2020-11-17_10-57-37_.Viewing and Updating My Workgroup Incidents vTahoe
manikandan.subbiah (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Workgroup Incidents
You can view the Incidents in your Workgroup and take appropriate actions whenever required. You can view all the Incidents that belong to your Workgroup, along with some basic attributes of the Incident, such as Incident Id, Status, Request Date, Workgroup, Caller, and so on. Different color flags indicate the age of the Incidents, that is, the time period between the time the Incident was logged and the current time. The various color codes indicate the Priority of the Incidents. You can select Incidents as per your requirement by specifying a search criteria (for more information about filters criteria see Filters) and can also bulk update them (for more information about Incident bulk update, see Bulk Update).
To view or update My Workgroup Incidents:
- Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List. Alternatively, under the ANALYST DASHBOARD tab under INCIDENT, click MY WORKGROUP to view the Incidents assigned to your Workgroup.
- On the INCIDENT LIST page, you can view all the Incidents that belong to your Workgroup.
- You can view the Incidents in the Tile view or Tabular view.
- You can search for the Incidents using the Filters . For more information about Filters, see Filters.
- Click the Incident ID of the Incident that you want to view or update. The corresponding INCIDENT DETAIL page is displayed. For more information about the fields and the actions you can perform on the INCIDENT DETAIL page, see Viewing and Updating Incident Details.
- View or update the Incident details and click SUBMIT to save your changes.
Visual Indicator:
The following section describes the various icons on the Incident List page:
Click icon to view the Incident summary.
Figure: Summary icon - Tile View
Figure: Summary icon - Tabular View
The Incident - ID - Summary pop-up page is displayed with the details about the selected Incident. For more information about fields on the Incident - ID - Summary pop-up page, see Viewing and Updating Incident Details.
Figure: Incident - ID - Summary pop-up page
You can assign Incidents to yourself by clicking the icon. You get a confirmation message. Click OK.
Figure: Assign to Me icon - Tile View
Figure: Assign to me icon - Tabular View
Figure: Confirmation pop-up
Figure: Incident List page - Evaluation icon
Click icon to create and assign tasks to Analysts or to evaluate the Incident tasks.
- Select Enable Evaluation check box on the TENANT page to display Evaluation icon for the selected Tenant on the INCIDENT LIST page. For more information, see Configuring Incident Management Module.
- Only the Analyst configured as evaluator can create and assign tasks to Analyst. For more information, see Configuring Incident Evaluator.
- The Assigned Analysts evaluate the tasks and provide the comments.
The color code of the Evaluation icon on the Incident list page indicates the different status of the evaluation process. Following are the color codes of Evaluation Icon:
Icon Color | Description |
Indicates that the Evaluation is not started. | |
Indicates that the Evaluation completed with open task. | |
Indicates that the Evaluation completed. |
Under the GENERAL tab, the Evaluator can view the general details about the Incident. The fields displayed under this tab are configured on the Form Builder page. For more information see, Configuring Custom Fields for Incident Management.
Figure: Incident Evaluation - GENERAL tab
If the Analyst does not possess Evaluator access, then the fields under the GENERAL, RELATIONSHIP, and ACTIONS tab are grayed out.
Under the RELATIONSHIP tab, the Evaluator can link Change Records and Problem Records.
Figure: Incident Evaluation - RELATIONSHIP tab
To link records,
- Click
control next to the LINK. Click the module name in the Link drop-down list. The RELATIONSHIP pop-up page is displayed.
- Specify the search criteria and click SEARCH.
Figure: RELATIONSHIP pop-up page
- Select the record to be linked and click LINK.
Figure: RELATIONSHIP pop-up page
- The linked record is displayed under LINKED CHANGE RECORDS section of the RELATIONSHIP tab.
Under the TASKS tab, the Evaluator can add tasks and assign it to the Analysts.
Figure: Incident Evaluation - RELATIONSHIP tab
To assign tasks to the Analysts, fill in the required information and click SUBMIT. For more information, see Field Description.
