figure: CONFIGURE APPROVER ROLE pop-up page

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the CONFIGURE APPROVER ROLE pop-up page:




Select the Tenant for which you want to configure the Approver Roles.

Approver Role

Specify the Approver Role that you want to configure.


If selected, the Approver Role becomes active.

Include Inactive Records

If selected, the inactive Approver Role configurations are displayed with the active Approver Role configurations.

 Mapping Approvers

You can map an Approver to an Approver Role for a specific Tenant. The configured Approvers become a part of the Approval Matrices.

To map an Approver to an Approver Role:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Others > Approval Matrix. The APPROVAL MATRIX page is displayed.
  2. On the ACTIONS panel of the APPROVAL MATRIX page, click APPROVER MAPPING. The APPROVER MAPPING pop-up page is displayed. Fill in the details on the APPROVER MAPPING pop-up page, and then click SUBMIT. For more information about the fields on the APPROVER MAPPING pop-up page, see Field Description.

    MAP APPROVER pop-up page
    Figure: MAP APPROVER pop-up page

Asset Physical Verifications

 Asset Physical Verification Request on Web

While approving Assets for Physical verification, the Approver needs to select either Found or Not Found from the Last User Status drop-down list and provide appropriate remarks.

Asset Physical Verification Request page
Figure: Asset Physical Verification Request page

 Asset Physical Verification Request on Mobile Application

Physical Verification for Assets and their Approvals can be done using the SummitAI Mobile application also.

  1. On the SummitAI Mobile Application, select the department from DEPARTMENT.



2. Select Asset Physical Verification to request Physical Verification for Assets. It lists the Assets with details that are pending for Approval. 

Asset Physical Verification

Figure: Asset Physical Verification

 3. Click the Asset listed in Pending for Approval to view the details of the Asset.

Pending for Approval

Figure: Pending for Approval

4. Select Found or Not found from Asset Status drop-down list to update the Asset status.

Asset Status

Figure: Asset Status

5. Click Save to save it as a draft or Approve to complete the Physical Verification for the Asset.


For more information about SummitAI Mobile application, see SummitAI Mobile Guide under Other Documents.

Custom Scheduler Job

Apart from configuring Physical Verification in the SummitAI application, relevant Custom Scheduler Job needs to be configured for the Physical Verification to function correctly.

Initiate Physical Verification

This job is responsible for initiating the Physical Verification workflow based on the scheduled time. This job needs to be configured on the SUMMIT Application server. It is recommended to configure once a day.

Asset Physical Verification Report

For information about Asset Physical Verification Report, see Asset Physical Verification Report.

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