Change Record Status
Change Record Status
manikandan.subbiah (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Owned by manikandan.subbiah (Unlicensed)
The status of a Change Record (CR) indicates the stage at which the CR is in its life cycle. Change Managers or users with appropriate access can change the CR status by selecting the appropriate status value in the Status list on the CHANGE RECORD page.
- Draft: The status of a CR is Draft if not saved and submitted by the Change Requester. Any change can be made to the CR at this status.
- Requested: The status Requested is assigned by the application after a CR is created. After you save the CR, the CR status remains as Requested and an additional CR status, Canceled, is available. The Change Requester can choose to cancel the CR by changing the status to Canceled.
- Initial Authorization: The status Initial Authorization is assigned by the application after the Authorizer (and Sub-authorizers) authorize the CR. The Authorizer may Authorize, Not Authorize, or Authorize and Forward the CR. For information about authorizing a CR, see Creating Change Records.
- Not Authorized: The status Not Authorized is assigned by the application if the Authorizer (or Sub-authorizer) does not authorize the CR.
- Objected: The status Objected is assigned by the application if any of the CAB members have an objection to the CR. Until the CAB member who objected to the CR removes objection, no action can be taken on the CR.
- Rejected: The status Rejected is assigned by the application if any of the CAB members reject the CR.
- Approved: The status Approved is assigned by the application after the CR is approved by the CAB members. For information about approving a CR, see Approving Change Records. After the approval of the CR, the following status options are available to the CR.
- Estimate Provided: The status of the CR is changed to Estimate Provided after the estimation is done for the CR (resource, technical, and financial). The Administrators can disable this Change status based on the organization's requirements.
- Pending Further Review: The status of the CR is changed to Pending Further Review after the CR is sent for further review before implementation. The Administrators can disable this Change status based on the organization's requirements.
- Build: The status of the CR is changed to Build when the build is ready (or getting ready) for the CR implementation. The Administrators can disable this Change status based on the organization's requirements.
- Testing: The status of the CR is changed to Testing when the changes due to the CR are getting tested.
- In Progress: The CR status is In Progress when the CR is being analyzed and in progress. When the CR status is changed to In Progress, the Actual Start Time is auto- populated (if enabled by the Administrator).
- Implemented: The CR status is Implemented after the changes are implemented as per the CR. When the CR status is changed to Implemented, the Actual End Time is auto-populated (if enabled by the Administrator).
- Waiting for Customer Approval: If a customer's approval is also required for a CR and the CR is waiting for the approval, the status of the CR is Waiting for Customer Approval. After the approval from the customer, the status of the CR is Customer Approved. These statuses are available based on the CR and the configuration done by the Administrator.
- Closed: After implementing the CR, an additional CR status, Closed, is available to close to the CR. For information about closing CRs, see Creating Change Records.
- On-Hold: If the CR is put on hold (resource availability, budget constraint, or any other reason), the status of the CR is changed to On-Hold.
In addition to above, the Administrators can also configure additional Change Record Status based on the organization's requirements. For more information, see Configuring Status.
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