Providing a Curated List of Search Results

What’s New 

Rules are created by the admin to help an analyst in troubleshooting an incident. 

The current search functionality has been enhanced to display the most relevant rules based on the entered symptom. 

An end user, while creating an incident, can login an incident with or without selecting a Rule.  

  • If the end user selects a Rule, all the suggestions recorded for the Rule will be added to the troubleshooting tab. 
  • If a Rule is not selected, then the troubleshooting suggestions will appear to be blank. 

Additionally, an analyst who is working on the incident can add a Rule to the already submitted incident by navigating to the Template section in the Actions Panel. 


View Similar Open Incidents in Suggestions  

To view suggestions for troubleshooting an incident, perform the following steps:  


  1. Navigate to Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click the desired Incident ID. The incident Details Page will be opened.
  2. Click the TROUBLESHOOTING tab.
    When an Incident is created by selecting a Rule, troubleshooting help will be displayed as shown below:

    Figure:  Incident Troubleshooting.

Most Relevant Suggestions and Other Suggestions  
Under the improvised design, the system automatically displays symptoms in the Name field and displays top 10 matching Templates as Most Relevant Suggestions and Other Suggestions.  

To load the Template selection popover window, perform the following steps:  

  1. Navigate to Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click the desired Incident ID. The incident Details Page will be opened.
  2. Click the TROUBLESHOOTING tab.
  3. Click the TEMPLATE option in the ACTIONS panel.
    On clicking, the Template selection, a popover window will appear. 

    The system automatically displays symptoms in the Name field and displays matching Templates as shown below:  

    Figure: Most Relevant Suggestions

    In the improvised design, the Top 10 template matches are grouped as Most Relevant Suggestions and the rest of them under Other Suggestions. 


    Scenario 1 

    When you click the
    TEMPLATE option, the Name field will be blank. If no. of matches is greater than 10, you will view the top 10 matching results groups under Most Relevant Suggestions and the rest under Other Suggestions as shown in the below infographic.

    Figure: Most Relevant Suggestions.  

    Scenario 2 


    If no. of matches is less than 10, then you can only view those groups in Most Relevant suggestions section. This section will be in expanded mode. Click on the collapse icon to collapse it. 

    Figure: Most Relevant Suggestions (less than 10)

    Most Relevant Suggestions will be arranged in descending order of no. of keywords that have been matched.   

    The Total no. of matches is represented by the number in the bracket next to the heading as shown below:  

    Figure: Most Relevant Search 

View Other Rules grouped under Other Suggestions 


The Other Suggestions section displays:  

  • Any matches that are not top 10.  
  • All the other Rules defined by admin, arranged in alphabetical order. 
  • This section will be in collapsed mode. 
  • Total no. of matches will be represented in the bracket next to the heading. 


To View Other Suggestion section, perform the following steps:  

  1. Navigate to Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click the desired Incident ID. The incident Details Page will be opened.
  2. Click the TROUBLESHOOTING tab. 

     Figure: Other Suggestions. 

    Case 1: When there is at least 1 Most Relevant Suggestion: 

    • Most Relevant Suggestion section will be in expanded mode, displaying the matching Template. 


    • Other Suggestion section will be in collapsed mode. 

Case 2: When there is no Relevant Suggestion. 


Most Relevant Suggestion section will be in expanded mode, displaying text as ‘No Relevant suggestions found’. 

    • Most Relevant Suggestion section will be in expanded mode, displaying text as ‘No Matching suggestions found.’. 
    • Other Suggestion section will be expanded, displaying 10 Rules. 
    • Virtual scroll will appear if more than 10 Other Rules exist in the system. 

View Rule Name in Tickets Change History anch 

To View a Rule Name applied in the Ticket’s CHANGE HISTORY, perform the following steps.  


  1. Navigate to Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click the desired Incident ID.
    The incident Details Page will be opened.
  2. Click the TROUBLESHOOTING tab.  
  3. Click the TEMPLATE option in the ACTIONS panel. On clicking, the Template selection, a popover window will appear
  4. Select and apply any Rule by selecting the radio button and click SUBMIT.
  5. Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS Panel. 

    Figure: Incident Rule Change History

To view the no. of tickets a Rule has been applied, perform the following steps:  


  1. Navigate to Incident > Configuration > Others > Rule > Select the Tenant, to land on the Rule list page.
    In the List page, the last column Usage provides the no. of tickets a Rule has been applied to.  

    Figure: Incident Rule Usage Statistics