Field Description
The following table describes the fields under the ACTIONS tab.
Field | Description |
Task | Specify the task related to the Incident. |
Owner | Select the Analyst in drop-down list. |
Due Date | Select the date by which the task the should be completed. |
Status | Select the status of the task in the drop-down list. |
Resolution | Specify the resolution for the task. |
Click this icon to add new task. |
The following icons are displayed only when an Analyst/External User/End User updates the Incident using the e-mail option.
- A Last Updated by Analyst Using E-mail icon
is displayed for the Incidents that are updated by an Analyst using the e-mail option.
- A Last Updated by External User Using E-mail icon
is displayed for the Incidents that are updated by an External User using the e-mail option.
- A Last Updated by End User Using E-mail icon
is displayed for the Incidents that are updated by an End User using the e-mail option.
To display the incidents with the above mentioned icons, on the Incident Management TENANT configuration page, the Display "Show Incidents Updated By E-mail" Check Box on Filters and Display Icons on Incident List Page check box must be enabled. If selected, the Show Incidents Updated By E-mail filter filed displayed in the Field drop-down. For more information on this configuration see, Configuring Incident Management Module.
To view the incidents Last Updated by Analyst/External User/End User Using E-mail function:
- Select Show Incidents Updated By Email from Field drop-down list.
- Select = (equal to) from Operator drop-down list and select the check box.
- Click Apply to view the list Incidents Updated by Analyst/External User/End User Using E-mail function.
Figure: Incident List page
Figure: Incident List page: Show Incidents Updated By Email - Tile View
Figure: Incident List page: Show Incidents Updated By Email - Tabular View
You can view or update the Incident assigned to you.
To view Incidents assigned to you:
- Select Analyst/Assigned To from Field drop-down list.
- Select = (equal to) from Operator drop-down list.
- Select your name from Values drop-down list.
- Click Apply to view the list Incidents assigned to you.
You can also bulk update Incidents assigned to you. For more information about Incident bulk update, see Bulk Update. Alternatively, select Dashboard > ANALYST DASHBOARD tab > INCIDENT > ASSIGNED TO ME tile.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page: Assigned To field
The icon on the Incident indicates that it is a Child Incident. Click
icon to see Parent Incident details page. (See: Parent and Child Incidents).
Figure: Incident Tile: Child icon
The icon on the Incident indicates that it is a Parent Incident.
Figure: Incident Tile: Parent Incident icon
To view Child Incident List pop-up:
Click icon to see the Child Incident List pop-up. (See: Parent and Child Incidents).
The colored line on the Incident tile indicates the percentage of SLA elapsed. Following are the color codes for SLA.
Line Color | SLA Elapsed |
Green | less than 75% |
Orange | less than 100% |
Red | 100% |
Figure: Incident Tile: SLA color code
The colored flag on the Incident tile indicates the Age of the Incident, that is, for how many days an Incident is open. Following are the color codes for Age:
Flag | Description |
Indicates that the Incident is opened for 0-2 days. | |
Indicates that the Incident is opened for 2-5 days. | |
Indicates that the Incident is opened for 5-10 days. | |
Indicates that the Incident is opened for more than 10 days. |
Figure: Incident Tile: Age Flag
The icon indicates that the End User has last updated the Incident. You should check these Incidents on Priority, as the End User might have provided some information about the Incident or may be looking for an update on the Incident.
The icon on the Incident Tile indicates that the Incident is reopened. Incident (Incidents in Closed status) may be reopened by the End User if the user is not satisfied with the resolution provided by the Analyst.

Figure: Incident Tile: Reopened Incident icon
The colored line next to Incident Priority on the Incident Tile indicates the Priority of the Incident. Following are the color codes for Priority:
Line Color | Priority |
Green | less than 75% |
Orange | less than 100% |
Red | 100% |

Figure: Incident Tile: Priority Color Code