Viewing Instance Details

To view the Instance details, follow the below process.


  • Super Administrator
  • Customer Administrator
  • SME or Annotator

To View the Instance Details:

  1. Login to the application as a Super Administrator or Customer Administrator or SME/Annotator.
  2. On the Overview page, click Total Instances tile. Alternatively, click Instances.
  3. On the Instances list page, click the required Instance. The Instance Details page is displayed.

    Instance Details page
    Figure: Instance Details page

  4. The Instance Details page contains the following charts as mentioned in the below table:


    User Statistics

    The User Statistics displays the week wise total number of Users against the Registered users in environment or Users using CINDE in a graphical representation.
    User Statistics Graph
    Figure: User Statistics Graph

    Conversation Statistics

    The Conversation Statistics displays the week wise total number of Conversations against the User conversations or Abruptly ended Conversations in a graphical representation.

    Conversation Statistics Graph
    Figure: Conversation Statistics Graph

    Conversations By Channels

    The Conversations By Channels displays the week wise total number of Conversations against the msteams in a graphical representation.

    Conversations By Channels Graph
    Figure: Conversations By Channels Graph

    Successful Requests

    The Successful Requests displays the week wise total number of Requests against the Incidents/Service Requests/Knowledge Articles/FAQs in a graphical representation.

    Successful Requests Graph
    Figure: Successful Requests Graph


    The Failures displays the week wise total number of Failures against the System Flagged Failures/Actual Failures in a graphical representation.

    Failures Graph
    Figure: Failures Graph


    The Annotations displays the week wise total number of Conversations against the Conversation/Annotation in a graphical representation.

    Annotations Graph
    Figure: Annotations Graph


    Hover the cursor on the graph to view the exact values.